Agenda Unit 4 assignment

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Business Finance


Your first task is to post a detailed outline of your Unit 5 IP to the discussion area so that other students will be able to review your work. Attach your document to your main discussion post, and include any notes that you feel are appropriate in the post. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve the quality of your Key Assignment. Use the below information for your future assignment to complete the agenda .

APA format 400 words

Unit 5 IP

You have just been hired by (your selected company) as its new vice president of strategic planning. The corporation’s performance in recent years as well as the changes with business and economic conditions will be a central focus of your new job.

Given the size of the corporation and the fact that it is in a highly competitive industry, the chief executive officer (CEO) to whom you report has already given you permission to hire a staff of recent Master of Business Administration (MBA) graduates to assist you in your efforts. You recently completed the interviewing and hired four people with minimal real business experience.

In coming months, you and your team will be creating a completely new—and, presumably, more effective—strategic plan. You plan to begin by holding a kick-off meeting with your team.

To feel confident that all of the employees in your strategic planning team understand all that you have taught them, you require each to prepare a streamlined version of the key elements of a strategic plan. You require each employee to prepare the following sections of a strategic plan for the corporation's next 3-5 years:

  • Introduction
  • Mission and Vision Statements (Simply copying from an existing real company is unacceptable.)
  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound (SMART) Goals and Objectives
  • Industry Analysis
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and Trends (SWOTT) Analysis
  • A Perceptual Map
    • Choose any criteria that you think are important to plot.
    • Explain why you picked the criteria.

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Explanation & Answer

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Unit 5 IP Business Analysis
by Hal 030518-06

Submission date: 03-May-2018 11:52AM (UT C-0400)
Submission ID: 958316509
File name: Unit_5_IP_outline.docx (63.73K)
Word count: 522
Character count: 3113

Unit 5 IP Business Analysis Outline









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