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TU TVI WMS VU DUM VIT LIVIT PU. wmur A. Introduction of Iron working roduction of Islam 2 of 5 roduction of centralized government 0. The wyo Empire was a good example of a/an A. Associational monarchy B. Pyramidal monarchy 1 C. Autonomous village system 7. Two of the following women were queens in precolonial Africa. Which one was not? A. Queen Nzinga B. Queen Amina C. Queen Mwana Kupona 8. Which of the following women's military group existed in precolonial Dahomey? A. The Sisters B. The Mau Mau C. The Amazons 9. Many former freedom fighters were not included in the newly independent government in Kenya in 1963. Why? A. They did not have formal education B. They were forgotten in the colonial camps C. They were disillusioned by the oath which they took during the fight for freedom 10. Which president promoted Socialism in newly independent Tanzania? A. Jomo Kenyatta B. Julius Nyerere C. Mengistu Haile Mariam 11. Why do many scholars make the mistake of suggesting that precolonial Africa had no states? A. Because their analysis of states is based on the control of territory. B. Because precolonial African states were not diverse. C. None of the above. 12. Which group ended the Rwanda genocide in 1994? A. Rwanda Interahamwe Front B. Rwanda Patriotic Front C. French Army 13. In pre-colonial Rwanda, the labels “Tutsi” and “Hutu” described a person's A. Ethnicity B. Social class C. Race 2 14. Why is Africa portrayed negatively in the western media? A. Because bad stories make good news. B. Because of colonial mentality, that is, “we” versus “them” whether it is consciously or unconsciously. C. All of the above. 15. What is/are the danger(s) of a single story according to Chimamanda Adichie? A. It creates stereotypes. B. It robs people of their dignity. C. All of the above. 16. Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is A. a vegetation zone. B. a meteorological phenomenon. C. buoyant heated air. 17. is the top producer of petroleum in Africa. A. Guinea. B. Nigeria. C. Guinea Bissau. 18. What is the name given to the natural process which separated the continents? A. Continental drift B. Rapids and falls C. Carriers and barriers 19. Why did Britain, formerly the leading slave trading nation, abolish the slave trade in 1807? A. The moral and political success of a 20-year campaign by abolitionists. B. The need to maintain stability and the required labor of Africans in the continent to produce the raw materials needed for industrial development. C. To strengthen its naval supremacy in the Atlantic and affirm its role as a superpower. 20. was not colonized. A. Ethiopia B. Tanzania C. South Africa 21. had a classical segmented political system in precolonial Africa. A. The Shilluk of Sudan B. The Somali of Somalia C. The Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania 3 4 30. Which of the following is true about African capitalistic countries? A. Exalt rural peasantry as the cornerstone of development efforts B. Favor progressive farmers C. Promote social equality 22. The city of Timbuktu was a famous A. musical center. B. learning center. C. agricultural center. 23. The Mediterranean type of climate is found A. at the tips of the continent. B. across the equator. C. to the north and south of the equator. 24. Which goods were sent to West Africa from North Africa during Trans-Saharan trade? A. Gold, ivory, leather goods, ostrich feathers and kola nuts. B. Cowry shells, weapons, copper, glassware and decorative beads. C. Copper, pepper, clothes, salt, gold and sugar. 25. How did pre-colonial Africa contribute to the development of European capitalism? A. Pre-colonial Africa served as a market for European goods B. Europeans exploited Africa's labor and resources. C. All the above. 26. Which of the following was a socioeconomic impact of colonialism in Africa? A. Division of African nations among several states. B. Creation of closed economies. C. Destruction of traditional checks and balances. 27. When was the second wave of independence in Africa? A. 1960s. B. 1950s. C. 1970s. 28. Which of the following was an Islamic influence in Africa? A. Introduction of the clock. B. Introduction of a new political map of Africa. C. Creation of the Suez Canal. 29. The breakdown of ethnic compacts may lead to A. The launching of secessionist movements B. The emergence of guerrilla insurgencies C. Both A and B. 4 Part A: Please choose the best answer. (30 points) 1. How does the African continent compare with other parts of the world? A. Africa is the largest continent in the world. B. Africa is the second largest continent in the world. C. Africa is the third largest continent in the world. 2. How did Dedan Kimathi, the leader of the Land Freedom Army in Kenya die? A. He was poisoned by the European settlers. B. He was killed by his fellow fighters for betraying them. C. He was executed by the European settlers. 3. The control of precolonial states' territories was a challenge because A. land was plenty. B. population was high. C. All of the above. 4. The process of continental drift seems not to be over in Africa because of the presence of A. The rift valley in Eastern Africa B. The Gambia river in West Africa C. Lake Malawi in Southern Africa 5. The following were some effects of Bantu Migration except one. Which one? A. Introduction of Iron working B. Introduction of Islam C. Introduction of centralized government 6. The Oyo Empire was a good example of a/an A. Associational monarchy B. Pyramidal monarchy 1
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