Workbook & Charting Exercises

User Generated



BIB 523

Colorado Christian University


In Chapter 8 of your workbook (begins on page 89), please answer questions 1, 3, 4, and 6. Also, complete the chart on pages 96-98. Type your answers and submit them as a Word document.

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Explanation & Answer


1. Define and give an example of your own making of each of the following features of poetry:
Assonance: Assonance is a geometric form of poetry that involves repeating vowel sounds heard
next to each other. An example is "The Rain in Spain: Drizzle Stops on the Plan."
Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of the sound of the beginning letters (consonant sounds)
in adjacent words. Example: Unless "Peter Piper" is employing non-standard techniques of pepper
harvesting, the sentence makes no sense mathematically or agriculturally in any language.
Wordplay: Wordplay is a technique for using words in an unexpected or punning manner, mainly
for humor or comedy. Example: "Photographic memory of hers was remarkable but was never
targeted neither in her psychology nor others."
Word repetition is a writing technique that involves repeating the same word or phrase repeatedly
to intensify the message or provide the poem with an effect. For example, "And it poured, and it
blew, and people... wooden-like, inside their homes."
Onomatopoeia: Onomatopoeia comes from imitation; it is the articulation of words that resemble
the sound they convey. Example: "The bee hummed around the beautiful flowers." Attention
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3. Explain and give examples of why/how three factors work together to display parallelism fully.
a) Rhythm: Repeated stressed and unstressed syllables create a rhythmic meter of music on the
b) Repetition: Repeating words, sounds, and rhythm makes the verse reflexive.
c) Semantic relationship: Parallel lines symbolize associated ideas or disparities that thwart one
another, forming a meaningful connection.

4. Explain how each of the following types of parallelism works:4. Explain how each of the
following types of parallelism works:
Contrast (A + B): In a contrast type, the topic is introduced in the first line, whereas the contrast
of the first line occurs in the second one. Example: “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall have no
want”. PSALM 23:1.
Subordination (A > B): The second observation represents such a case, a continuation or
development of the first observation. Example: "Seen and unseen" (Cornhill Magazine), "the
heavens," the sky, "declare" and proclaim "the matchless," and handiwork of God.
Continuation (A < B): here is the ...

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