Geopolitical Affairs Questions

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POL 100 Final Exam—Due Date: May 9, 2018@11:59 PM via Canvas Total – 100 points Part I: Middle East (total 20 points) From the YouTube video “Israeli Settlements Explained” 1. What are the settlements on the West Bank? Why does the international community view them as illegal? Why is it considered an impediment to a peace agreement? How many people live in the settlements? Why do so many people live in the settlements? Howe does Israel entice them to settle there? How much land is used for the settlements? (5 points) 2. In the settlements what law applies to the Israel settlers and what law governs the Palestinians living there? Explain the difference. ( 5 points) From the YouTube videos “”The Wall? Israel’s response to Palestinian terror” and “Israel’s Wall: Security or Apartheid?” 1. Compare and contrast the Israeli and Palestinian view of the wall built to separate Israel and the Palestine in the West Bank. After reviewing the videos—is it a “security fence” or an “apartheid wall?” (10 points) From the video “Geopolitical Analysis 2017: Africa” (5 points each) (50 points) Answer the following questions—one or two sentences required: (3 points each—30 total) 1. What are the major challenges faced by Nigeria, according to this video? 2. Describe the progress made by President Buhari even though he faces those challenges? 3. Where does Boko Haram operate and what has been the consequences of this group? 4. In Mali, what could the failure of a peace agreement mean to that country? 5. In South Sudan, what has been the result of the fighting so far? 6. In Ethiopia, what are the grievances of the opposition to the government? 7. What progress has been made in Somalia and why is it considered the success story in Africa? 8. What role does the African Union play in Ethiopia? 9. What are the major issues in Zimbabwe? How much support does Robert Mugabe have in the country? 10. What are the major issues in South Africa today? Is it losing its position as a leading power in Africa? Part Three: East Asia, South Asia, Australia (30 points) 1. For 10 points describe the challenges in South Asia faced by India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. 2. What geopolitical changes are forecasted for East Asia in 2017? In two sentences each describe the challenges in China, Philippines, Japan and South Korea. How could these nations work together against North Korea? (10 points) 3. In the analysis of Australia, what are the modern geopolitical challenges of Australia and New Zealand? (10 points)
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