Management for Organizations

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Business Finance

ashford university


Provide any additional information or examples that you are aware of that may contribute to your classmates’ analyses. Challenge your peers by asking a question that may cause them to add additional information about their responses in the initial response.

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Running head: LEGAL ASPECTS OF STAFFING Legal Aspects of Staffing Student Name Instructor Name Course Title Date 1 2 LEGAL ASPECTS OF STAFFING 1. Legal Aspects of Staffing Employment at Will and Staffing The Employment at Will allows the employer to dismiss the employee only for cause. It ensures that the employer can terminate the employee at any time for any reason except those reasons which are illegal (Dau-Schmidt, Finkin & Covington, 2016). The employment contract will often explain to the employee whether one is an At Will employee and this will occur during the hiring process or after one has accepted the job. Employment at Will affect the attitude of the employee concerning the job as well as the willingness of the employee to accept the particular job position. Unemployment Insurance and the Hiring Process Unemployment insurance is often available to workers who become unemployed in matters beyond their reach. The unemployment insurance will often be calculated against the unemployment history of an individual for the year prior to unemployment insurance claiming (Marinescu, 2017). During the hiring process it is important to ensure that the selected candidate meets various criteria. The employee hiring process will be affected by the unemployment insurance and this may affect terms and conditions of the employment contract. 2. Bias in Performance Appraisal Managers will often commit errors in hiring processes and especially so when evaluating the employees for work processes. One major bias which will occur is the first impression bias based on certain characteristics that have been seen. Another bias can be seen through the qualities or features and traits of the employee (DeNisi & Smith, 2017). Bias can also be based 3 LEGAL ASPECTS OF STAFFING on negative aspects or features which are perceived concerning the employee and these may affect how the employer views the employee. These biases in performance appraisal are based on the perception of the employer concerning the employee based on various characteristics. Fair evaluation of employees is critical to the well-being of the organization and it will build the employee confidence. Biases and judgement errors of various kinds will often spoil the process of performance appraisal. It will therefore be necessary to develop strategies of avoiding these biases at all levels. Multiple Measurement Systems can be a complex task and this may invite coping reactions that are based on bias. The biases may manifest across the individualist or collectivist work culture and may lead to different outcomes in the performance appraisal process. It is therefore necessary to develop mechanisms for limiting the possibility of bias. Bias will have negative effects on the organization and should be dealt with. 4 LEGAL ASPECTS OF STAFFING References Dau-Schmidt, K. G., Finkin, M., & Covington, R. (2016). Legal protection for the individual employee. West Academic. DeNisi, A., & Smith, C. E. (2014). Performance appraisal, performance management, and firmlevel performance: A review, a proposed model, and new directions for future research. The Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 127-179.Doi: 10.1080/19416520.2014.873178 Marinescu, I. (2017). The general equilibrium impacts of unemployment insurance: Evidence from a large online job board. Journal of Public Economics, 150, 14-29.Doi: 10.1016/j.jpubeco.2017.02.012
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