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The jewelry trends and design during the Victorian era were set by Queen Victoria, who
ruled the British Empire and the United Kingdom for over 60 years, between 1837 and 1901. The
Victorian era in jewelry is therefore considered to be the jewelry that was designed period
between this reign of Queen Victoria, who is greatly significant in the history of jewelry. The
Victorian era is also marked by various socio-economic changes which were also significant in
the jewelry design changes that occurred during this era. Following the great industrial
revolution, the economy of the middle-class citizens of Britain increased which largely enhanced
industries for consumer goods, including jewelry. The common people and the middle class
possess a higher purchasing power and could afford to buy jewelry as a result. With more money
to spend, the public looked upon the queen for fashion, jewelry design, and etiquette, which
marked the birth of the Victorian era in the history of jewelry.i This aim of this paper is to
research on the differences in jewelry design during the Victorian era, from the pre-existing
periods before. This will be achieved through a discussion of the various periods within the
Victorian era, to compare the differences and see the transitions that occurred in jewelry design
during this era.
The Romantic Period
The Victorian era in estate jewelry is divided into three different eras; which include the
romantic period (early Victorian), the grand (mid-Victorian), and the aesthetic period (late
Victorian). Each of the periods marked a new jewelry trend in style, but the style transition was
not stern. In most trends, the hybrid designs of jewelry included some or the entire elements of
another period. The three Victorian periods had different influences and rules which directly


changed the style and design of jewelry worn by women in Britain and even America. The
romantic period was entirely about love and marriage. It was an era of joy, positive growth and a
new beginning for Queen Victoria, because she married Prince Albert, and gave birth to nine
children. The romantic era, marked by the family achieve...

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