Writing 102 Portfolio Project Assignment Sheet

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Directions: For the Final Project, students will create a writing portfolio that showcases the different writing types and allows students to demonstrate an understanding of and evaluate the writings in order to show the highest level of cognitive ability regarding written communication. For grading criteria, refer to the assessment rubrics included in the sidebar of the course module. Submit your completed assignment when finished. Students should save and submit all documents in one file—do not submit four different files for each document. Use the following directions to successfully complete the project

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Writing 102 Portfolio Project Assignment Sheet Directions: For the Final Project, students will create a writing portfolio that showcases the different writing types and allows students to demonstrate an understanding of and evaluate the writings in order to show the highest level of cognitive ability regarding written communication. For grading criteria, refer to the assessment rubrics included in the sidebar of the course module. Submit your completed assignment when finished. Students should save and submit all documents in one file—do not submit four different files for each document. Use the following directions to successfully complete the project: Part I: The Writings (25 points each—75 points total) 1. Students will write one “mini-essay” to represent each essay type: Narrative, Expository, and Persuasive (three “mini-essays” total) 2. Each “mini-essay” must have an introductory paragraph, one body paragraph (minimum), and one conclusion paragraph—make sure to remember the elements required for all paragraphs according to each essay type 3. Each “mini-essay” will be a minimum of 1.5 pages in length 4. Either the persuasive essay or the expository essay must include at least two cited sources as evidence (students may choose to use other types of evidence, such as personal experience, in one essay) 5. Students needs to write all essays with separate MLA headings and titles (one after the other on a document), so students should only submit all essays as one file (not four separate files) Prompts: Students will choose from the following prompts a. Narrative Essay Prompts: • What was your best vacation? • What is your favorite memory? b. Expository Essay Prompts: • Explain why learning to read is important. • Inform the public on the need for people to eat healthy and exercise. c. Persuasive Essay Prompts: • Overall, is war a good choice or a bad choice? • Should the drinking age be lowered? Part II: The Annotation (25 points) 1. Students will choose to annotate either the expository or persuasive essay (if you have not looked at the sample essays in the course, please do so because they provide examples of annotations) 2. Make notes (annotations) regarding the elements of the particular essay genre that you adhere to in order to fulfill the requirements of that particular essay genre 3. Students should use the “Comment” tool in order to perform the annotations, or students can print the essays, write annotations, and scan the annotated essay before submitting Example: Comment on the structure of the thesis and how writing the thesis a particular way adheres to the elements of a certain essay genre **Make sure to be thorough regarding annotations in order to receive full credit** Reminders: Proofreading Checklist—look for the following errors when proofreading • Spelling errors • Comma, Semi-Colon, and Colon errors • MLA format errors • Fragment and Run-On errors • Apostrophe errors Remember the following requirements while polishing the final project: • Introduction • Paragraph form • Proper thesis statement • Topic sentences that relate to the thesis statement • On topic development and transitions • Evidence that supports claims • Integrated evidence • Correct in-text citations • Analysis of evidence that does not summarize • Conclusion sentences for each body paragraph • Conclusion paragraph that does not summarize • Proper Works Cited page Submit the completed assignment when finished.
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