PSY1010 Columbia Southern Unit III Marijuana Drug Debate Discussion Paper

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Columbia Southern University


According to Wade and Tavris, drug abuse can have devastating consequences in our society; however, disagreements exist for classifications of certain drugs. In fact, many states in the United States, along with the District of Columbia, have approved medicinal marijuana. Further, residents in Colorado, Oregon, Alaska, and Washington have legalized the usage of marijuana for recreational purposes in populations 21 and over. On the flip side of this controversial coin, the remaining states in America have various laws that punish pot usage; these consequences can be as slight as a few years in prison or as severe as a felony conviction. Consequently, in some states, individuals convicted of possession can no longer receive governmental assistance such as welfare or food stamps; even convicted murderers and rapists still have access to these resources. What are your thoughts? How should we view marijuana usage? Does chronic use of this substance really create behavioral issues? Does creating harsh punishments solve the issue?

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The Marijuana Debate
Marijuana is the most sought after illicit drug in the United States. Recent
studies have shown the drug is used by close to 17 million young people between the
ages of 18 to 25 in the United States. These statistics show the growing cultural trend
associated with the drug. This trend is associated with the great debate surrounding the
drug; whether the drug is good or bad. The drug is continuously seen as a symbol of pop
culture and an avenue for activism, further propagating the debate surrounding the drug,
and, using the drug. The drug is also a factor of politics, as many states in the United
States use the drug as political tools to further an agenda....

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