Historically speaking, how have advances in technology affected society and criminal activity? What new kinds of crimes have technology advances made possible? Distinguish between new types of crimes produced by advancing technology and new ways of committing “old crimes” that have been facilitated by emerging technologies.
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Effects of Technological Advancements
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New technology and innovations today have become essential in each aspect
of life, advances made in science and technology including robotics genetics,
artificial intelligence, biotechnology, computing, and neuroscience sound have the
ability of transforming the world for the better and creating mass abundance, they
also lead to the ignition of changes in the community which affect people’s
communication, profitability, learning, and interaction. However, these emerging
technologies also have a darker side when it comes to criminal activity in the
society, this is because criminals are highly active and innovative thus having the
ability to adopt these emerging technologies early enough. Even before mobile
phones and beepers became used commonly by the public, drug dealers and gang
members had known how to use them (Goodman, 2012). Criminals today know
how to build their radio communication networks that are encrypted such as the
nationwide system that was developed in Mexico for use by narco cartels
(Goodman, 2012). Through technology, the world has become increasingly open;
this may lead to negative consequences. For instance, the 2008 terrorist assault that
took place in Mumbai, India, involves perpetrators who were armed with
explosives, hand grenades, and AK-47s (Go...