Advanced Structural Analysis Question

User Generated




Here is one question of indeterminate frame. you could use any of castigliano theorem, Slope Deflection, or Moment distribution method to solve for the reaction and draw the shear and bending moment diagram. Please make sure the answer be clear hand writing and here is attached also the sulotion from staad pro. after getting the reaction you could check it with staad pro.

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1) a) Draw the shear and Bending moment diagram of the following frame. b) Find the vertical deflection at B. 1.2 kips per lineal foot 7=1201 9 C B 1 = 108 6' 6 30k 30k 9' I = 81 12 D 2 = 48.323 Y = 42.529 = 0.000 MX = FREE MY = FREE MZ = FREE X = 48.323 Y = 35.471 R = 0.000 MX = 0.000 MY = 0.000 MZ = -221.808 10.720 Max 213.096 213.096 0.268 Max: 32.560 32.560 4.356 Max: -221.808 25.029 2.11 35.471 35.471 9.371 48.323 -24.529 48.323 48.323
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