revision for my personal financial plan paper

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I upload the revision file, which is after I read through the whole paper, and I find some part I don't understand. And I need more details on my paper. I look through the paper you wrote for my friend, his is really good, a lot of details, comprehensive problems and detailed solutions, I really like his conclusion and the graph.

Please help me to write a paper better than his! Otherwise I will get lower final grade than him. TAT

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1. You suggested that let her kid go to public school instead of private school. Which I don’t think a mom will give up a private school, she wants her kid have better education right? And she even saving money for her kid go to university. Maybe you can add more solutions, like still stay in private school but she can stop hiring tutors for his kid? 2. On page 5, you said: I recommend you close the close your savings account on Fidelity Bank and invest that money on high returns stock in NSE and on long-term government bonds which are rarely affected by inflation. Government bonds can be easily floated as compared to other bonds (Kahn & Jain, 2005). …. The expenses saved can be used to purchase a second policy for your child's college education. Can you explain the red words? 3. For the strategic assets, can you add something about managing the risk by hedging with gold (Gold Exchange Trade Funds), treasure bill, and SPY index? SPY is important, because our professor mentioned that he suggested us to buy SPY index, because it is very safe, if you hold like more than 30 years, you will have benefit from that. (Maybe you can go through the PPT for ch1, it might be help?) 4. On the end of page 9, you said “education policy”, can you explain more about what is that? I don’t know why a policy need to pay, is that a way of insurance? 5. On page 11, can you add more details to explain your suggestion? You need to increase your rate of returns by about 3% which raises your growth rate to 7%. I reviewed your working assets which projected an increase in income by $66, 843 annually which translates to $2,357,634 (how to translate? is that about current value and future value?) which will be enough to fill the gap. Point to note is that, this option opens your investments to high risk. You can also keep some of your savings in a high-interest fixed deposit box at Sun Trust Bank. (can you change another bank? Like Bank of America or some big banks?) Please add more solutions with more details.
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