Leadership Assessment

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Resource: Leadership Assessments found on Internet

Open your web browser and search for either "Leadership Legacy Assessment Test" or "Disc Personality Test."

Complete one of these free online tests. Note: The online test should be free so if you encounter a site that charges a fee for the test please continue searching for a site that offers a free test.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary in which you articulate elements of leadership using the following criteria:

  • Examine your individual, essential elements of leadership and management.
  • Differentiate between leadership and management roles, and provide specific examples from the text, literature, or personal example.

Cite at least one peer-reviewed source in addition to the course text (be certain to include the web link for your test in your citations).

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Explanation & Answer

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Leadership Assessment



Leadership Assessment

Leadership involves the process which a person supports and assists other people in
accomplishing a task. It is a skill that entails how an organization or individual is able to lead
others. Leadership is crucial in organizations for the team to move forward in achieving their
goals. A leadership test from the website revealed my personal leadership characteristics based
on scores from the answered questions. The test illustrated people mover, creative builder, and
an experienced guide as the characteristics of leadership. Others are ambassadors, truth-seeker,
and advocacy. The characteristics gave detailed descriptions of my leadership style.
The first leadership element involved the role of an ambassador. Here, the test revealed a
score of 11 out of 25. A leader with this element is able to use his instincts to handle several
situations elegantly. Leaders with this trait know how to diffuse the horrible situations that may
occur in an organization. They have that capability to stand and involve themselves in ensuring
the state diffuses. Additionally, le...

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