Answer five questions

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1. " At the heart of economic policy must be the recognition that the emission of greenhouse gases is a market failure." Please explain.

2. Why would it be grossly imprudent to act on the assumption that the science is wrong in predicting even if the probability of it being right were fairly low?

3. Are environmental causes a TROJAN HORSE? or a diversion of attention from more pressing issues like poverty and redistribution of wealth?

4. Why should we want prices to be at the heart of policy?

5. What are the key elements of a global deal?

Minimum: 3 pages

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Explanation & Answer

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Questions and Answers
Emission of greenhouse gases is a market failure due to the following reasons. Foremost,
the gases lead to pollution of the air and water thus leading to the shortage of rains. Due to lack
of storms, there is less production of agricultural products, therefore, a high level of living
standards to the citizens. The gases lead to high temperatures thus making the working
conditions to be hostile to the people. Once, the temperatures are too high it discourages
investors from different regions to invest in that area. Emission of the gases causes acidic rains
which lead to the collision of metallic and iron sheets thus resulting to more damages and losses
to people and companies. Nevertheless, the vapors cause disorders thus affecting the current
generation that would lead to better growth of the economy and ready market.
Global warming is as a result of emission of greenhouses gases thus raising the atmosphere on
earth, and the sun rays are reflected directly back to the sun therefore high temperatures. Once,
there is an increase in the sea level there is a reduction of dry ...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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