Week 5 - Assignment: Select an Appropriate Research Design for a Proposed Study
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This week, you will begin thinking carefully about a possible research methodology (qualitative or quantitative research) and design to examine and address an educational research problem. Once you have made that methodology selection, you will move a step deeper to situate the proposed study appropriately by selecting a specific quantitative design or qualitative design, sometimes called a qualitative tradition or genre. You will also be required to provide a clear rationale and justification for all your choices.
Use the following prompts to develop an essay:
Given your research problem, purpose, and questions that you have developed over the past weeks, what study methodology will be most appropriate for your proposed study? Explain and justify your choice of either a quantitative or qualitative methodology. Be sure to support your argument for the proposed study methodology with appropriate scholarly sources. (1 paragraph)
Describe and explain the key features of the methodology you have selected (qualitative or quantitative). (1-2 paragraphs)
Address the following: If you are using a qualitative methodology, explain how the four elements of trustworthiness will be addressed. If you choose a quantitative methodology, explain how you plan to ensure that validity and reliability will be supported. (1-2 paragraphs)
Justify your choice of methodology. Explain why your methodology choice is best suited for your proposed study, and how this choice aligns with the purpose and research questions that you have created to accomplish the study goals. Include a rationalization why another methodology would not be appropriate. (1 paragraph)
Explain your choice of a specific quantitative design or qualitative tradition or genre (i.e., design). Make sure that you consider all reasons for this choice. Be sure to support your argument for the proposed study design with appropriate scholarly sources.
Describe and explain the key features of the design you have selected. (1-2 paragraphs)
Justify your choice of design. Explain why your design choice is optimal for your proposed study, and how this choice aligns with the purpose and research questions that you have created to accomplish the study goals.
Explain one or two other possible design options with reasons why these designs would not be as good a fit for your proposed study as the option you have selected. (1 paragraph)
Provide a closing statement in 1-2 paragraphs that explains how the proposed study, based on the research methodology and design you have selected, may inform educational practice. This portion of the assignment feeds into the study’s significance, which will be refined more fully in the final two weeks of the course. Remember to incorporate your professor’s Week 2 feedback where you explained the need for your study and made a case for exploring the research problem.
In this assignment, less is not more! While your writing must be focused and concise, details are important and necessary so that your descriptions are not vague or insubstantial. Keep in mind that if any other researcher were to consider replicating your study, they would need to have a very clear understanding of your choice regarding research design considerations!
Throughout your discussion, as you explain your proposed research methodology and design, be sure to include references to appropriate scholarly literature. In addition to secondary sources, refer to seminal authors and primary sources as necessary.
To address each component of this assignment, be sure to structure your essay clearly using appropriate headings and subheadings. Review the APA publication manual for guidance on headings.
Explanation & Answer
The Research Design
Department: University
Course Code: Course Unit
The Research Design
The Study Methodology
As for the early intervention programs involving family-centered intervention
approaches, the qualitative research methodology was chosen since it would give a deep
understanding of the perception, experiences, and standpoint of the families as they undergo the
program processes. Qualitative methods including interviews and focus groups will be utilized to
gather the experiences of families as they go through the intervention process with an account of
the complex problems and triumphs they meet (Marshall et al., 2020). Employing this
methodology will also facilitate exploring the complex interactions among family dynamics,
cultural issues, and environmental factors that determine the efficacy of family-centered
Essentially, the qualitative research strategy will help the researcher obtain personalized
data revealing the family dynamics that determine how the family members function and respond
to the intervention processes. These discoveries provide the basis for the adaptation of familyfocused interventions that can be operationalized based on the diversity of family needs. It also
enables children with developmental disabilities and delays to improve their well-being.
The Key Features of the Methodology
The qualitative research method is an advantage in making individual-oriented findings
because it is naturalistic and inductive (Kyngäs, 2020). Firstly, it serves as the basis for an
analysis of the real-world circumstances within which phenomena under study occur. Therefore,
researchers get the chance to appreciate the complexities of human actions, behaviors, and
perspectives. Methods like in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and participant
observation will enable the researcher to enter into the everyday lives of those who are a part of
the target research population. This way, they are able to create an environment that facilitates
the observation of multifaceted factors, which are crucial to the study subject. Besides,
qualitative research is based on inductive logic where concepts and frameworks are not
determined a priori but are the outcome of a study (Haydam & Steenkamp, 2020). The
application of this method helps the researcher in uncovering unexpected themes, patterns, and
How The Four Elements Of Trustworthiness Will Be Addressed
The basis of trustworthiness in qualitative research lies in addressing four equally
important elements that are credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.
Credibility will be maintained by prolonged involvement with participants, observation,
triangulation of data sources, and member checking to ensure accurate representation ...