tableau excel project analysis MUST KNOW HOW TO USE TABLEU AND EXCEL

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Business Finance


PART 1 ( I have already completed part 1 please see the attached documents) ONLY COMPLETE PART 2 AND 3


  • Background information and industry overview outside of the given dataset. Find some industry trends (in dollar terms and growth rates, preferably for 2005-2007, but more recent trends can still help us understand what is going on in your chosen category), distribution channels, and typical products in the category.
  • Industry overview with data: what do the data tell us?
    • Total sales by year; by channel, by year and channel; what do you see?
    • Total sales by month and check seasonality;-overlay the years.
    • Total sales by month and by channel. –overlay the years;
    • Add Price (recall: price=dollars/quantity) to a b c as an addition chart in the same sheet.
    • Label the Top 5 companies and “others”(right click companyID and create “group”). Compare their sales and price – you may choose multiple levels of comparison.
    • Channel analysis: how does this industry use the three channels? – high/low price channels? How do consumers behave differently across channels? Channel price? Channel loyalty of (good) customers?
  • Complete the industry analysis and background information exploration. The charts (of our data) include:
  • Bar charts and year by year trend lines on: Total sales; Channel sales; Pricing profile;
  • Seasonality of the above;
  • Show the top 5 firms and ‘Others’ to see industry concentration. Plot the total sales and avg price; show how these firms used channels in different ways. Contrast these with industry trend.
  • You should create ~20 sheets in Tableau, and try to form a story around what you have observed.
  • Based on what you see so far, what are some strategic questions you can ask to these data, and can explore further?
  • What information do you need in order to answer each question?
  • PART 2
  • First of all, update your strategic questions and list them at the beginning of your file.
  • This week we will do customer analysis, to dig further into the firms' customer movements.
  • Using the first year data, label each of the top companies' (top3 or top5) best and worse group of customers, and see how they move over time and across companies/channels.
  • Write a one page summary of what you see from the above analysis. Use your tableau images to support your points.
  • comment on how different company’s customers show different patterns of movements.
  • We will add zipcode level information to the transaction dataset (use Excel vlookup, and data from Files -> info3by zipSimple.xlsx). You will now for each household ID, know their zipcode level median income.
  • Describe consumer profiles for your chosen companies, and find out how their customer bases are different.
  • Write a one page summary of what you see from the above analysis. Link your discussion to what you have already found out about those companies. Insert Tableau images to support your points.
  • (Among the company ID we only need to focus on company 153, 861 and 963. So you need to separate these companies from the data set. Then focus on each company at a time. For each company separate date 2005. Do a pivot table. Find Mcode ( rfm analysis) by separating each company’s customer into three groups : high, medium and low customer. Customers are noted as Hh_id in the excel file. Once this is done for each company, use V lookup function to see if the customers were retained in 2006 and 2007.)


Project final report/presentation: The final deliverables are a PowerPoint presentation that will be submitted to me and presented in class, and a written project report. Each team should also submit a technical appendix with supporting Statistical outputs (you have the freedom to choose any software).

Below I have given more detailed description of what are expected in your presentation and project report.


The presentation covers the same contents as the final research report, and should be around 30 minutes long

Presentation power point should include the following

1) Introduction and industry background. What is the current profile of the industry? What was going on in this industry in our sample periods?

2) For the top 5 leading firms in this category, do they show similar sales pattern in terms of seasonality? In terms of their channel uses? In terms of their pricing patterns?

3)How do these firms compete? Comment about their channel uses, their pricing strategies, their consumer profile, and their consumer movements. If you choose one of the top five companies as your client, how would you suggest they do moving forward?

4) Support all your recommendations with evidence from the data. You may combine such insight with marketing theories.

Project Report

Each group will be required to submit a typed research report at the completion of the project. There is no formal requirement on the length of the paper. However it is recommended that the final project report should not exceed 8 single-spaced typed pages excluding exhibits. The report should contain the following:

1)Title page

2)Table of contents

3)Executive summary: This provides a summary of research report, including introduction, results, conclusions, and recommendations.

4)Introduction:This section should describe the purpose and background of your project. It should tell why the questions you have sought to answer are important and meaningful to the firm, and provide any background material relevant to the project.

5)Method:The procedures you used should be described in this section. This would include a description and justification of analysis you choose to do for your project.

6)Results:This section should contain the results of data analysis.The results of the data analysis should be clearly and concisely presented in the body of the paper in charts and tables.It is important to make sure you organize your results in a logic sequence and present them clearly by explaining your findings from the data, and how such findings are useful to your chosen client.

7)Conclusion: This is the final section of the paper and should show a summary of how the research findings have answered the questions you initially posed.This section should include the implications of your findings for management and your recommendations based on the results.Also, any limitations or weaknesses of your study and how these may have affected your results should be explained.Directions for further research may also be included if appropriate.

8)Appendices:It may include references and any supporting information not contained in the body of the paper that are relevant to understanding the results.

Grading will be based on quality of end project.

  • How well did the group understand the firm and the business problem?
  • The relevance and quality of the metrics used. A variety of metrics that measure issues crucial to the firm is good. Ten slightly different measures of the same thing are not good.
  • The depth and insightfulness of the discussion of the strategic implications.
  • The thoroughness of the analysis.
  • Format, flow, and readability of the final project report.


checkpoint 1 and checkpoint 2 is PART 1

Case42 Mens_Accessories is the main data to use

Info3zipsimple is used later on

mens footwear is an example of how the charts should look.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Group 6 Sara Gaudar Ani Levonyan Project Checkpoint II 1. Total sales The following chart indicates the total sales over the three year period. From the chart it is clear the highest sales were experienced on the year 2006 with a record high total sale of $17, 841,127. The second highest sale over the same year period was on 2007 with total sales of $15,188,288. The lowest sale was experienced in 2005 with the sales being $10,780,184. Channel Sales Pricing profile This will be categorized based on the Company_id and the amount being paid for the product and against the channel used to sell the product. From this, we can be able to tell that Channel C appears to have being experiencing the highest price changes over the years while Channel O had and almost even price change in products over the years. Based on Seasonality: Our case, seasonality will have to be measured based on looking at which months that has the highest pricing and total sales over each of the three years and according to the moths and this will tell us when there was seasonal buying withing the years. From the above, we can notice that in 2005, the was an increase in sales over the last two months of the months with November and December recording high sales and an drastic change in products pricing. In 2006, this seasonal change was sharply increase in sales was experienced in June. In 2007, it appears when there was an increase in pricing, there was a decrease in the total sales within those months and vice versa. 2. Show the top 5 firms and ‘Others’ to see industry concentration. Plot the total sales and avg price; show how these firms used channels in different ways. Contrast these with industry trend. Total sales over the 3 year period: From the following we can be able to tell that the company with ID 153 had the total sales over the three year period with the sales grossing to $2021100 The company with ID 861 was the second when it came to the total number of sale with $1734845 The company that had the highest order on a specific product was company_id 861 with a sale of $7081 The second highest order sale was from company ID 153 with a sale of $6737 The third highest sale order was a product from company 756 with a sale of $1750 The fourth highest order sale was from company ID 688 with a sale of 1680 This was then followed by a sale of $1650 from company ID 278 and marking the fifth highest sale on a sale order Channel with the highest order sale From the following chart we will analyze the channel that had the highest order sale over the three year period. This can help a competitor to determine or set different price range across various channels when trying to introduce a new product in the market. From the above chart we can note that channel C appears to have had the highest order same of the three channels with 2 of it’s highest order sale being from company ID 153 and a sale of 6737 The second highest of the same channel was from company_ID 861 with sale of 7081 On Channel I, the two highest sales were from company 153 with a sale order of $ 3146 The second highest sale was from Company ID 278 and a total sale of $1650 The third channel had its two highest sale orders were from company 195 with $900 The second highest order sale was from a product by company ID 759 and with $480 Price and Total sales change per month From the above, we can be able to note that the totals tended to suffer over the Christmas period since that’s when most products’ prices tended to be highly priced. However, this trend can’t be said to have applied all year(s) long since the total sales over July dipped despite the low product pricing Quaterly price changes per Price and per total sales changes In 2005, 2006 and 2007, it can be said that the highest sales was mostly influenced by the high product pricing over various quarters as most consumers were undeterred by the same. However, during the same year, the total sales appear to have sharply dipped over the third quarter even despite the low prices during the same period. Also, the year 2006, appears to have experienced erratic product prices and this can be mostly due to producers trying to familiarize themselves with the market trend Totals sales per channel across the various months and years From the above, the month of December and November 2005 appears to have had the highest jump in total prices also affecting the total sale. The 2006, the total sales highest sale was experienced in June and this was mostly attributed to the low pricing during the same month. This also applied with the highest sake in 2007 which was on August also experienced low pricing during the same period. Total Prices by Month and by Channel From the above, it can be noted that the Channel C tends to have a high total prices when compared with the other channels. This might point that Channel C was the most frequented channel and probably the best channel that producers would prefer rather than channel O which had low price change margins over the three year period. Sum Prices and total sales per company From the above, it appears company 153 and 879 has had the highest sum prices over the three year period with company 153 raking in the most profits off all the companies by grossing over $20,725,069. Company 623 also appears to have been the least favored by high price sums as this seems to have affected most of their sales. Total sales per quarter over the three year period From the above it appears the highest profitable quarter in 2005 was quarter 4 with total sales of $3,992,970. In 2006 and 2007, the total highest sales were experienced during quarter 2 and quarter 3 respectively. Quarterly quantity, price and total sales across each years The above indicates the trends of how pricing affected the quantity of good purchased and its eventual effect on the quarterly sales over the 3 year period. Channel analysis: how does this industry use the three channels? One cannot fail but notice that there has been a steady development for the channel I at the two sales and costs. This development is a marker of client devotion to the brand and also consumer loyalty. Channel C in the vicinity of 2005 and 2007 has not been consistent. Figure 8 demonstrates that 2006 has had a more significant number of sales and higher prices than 2005 and 2006. This may recommend that clients have changed to channel I. Channel O, as we have watched before in our investigation, has seen the two its sales and prices always diminish every year. As prices have diminishes we could have expected higher sales, nonetheless, this outcomes may demonstrate that clients are not steadfast and are not delicate to value changes. Top 5 companies Sales and prices by the companies unmistakably show a positive connection amongst's cost and sales. Organizations that have the most astounding cost likewise have the most outstanding sales and Company_ID with the least prices have most minimal sales. Total Sales By Year and month The above indicates the months that had the highest sales within each of the 3 years. In 2005 the month that had the highest total sales was November with $1, 1851,795. 2006’s best month was June with total sales of $4,080,866 and the best month in 2007 was August with sales mounting to $2,944,877 Total Sales By Year and month and per channel The above chart analyzes how each channel’s total sales fared per month. From this chart it is quite clear that Channel O has always been underperforming when compared to the other channels and this could point to low consumer traffic. This market could be best suited for consumers who have a keen eye for a bargain rather than the other channels. Group 6 Sarah Gaudar Ani Levonyan Project Check Point I: 1. Background information and industry overview outside of the given dataset. Find some industry trends, distribution channels, and typical products in the category. Men’s fashion industry has been significantly growing these last years. Companies specializing in men’s fashion and accessories has also increased in number. The men’s accessories area in fashion is the most growing and researched. According to the the article “the booming men’s accessories market”, this growth is due to electronics innovations. “Men want to carry something equally as stylish and effective”. We have therefore seen unlimited fashion accessories such as cellphones cases, laptop covers, tablet cases and charging purses being sold. However, other accessories such as jewelries, belts, scarfs and sunglasses have also increased because of the high demand. a. Industry overview with data: what do the data tell us? Total sales by year; by channel, by year and channel; what do you see? Figure 2: Total sales by year Figure 1: Total sales by channel Group 6 Sarah Gaudar Ani Levonyan Figure 3: Total Sales by year and by channel Our observations from figure 2 indicate that the the total sales were higher in 2006. However, from figure 1 we have also noticed that sales channel C has the highest sales, followed by channel I and channel O which has the lowest sales. Figure 3 on the other hand indicates that the sales for channel I has been growing from 2005 to 2006 while channel O has been in a constant sales decrease. Channel C, has been having the highest sales from 2005 to 2006 compared to other channel but it sales in 2006 where the highest. In 2007 sales decreased. b. Total sales by month and check seasonality;-overlay the years. Figure 4 “Total sales by months” clearly indicates that December has the highest sales during the three consecutive years which can be explained by the Christmas season. Sales starts increasing during autumn and decrease significantly starting January. Each year we have notice a slight increase in spring with a pick in May. We have also noticed that the lowest pick during the three consecutives years was during the month of July. Group 6 Sarah Gaudar Ani Levonyan Figure 4: Total sales by months c. Total sales by month and by channel. –overlay the years; Figure 5: Total Sales by month and by channel Figure 5 “Total Sales by month and by channel” confirms our previous comment on figure 4. Sales are increasing during Christmas for the three channels, however, channel O sales in December where mostly noticeable in 2005. The sales for channel O in 2006 and 2006 are not as Group 6 Sarah Gaudar Ani Levonyan significant as they are for channel I and C. This confirms our comments figure 3 in which we claimed that the sales for channel O has have been decreasing since 2005. d. Add Price (recall: price=dollars/quantity) to a b c as an addition chart in the same sheet. Figure A: Total sales by year and channel according to price changes. In Figure A, we have have compared sales by year and by channel to prices. We have concluded that as price increases, sales increases as well within each channel. However, when price decreases sales decreases as well. This last comment was particularly visible for channel O. Group 6 Sarah Gaudar Ani Levonyan Figure B: Total sales by months according to price. In figure B, we have compared sales by month to prices along from 2005 to 2007. We have notice a correlation. Prices follows the sales trends, in other words prices are high during high sales season while prices decrease during low sales season. Figure C: Total Sales by month and by channel according to price. Group 6 Sarah Gaudar Ani Levonyan In Figure C, we have compared total sales by month and by channel to prices. Our observations indicate that for each channel, the sales and prices are correlated. The three channels have price increases during high season sales as well as price decreases during low season sales. The results are particularly noticeable for channel C and I. However, channel O which has much lower sales does not respond to high pick season sales as well as channel I and C. It prices and sales are slightly affected. e. Label the Top 5 companies and “others” (right click companyID and create “group”). Compare their sales and price – you may choose multiple levels of comparison. Figure 6: Sales by top 5 companies. Figure 7: Sales and price by company Group 6 Sarah Gaudar Ani Levonyan Figure 7 “Sales and price by company”, when compared to figure 6 “Sales by top 5 companies” clearly indicates a positive correlation between price and sales. Companies that have the highest price also have the highest sales and companies with the lowest prices have lowest sales. f. Channel analysis: how does this industry use the three channels? – high/low price channels? How do consumers behave differently across channels? Channel price? Channel loyalty of (good) customers? Figure 8: Channel Analysis In Figure 8, “Channel Analysis” we have observed a stable growth for channel I for both sales and prices. This growth is an indicator of customer loyalty to the brand as well as customer satisfaction. Group 6 Sarah Gaudar Ani Levonyan Channel C between 2005 and 2007 has not been constant. Figure 8 indicates that 2006 has had more sales and higher prices than 2005 and 2006. This might suggest that customer have switched to channel I. Channel O, as we have observed earlier in our analysis, has seen both its sales and prices decrease constantly each year. As prices have decreases we could have expected higher sales, however, this results might indicate that customers are not loyal and are not sensitive to price changes. Group 6 Sarah Gaudar Ani Levonyan Citation Elavia, Serena. “The Booming Men's Accessories Market.” Fox Business, Fox Business, 5 Jan. 2016, City Cty Name Name State Zip Zip Code Number of Households MedianIncome2006 MeanIncome2006 EUGENE LANE EUGENE OR 97401 EUGENE (97401) 19,636 35,363.48 51,785.85 WEST POINTKING WILLIAM WEST POINTVA 23181 WEST POINT (23181) 2,050 54,618.21 67,513.34 ROSEBURG DOUGLAS ROSEBURG OR 97470 ROSEBURG (97470) 9,025 37,930.64 50,813.43 FORT KENT AROOSTOOK FORT KENT ME 4743 FORT KENT (04743) 1,905 38,732.08 48,454.02 ALEXANDRIA RAPIDES ALEXANDRIALA 71301 ALEXANDRIA (71301) 8,504 33,640.56 54,929.06 TILLAMOOKTILLAMOOKTILLAMOOK OR 97141 TILLAMOOK (97141) 5,255 38,897.52 52,290.85 FERNANDINA NASSAU BEACH FERNANDINA FLBEACH 32034 FERNANDINA BEACH 13,116(32034) 56,569.33 74,029.43 SWEET HOME LINN SWEET HOME OR 97386 SWEET HOME (97386) 5,405 44,809.32 53,857.74 GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN SC 29440 GEORGETOWN 10,943 (29440) 35,792.05 47,251.01 ASTORIA CLATSOP ASTORIA OR 97103 ASTORIA (97103)7,213 36,786.03 45,750.35 WINNFIELDWINN WINNFIELD LA 71483 WINNFIELD (71483) 3,554 31,196.51 41,993.48 DERIDDER BEAUREGARD DERIDDER LA 70634 DERIDDER (70634) 10,190 42,964.06 56,078.35 COQUILLE COOS COQUILLE OR 97423 COQUILLE (97423) 2,829 36,977.11 51,427.64 PHILADELPHIA NESHOBA PHILADELPHIA MS 39350 PHILADELPHIA (39350) 8,950 33,759.64 47,512.96 CANYONVILLE DOUGLAS CANYONVILLE OR 97417 CANYONVILLE (97417) 863 34,454.24 42,807.66 HERMITAGEBRADLEY HERMITAGEAR 71647 HERMITAGE (71647) 767 26,444.12 44,558.21 LONGVIEW COWLITZ LONGVIEW WA 98632 LONGVIEW (98632) 19,896 46,266.95 56,576.36 WARREN BRADLEY WARREN AR 71671 WARREN (71671)3,486 32,506.89 45,932.38 COOS BAY COOS COOS BAY OR 97420 COOS BAY (97420) 11,450 36,764.30 47,760.72 GRANTS PASS JOSEPHINE GRANTS PASS OR 97527 GRANTS PASS (97527) 13,792 41,371.83 53,688.69 BROOKHAVEN LINCOLN BROOKHAVEN MS 39601 BROOKHAVEN (39601) 8,864 36,835.81 53,667.49 LINCOLN PENOBSCOTLINCOLN ME 4457 LINCOLN (04457)2,501 32,548.15 41,370.96 KELSO COWLITZ KELSO WA 98626 KELSO (98626) 9,483 45,287.60 55,389.77 COSMOPOLIS GRAYS HARBOR COSMOPOLIS WA 98537 COSMOPOLIS (98537) 539 41,782.58 52,842.41 WARRENTON CLATSOP WARRENTON OR 97146 WARRENTON (97146) 2,740 43,789.42 55,373.18 ANDERSONSHASTA ANDERSON CA 96007 ANDERSON (96007) 9,093 41,127.68 50,888.07 BRANFORDSUWANNEEBRANFORD FL 32008 BRANFORD (32008) 2,139 36,553.71 47,367.62 HARTSVILLEDARLINGTON HARTSVILLE SC 29550 HARTSVILLE (29550) 12,225 40,984.21 54,307.94 PHILOMATHBENTON PHILOMATHOR 97370 PHILOMATH (97370) 3,515 59,950.95 71,221.98 CHEHALIS LEWIS CHEHALIS WA 98532 CHEHALIS (98532) 8,571 50,479.94 59,826.41 SPRINGFIELD LANE SPRINGFIELDOR 97478 SPRINGFIELD (97478) 13,989 45,421.34 54,448.48 SAINT MARIES BENEWAH SAINT MARIES ID 83861 SAINT MARIES (83861) 2,791 38,795.07 46,662.54 ASHLAND AROOSTOOK ASHLAND ME 4732 ASHLAND (04732) 662 35,848.68 45,576.38 JACKMAN SOMERSET JACKMAN ME 4945 JACKMAN (04945)632 3,737.64 4,225.54 CUTHBERT RANDOLPHCUTHBERT GA 39840 CUTHBERT (39840) 2,121 26,803.36 47,074.58 HILLIARD NASSAU HILLIARD FL 32046 HILLIARD (32046)3,539 49,169.26 59,863.06 HAMBURG ASHLEY HAMBURG AR 71646 HAMBURG (71646) 2,541 35,791.57 47,606.12 PERRY TAYLOR PERRY FL 32347 PERRY (32347) 3,134 40,194.11 55,039.44 RAYMOND PACIFIC RAYMOND WA 98577 RAYMOND (98577) 2,745 38,140.44 50,276.10 RAINIER COLUMBIA RAINIER OR 97048 RAINIER (97048)2,915 44,627.79 51,823.93 PORT ANGELES CLALLAM PORT ANGELES WA 98362 PORT ANGELES 10,098 (98362) 44,158.44 52,553.71 FOLKSTON CHARLTON FOLKSTON GA 31537 FOLKSTON (31537) 2,897 40,941.05 48,613.63 FORKS CLALLAM FORKS WA 98331 FORKS (98331) 2,063 44,772.50 51,344.73 LINCOLNTON LINCOLN LINCOLNTONGA 30817 LINCOLNTON (30817) 3,040 22,873.36 27,093.19 LAFAYETTE CHAMBERSLAFAYETTE AL 36862 LAFAYETTE (36862) 2,191 30,883.60 36,016.39 KETCHIKANKETCHIKANKETCHIKAN GATEWAY AK 99901 KETCHIKAN (99901) 5,640 62,506.65 72,490.15 MONTICELLO DREW MONTICELLO AR WALTERBORO COLLETON WALTERBORO SC MERRYVILLEBEAUREGARD MERRYVILLELA FARMERVILLE UNION FARMERVILLE LA ZWOLLE SABINE ZWOLLE LA BREWTON ESCAMBIA BREWTON AL MISSOULA MISSOULA MISSOULA MT ANDREWS GEORGETOWN ANDREWS SC TOLEDO LINCOLN TOLEDO OR OROFINO CLEARWATER OROFINO ID BANGOR PENOBSCOTBANGOR ME PHILLIPS FRANKLIN PHILLIPS ME SPRINGFIELD LANE SPRINGFIELDOR FLORENCE LANE FLORENCE OR EUFAULA BARBOUR EUFAULA AL ROSEBURG DOUGLAS ROSEBURG OR GLENWOODWHEELER GLENWOODGA FORDYCE DALLAS FORDYCE AR DALLAS POLK DALLAS OR LIVINGSTONPOLK LIVINGSTONTX PAMPLICO FLORENCE PAMPLICO SC CASTLE ROCK COWLITZ CASTLE ROCK WA GASBURG BRUNSWICKGASBURG VA KALISPELL FLATHEAD KALISPELL MT POMARIA NEWBERRYPOMARIA SC MYRTLE CREEK DOUGLAS MYRTLE CREEK OR COTTAGE GROVE LANE COTTAGE GROVE OR HOQUIAM GRAYS HARBOR HOQUIAM WA WILLISTON LEVY WILLISTON FL CENTREVILLE BIBB CENTREVILLEAL RICHTON PERRY RICHTON MS EVERSON WHATCOMEVERSON WA MONTESANO GRAYS HARBOR MONTESANO WA SEDRO WOOLLEY SKAGIT SEDRO WOOLLEY WA WILMER MOBILE WILMER AL EDGEFIELD EDGEFIELD EDGEFIELD SC WHITE CITYJACKSON WHITE CITY OR ALAMO WHEELER ALAMO GA SHELTON MASON SHELTON WA PINETOWNBEAUFORT PINETOWN NC BLACKSHEAR PIERCE BLACKSHEARGA ABBEVILLE HENRY ABBEVILLE AL GRAND RONDE POLK GRAND RONDE OR SALINE BIENVILLE SALINE LA DE QUEEN SEVIER DE QUEEN AR ELMA GRAYS HARBOR ELMA WA LAKE PARK LOWNDES LAKE PARK GA 71655 29488 70653 71241 71486 36426 59808 29510 97391 83544 4401 4966 97477 97439 36027 97471 30428 71742 97338 77351 29583 98611 23857 59901 29126 97457 97424 98550 32696 35042 39476 98247 98563 98284 36587 29824 97503 30411 98584 27865 31516 36310 97347 71070 71832 98541 31636 MONTICELLO (71655) 6,002 32,634.50 WALTERBORO (29488) 8,485 30,978.54 MERRYVILLE (70653) 1,289 41,254.55 FARMERVILLE (71241) 3,953 32,288.70 ZWOLLE (71486)1,723 33,548.38 BREWTON (36426) 5,792 31,264.00 MISSOULA (59808) 7,752 51,437.38 ANDREWS (29510) 4,037 22,289.33 TOLEDO (97391)2,170 45,944.17 OROFINO (83544) 2,616 42,678.60 BANGOR (04401) 18,674 44,996.51 PHILLIPS (04966) 684 42,236.80 SPRINGFIELD (97477) 15,672 37,271.11 FLORENCE (97439) 7,116 35,293.64 EUFAULA (36027)5,933 27,105.97 ROSEBURG (97471) 11,479 48,186.92 GLENWOOD (30428) 975 38,692.42 FORDYCE (71742)2,179 26,678.15 DALLAS (97338) 7,978 50,966.91 LIVINGSTON (77351) 10,924 33,637.07 PAMPLICO (29583) 2,178 36,762.18 CASTLE ROCK (98611) 3,581 49,539.26 GASBURG (23857)303 35,399 KALISPELL (59901) 22,431 44,572.66 POMARIA (29126)867 51,768 MYRTLE CREEK (97457) 4,266 38,351.44 COTTAGE GROVE7,075 (97424) 42,752.64 HOQUIAM (98550) 4,660 35,109.25 WILLISTON (32696) 4,601 33,892.60 CENTREVILLE (35042) 2,400 38,786.18 RICHTON (39476)2,648 43,232.42 EVERSON (98247) 3,078 58,302.80 MONTESANO (98563) 3,134 47,898.72 SEDRO WOOLLEY9,787 (98284) 56,507.02 WILMER (36587)3,480 42,985.19 EDGEFIELD (29824) 2,638 32,487.06 WHITE CITY (97503) 3,711 48,672.14 ALAMO (30411) 1,019 31,264.67 SHELTON (98584) 13,687 43,427.33 PINETOWN (27865) 691 45,717.56 BLACKSHEAR (31516) 5,534 39,193.83 ABBEVILLE (36310) 2,712 34,773.09 GRAND RONDE (97347) 793 39,610.57 SALINE (71070) 599 33,906.07 DE QUEEN (71832) 3,661 31,853.17 ELMA (98541) 3,660 43,449.72 LAKE PARK (31636) 3,563 44,755.81 45,878.13 41,344.07 47,548.55 42,271.09 47,368.39 42,753.90 62,891.14 30,486.34 56,072.59 51,547.24 58,451.77 49,488.94 47,062.94 48,200.43 33,951.02 57,892.66 42,208.98 38,803.41 59,441.34 43,785.02 45,585.25 61,556.78 42,787 56,807.97 60,157 46,666.13 51,484.88 49,300.03 46,698.26 49,576.56 49,396.59 64,340.30 54,972.39 63,469.95 54,820.53 45,232.28 58,659.52 36,260.13 53,794.75 54,108.41 48,570.25 44,780.36 51,572.80 45,378.98 39,445.37 52,353.13 56,582.36 BLOUNTSTOWN CALHOUN BLOUNTSTOWN FL LEWISTON NEZ PERCE LEWISTON ID MADISON MADISON MADISON FL RED BLUFF TEHAMA RED BLUFF CA KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH KLAMATH FALLS OR COLUMBIA MARION COLUMBIA MS WALKER LIVINGSTONWALKER LA CATHLAMETWAHKIAKUM CATHLAMETWA WESTLAKE LANE WESTLAKE OR ELIZABETHTOWN BLADEN ELIZABETHTOWN NC COLUMBUSLOWNDES COLUMBUS MS WINN PENOBSCOTWINN ME PIERCE CLEARWATER PIERCE ID OLYMPIA THURSTON OLYMPIA WA WIGGINS STONE WIGGINS MS OSYKA PIKE OSYKA MS RISON CLEVELANDRISON AR BRANTLEY CRENSHAWBRANTLEY AL BONNERS FERRY BOUNDARYBONNERS FERRY ID ARKADELPHIA CLARK ARKADELPHIA AR HOSFORD LIBERTY HOSFORD FL PERRY TAYLOR PERRY FL EVERGREENCONECUH EVERGREENAL KANE MCKEAN KANE PA LEBANON LINN LEBANON OR BOGALUSA WASHINGTON BOGALUSA LA FORSYTH MONROE FORSYTH GA FORT BRAGG MENDOCINO FORT BRAGGCA NEVADA CITY NEVADA NEVADA CITY CA MONROEVILLE MONROE MONROEVILLE AL THOMASVILLE CLARKE THOMASVILLE AL LA GRANDEUNION LA GRANDE OR PANAMA CITY BAY PANAMA CITY FL LITTLEFORKKOOCHICHING LITTLEFORK MN GLENNVILLETATTNALL GLENNVILLEGA AMMA ROANE AMMA WV SNOQUALMIE KING SNOQUALMIE WA ARIEL COWLITZ ARIEL WA GORDONSVILLE ORANGE GORDONSVILLE VA KELLER TARRANT KELLER TX HENRY HENRY HENRY TN ALCOLU CLARENDONALCOLU SC BELLEVILLE MIFFLIN BELLEVILLE PA MIDDLETOWN DAUPHIN MIDDLETOWN PA LUMBERTON ROBESON LUMBERTONNC TUPPER LAKE FRANKLIN TUPPER LAKE NY MASSENA SAINT LAWRENCE MASSENA NY 32424 83501 32340 96080 97601 39429 70785 97493 28337 4495 83546 98501 39577 39657 71665 36009 83805 71923 32348 36401 16735 97355 70427 31029 95437 95959 36460 36784 97850 32409 56653 30427 25005 98065 98603 22942 76248 38231 29001 17004 17057 28358 12986 13662 BLOUNTSTOWN 2,566 (32424)28,076.92 LEWISTON (83501) 14,798 44,428.47 MADISON (32340) 3,508 34,640.91 RED BLUFF (96080) 11,138 38,674.35 KLAMATH FALLS 8,882 (97601)40,019.16 COLUMBIA (39429) 6,225 33,942.42 WALKER (70785)7,582 55,679.23 CATHLAMET (98612) 1,209 WESTLAKE (97493)235 40,234.24 ELIZABETHTOWN4,252 (28337) 30,702.10 COLUMBUS (39704) 271 WINN (04495) 160 37,226 PIERCE (83546) 252 36,232 OLYMPIA (98501) 17,007 67,447.17 WIGGINS (39577)3,682 41,743.31 OSYKA (39657) 888 31,943.86 RISON (71665) 2,353 38,343.57 BRANTLEY (36009)982 34,662.38 BONNERS FERRY2,522 (83805) 35,594.12 ARKADELPHIA (71923) 6,135 33,161.57 HOSFORD (32334)669 PERRY (32348) 3,824 35,483.17 EVERGREEN (36401) 3,228 26,978.59 KANE (16735) 2,634 37,416.90 LEBANON (97355) 11,336 44,814.03 BOGALUSA (70427) 7,861 29,751.98 FORSYTH (31029)5,715 43,625.96 FORT BRAGG (95437) 6,320 40,768.45 NEVADA CITY (95959) 7,650 54,743.21 MONROEVILLE (36460) 4,192 33,388.62 THOMASVILLE (36784) 3,106 31,520.10 LA GRANDE (97850) 6,877 42,948.07 PANAMA CITY (32409) 2,894 44,290.83 LITTLEFORK (56653) 497 48,743.38 GLENNVILLE (30427) 4,595 42,047.54 AMMA (25005) 140 29,435 SNOQUALMIE (98065) 4,675 ######## ARIEL (98603) 323 57,831 GORDONSVILLE (22942) 3,077 51,348.31 KELLER (76248)12,950 ######## HENRY (38231) 659 39,445.48 ALCOLU (29001) 783 2,264.87 BELLEVILLE (17004) 1,726 36,245.87 MIDDLETOWN (17057) 9,026 56,318.54 LUMBERTON (28358) 14,531 31,528.49 TUPPER LAKE (12986) 2,603 47,140.95 MASSENA (13662) 7,003 41,520.88 41,077.46 56,435.95 42,567.80 52,946.91 54,846.33 49,110.16 64,586.94 61,065.02 46,629.86 45,620 50,149 81,205.86 55,419.11 46,368.74 50,929.58 50,768.01 44,712.10 48,389.38 43,730.20 40,451.63 45,144.05 54,059.33 44,408.48 59,903.43 53,023.26 75,379.36 45,587.60 47,714.04 54,702.41 54,939.31 58,696.58 50,091.03 39,552 ######## 66,527 64,467.16 ######## 44,405.21 3,034.31 49,533.39 65,178.83 46,083.80 56,160.45 50,644.46 ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX MA PLAQUEMINE IBERVILLE PLAQUEMINE LA SAN BERNARDINO SAN BERNARDINO SAN BERNARDINO CA KORBEL HUMBOLDTKORBEL CA SCOTIA HUMBOLDTSCOTIA CA DEMOPOLISMARENGO DEMOPOLISAL NEWBERRYNEWBERRYNEWBERRY SC WINDSOR BERTIE WINDSOR NC OLD TOWNPENOBSCOTOLD TOWN ME ALMA BACON ALMA GA AMERICUS SUMTER AMERICUS GA PRINEVILLECROOK PRINEVILLE OR JAMESVILLEMARTIN JAMESVILLE NC THOMASVILLE THOMAS THOMASVILLE GA WALLACE DUPLIN WALLACE NC BANKS WASHINGTON BANKS OR MYRTLE POINT COOS MYRTLE POINT OR SEQUIM CLALLAM SEQUIM WA HOHENWALD LEWIS HOHENWALD TN VERNONIA COLUMBIA VERNONIA OR BROKEN BOW MCCURTAINBROKEN BOW OK ROBELINE NATCHITOCHES ROBELINE LA KEYSVILLE CHARLOTTEKEYSVILLE VA SALEM POLK SALEM OR GRENADA GRENADA GRENADA MS GLADWIN GLADWIN GLADWIN MI GREENSBORO HALE GREENSBORO AL DILLARD DOUGLAS DILLARD OR PRINCETONWASHINGTON PRINCETON ME TOXEY CHOCTAW TOXEY AL OAK HILL JACKSON OAK HILL OH BOONEVILLEPRENTISS BOONEVILLEMS WASHINGTON WILKES WASHINGTON GA NICHOLLS COFFEE NICHOLLS GA JONESBOROJACKSON JONESBOROLA MALVERN HOT SPRINGMALVERN AR SELMA DALLAS SELMA AL SAINT FRANCIS AROOSTOOK SAINT FRANCIS ME SAREPTA WEBSTER SAREPTA LA CROSS CITYDIXIE CROSS CITY FL YEMASSEE HAMPTON YEMASSEE SC LOUISBURGFRANKLIN LOUISBURG NC FULTON ITAWAMBAFULTON MS PARSONSFIELD YORK PARSONSFIELD ME SPRINGFIELD EFFINGHAMSPRINGFIELDGA CAMDEN KERSHAW CAMDEN SC LEESVILLE VERNON LEESVILLE LA 1929 ESSEX (01929) 1,203 76,989 PLAQUEMINE (70765) 342 92408 SAN BERNARDINO 3,600 (92408) 36,345.84 95550 KORBEL (95550) 63 47,472.50 95565 SCOTIA (95565) 422 40,990 36732 DEMOPOLIS (36732) 3,331 35,479.98 29108 NEWBERRY (29108) 7,755 35,001.31 27983 WINDSOR (27983) 3,643 29,777.00 4468 OLD TOWN (04468) 4,282 34,495.04 31510 ALMA (31510) 3,886 33,926.08 31709 AMERICUS (31709) 6,274 35,725.50 97754 PRINEVILLE (97754) 7,629 28,005.62 27846 JAMESVILLE (27846) 1,262 40,422.05 31792 THOMASVILLE (31792) 9,442 35,430.44 28466 WALLACE (28466) 4,250 31,477.20 97106 BANKS (97106) 1,690 76,149.83 97458 MYRTLE POINT (97458) 2,031 36,093.77 98382 SEQUIM (98382) 12,812 46,019.73 38462 HOHENWALD (38462) 4,056 33,709.96 97064 VERNONIA (97064) 1,314 50,838.50 74728 BROKEN BOW (74728) 3,612 29,082.59 71469 ROBELINE (71469) 1,082 42,215.99 23947 KEYSVILLE (23947) 1,783 35,051.82 97304 SALEM (97304)11,679 58,353.89 38901 GRENADA (38901) 7,070 32,591.79 48624 GLADWIN (48624) 6,614 36,919.64 36744 GREENSBORO (36744) 2,969 29,544.78 DILLARD (97432) 0 4668 PRINCETON (04668) 594 38,441.08 36921 TOXEY (36921) 460 36,214.64 45656 OAK HILL (45656)2,578 35,248.69 38829 BOONEVILLE (38829) 7,492 32,513.64 30673 WASHINGTON (30673) 3,107 28,731.84 31554 NICHOLLS (31554) 1,925 29,921.14 71251 JONESBORO (71251) 3,226 43,630.51 72104 MALVERN (72104) 8,801 37,364.25 36701 SELMA (36701) 8,937 33,488.14 4774 SAINT FRANCIS (04774) 445 34,119 71071 SAREPTA (71071) 924 37,288.24 32628 CROSS CITY (32628) 1,675 34,500.80 29945 YEMASSEE (29945) 1,965 25,793.06 27549 LOUISBURG (27549) 9,889 39,418.22 38843 FULTON (38843)4,025 35,740.63 4047 PARSONSFIELD (04047) 768 48,269 31329 SPRINGFIELD (31329) 3,166 55,856.69 29020 CAMDEN (29020)9,787 41,105.88 71446 LEESVILLE (71446) 9,718 34,463.61 104,199 46,192.10 59,061.50 60,605 51,170.96 47,597.95 43,739.24 44,315.58 45,825.12 47,146.12 33,399.52 49,520.96 56,525.47 41,610.82 84,646.91 45,406.04 55,921.35 44,941.47 62,630.50 41,605.00 56,216.96 46,255.32 70,326.87 45,764.07 47,246.31 37,857.80 44,779.95 46,018.34 47,383.23 43,506.28 39,558.45 43,507.48 49,799.44 47,682.53 47,768.83 42,696 45,388.12 42,118.04 31,970.75 51,752.14 47,638.07 52,426 61,907.77 56,556.14 42,597.24 KAMIAH LEWIS KAMIAH ID BEATRICE MONROE BEATRICE AL GLOSTER AMITE GLOSTER MS SUMMERVILLE CHATTOOGA SUMMERVILLE GA PORT ANGELES CLALLAM PORT ANGELES WA NEWTON NEWTON NEWTON TX SOUTH MILLS CAMDEN SOUTH MILLS NC MOUNT OLIVE WAYNE MOUNT OLIVE NC WRIGHTSVILLE JOHNSON WRIGHTSVILLE GA VALDOSTA LOWNDES VALDOSTA GA WHIGHAM GRADY WHIGHAM GA WHITE SWAN YAKIMA WHITE SWAN WA BIGFORK ITASCA BIGFORK MN DEARY LATAH DEARY ID ROBERTA CRAWFORDROBERTA GA MC KENZIE BUTLER MC KENZIE AL SCOTTSVILLE ALBEMARLESCOTTSVILLEVA WOODVILLETYLER WOODVILLETX NORWAY ORANGEBURG NORWAY SC JONESVILLEUNION JONESVILLE SC UNION UNION UNION SC CLATSKANIECOLUMBIA CLATSKANIEOR PARK RAPIDS HUBBARD PARK RAPIDSMN EAST MACHIAS WASHINGTON EAST MACHIAS ME LYONS TOOMBS LYONS GA AMITY CLARK AMITY AR SILAS CHOCTAW SILAS AL GLENWOODKLICKITAT GLENWOODWA LIBBY LINCOLN LIBBY MT RIPLEY TIPPAH RIPLEY MS HOMERVILLE CLINCH HOMERVILLEGA SPARKMANDALLAS SPARKMAN AR CENTER SHELBY CENTER TX FLORENCE LAUDERDALE FLORENCE AL DILLWYN BUCKINGHAM DILLWYN VA FLORENCE FLORENCE FLORENCE SC WADESBORO ANSON WADESBORO NC WAYNESBORO WAYNE WAYNESBORO MS LOUISVILLEJEFFERSON LOUISVILLE GA MONTICELLO JEFFERSON MONTICELLO FL CHEWELAHSTEVENS CHEWELAH WA BLOOMBURG CASS BLOOMBURG TX JACKSON MADISON JACKSON TN SILVERTON MARION SILVERTON OR SHUBUTA CLARKE SHUBUTA MS PATTEN PENOBSCOTPATTEN ME COCHRAN BLECKLEY COCHRAN GA 83536 36425 39638 30747 98363 75966 27976 28365 31096 31601 39897 98952 56628 83823 31078 36456 24590 75979 29113 29353 29379 97016 56470 4630 30436 71921 36919 98619 59923 38663 31634 71763 75935 35633 23936 29501 28170 39367 30434 32344 99109 75556 38305 97381 39360 4765 31014 KAMIAH (83536) 789 32,249.86 BEATRICE (36425) 617 1,442.78 GLOSTER (39638)1,240 27,520.29 SUMMERVILLE (30747) 5,996 33,651.12 PORT ANGELES (98363) 5,549 46,987.22 NEWTON (75966)1,353 27,274.99 SOUTH MILLS (27976) 1,328 61,250 MOUNT OLIVE (28365) 6,340 35,936.39 WRIGHTSVILLE (31096) 2,456 25,265.44 VALDOSTA (31601) 12,364 28,721.66 WHIGHAM (39897) 1,272 34,979.01 WHITE SWAN (98952) 575 52,281.99 BIGFORK (56628) 794 42,061.80 DEARY (83823) 524 54,865.38 ROBERTA (31078) 1,240 25,807.73 MC KENZIE (36456)848 27,128.53 SCOTTSVILLE (24590) 3,145 51,932.34 WOODVILLE (75979) 3,698 36,064.41 NORWAY (29113) 609 35,421 JONESVILLE (29353) 1,665 38,098.84 UNION (29379) 8,057 31,862.90 CLATSKANIE (97016) 2,249 9,195.77 PARK RAPIDS (56470) 4,785 41,122.43 EAST MACHIAS (04630) 551 39,057.77 LYONS (30436) 4,649 32,672.84 AMITY (71921) 1,296 31,904.19 SILAS (36919) 955 39,080.56 GLENWOOD (98619) 195 31,204.93 LIBBY (59923) 4,517 29,660.49 RIPLEY (38663) 4,307 31,303.63 HOMERVILLE (31634) 2,229 3,885.91 SPARKMAN (71763) 736 38,749.80 CENTER (75935) 4,595 33,609.76 FLORENCE (35633) 8,000 42,205.64 DILLWYN (23936)2,159 32,223.19 FLORENCE (29501) 18,361 48,878.30 WADESBORO (28170) 4,418 33,396.26 WAYNESBORO (39367) 5,617 30,208.23 LOUISVILLE (30434) 1,942 30,462.10 MONTICELLO (32344) 4,641 41,285.11 CHEWELAH (99109) 2,162 32,851.73 BLOOMBURG (75556) 753 83,165 JACKSON (38305) 19,233 57,498.10 SILVERTON (97381) 5,584 53,256.62 SHUBUTA (39360) 1,321 28,311.23 PATTEN (04765) 566 33,418.99 COCHRAN (31014) 5,032 33,415.63 41,178.46 1,897.64 36,122.42 41,657.83 59,899.92 37,487.10 75,837 44,943.58 37,413.23 38,210.23 44,131.41 58,381.54 48,854.78 62,642.10 50,953.96 38,625.54 64,425.38 52,152.59 43,030 44,962.86 43,026.23 10,722.61 54,315.75 49,424.34 46,163.18 42,531.04 43,741.88 44,270.95 42,811.58 39,562.26 5,676.11 44,140.43 47,147.87 53,416.09 41,171.43 66,808.92 40,683.98 42,288.67 38,577.56 52,453.66 43,150.06 99,185 74,884.04 63,293.19 40,312.07 45,095.07 48,271.33 GRAY JONES GRAY GA 31032 BAXLEY APPLING BAXLEY GA 31513 BRUNSWICKGLYNN BRUNSWICKGA 31525 FORTUNA HUMBOLDTFORTUNA CA 95540 GREENVILLEBUTLER GREENVILLEAL 36037 BUCKHANNON UPSHUR BUCKHANNON WV 26201 CORVALLIS BENTON CORVALLIS OR 97333 ELKTON DOUGLAS ELKTON OR 97436 PLYMOUTHWASHINGTON PLYMOUTH NC 27962 RIEGELWOOD COLUMBUSRIEGELWOOD NC 28456 MANTON WEXFORD MANTON MI 49663 CAIRO GRADY CAIRO GA 39828 MILTON SANTA ROSA MILTON FL 32570 GURDON CLARK GURDON AR 71743 MAPLESVILLE CHILTON MAPLESVILLE AL 36750 JOAQUIN SHELBY JOAQUIN TX 75954 DEER LODGE POWELL DEER LODGEMT 59722 ROGERS CITY PRESQUE ISLE ROGERS CITYMI 49779 SWAINSBORO EMANUEL SWAINSBORO GA 30401 CAMDEN WILCOX CAMDEN AL 36726 SAVANNAHHARDIN SAVANNAH TN 38372 HEMINGWAY WILLIAMSBURG HEMINGWAY SC 29554 SCIO LINN SCIO OR 97374 DENTON DAVIDSON DENTON NC 27239 ROPER WASHINGTON ROPER NC 27970 ELY SAINT LOUISELY MN 55731 HAUGHTONBOSSIER HAUGHTONLA 71037 JESUP WAYNE JESUP GA 31545 FARGO CLINCH FARGO GA 31631 BELLA VISTASHASTA BELLA VISTACA 96008 CAMDEN OUACHITA CAMDEN AR 71701 MILLPORT LAMAR MILLPORT AL 35576 ASHLAND CLAY ASHLAND AL 36251 GROVE HILLCLARKE GROVE HILL AL 36451 CALVERT WASHINGTON CALVERT AL 36513 STANTON CHILTON STANTON AL 36790 CRANDON FOREST CRANDON WI 54520 KING AND QUEEN KING AND COURT QUEEN KING HOUSE AND QUEEN VA COURT HOUSE 23085 CORRIGAN POLK CORRIGAN TX 75939 LAURENS LAURENS LAURENS SC 29360 WESTMINSTER OCONEE WESTMINSTER SC 29693 ESTILL HAMPTON ESTILL SC 29918 LOUISVILLEWINSTON LOUISVILLE MS 39339 SUMRALL LAMAR SUMRALL MS 39482 JAYESS LAWRENCEJAYESS MS 39641 NORTHOMEKOOCHICHING NORTHOMEMN 56661 OLLA LA SALLE OLLA LA 71465 GRAY (31032) 5,087 52,864.10 62,148.35 BAXLEY (31513) 6,092 36,526.29 46,588.90 BRUNSWICK (31525) 11,409 51,250.46 63,587.40 FORTUNA (95540) 5,827 39,472.35 56,223.29 GREENVILLE (36037) 5,506 31,848.98 41,804.17 BUCKHANNON (26201) 6,676 38,223.18 49,071.45 CORVALLIS (97333) 8,694 43,364.71 55,714.17 ELKTON (97436) 592 45,425.39 54,692.14 PLYMOUTH (27962) 3,105 28,617.18 39,933.50 RIEGELWOOD (28456) 1,424 38,291.82 46,484.73 MANTON (49663) 2,094 10,207.74 12,012.87 CAIRO (39828) 5,922 32,609.78 48,318.44 MILTON (32570) 11,873 46,920.11 54,774.87 GURDON (71743)1,632 33,532.04 41,995.42 MAPLESVILLE (36750) 1,231 39,059.87 51,829.31 JOAQUIN (75954)1,188 33,619.92 47,623.88 DEER LODGE (59722) 1,842 39,868.80 45,058.70 ROGERS CITY (49779) 2,079 29,342.37 35,307.83 SWAINSBORO (30401) 4,988 29,455.03 41,156.62 CAMDEN (36726)1,816 20,161.84 32,692.08 SAVANNAH (38372) 7,066 31,347.81 40,412.56 HEMINGWAY (29554) 3,288 30,041.26 41,898.13 SCIO (97374) 2,049 56,445.78 68,640.63 DENTON (27239)3,443 39,742.50 51,999.41 ROPER (27970) 1,381 33,753.83 45,083.68 ELY (55731) 2,894 39,624.52 51,506.34 HAUGHTON (71037) 7,880 59,248.16 68,268.19 JESUP (31545) 6,123 35,806.03 47,065.30 FARGO (31631) 255 24,146.05 33,867.51 BELLA VISTA (96008) 528 52,607.54 71,457.15 CAMDEN (71701)8,378 31,202.14 41,742.94 MILLPORT (35576) 1,346 28,888.57 40,082.86 ASHLAND (36251) 2,020 34,797.93 42,973.33 GROVE HILL (36451) 1,951 23,368.61 37,894.34 CALVERT (36513) 0 29,362.73 39,502.18 STANTON (36790) 154 38,007 50,704 CRANDON (54520) 1,669 38,563.86 48,589.38 KING AND QUEEN 200 COURT HOUSE 40,550(23085) 50,991 CORRIGAN (75939) 1,394 34,247 41,838 LAURENS (29360)8,236 34,697.07 44,789.97 WESTMINSTER (29693) 5,667 40,140.77 54,830.52 ESTILL (29918) 1,433 36,411.37 44,265.23 LOUISVILLE (39339) 5,687 31,166.35 43,198.74 SUMRALL (39482) 3,860 49,374.54 58,877.61 JAYESS (39641) 1,760 37,350.54 48,222.30 NORTHOME (56661) 347 40,235.83 47,470.88 OLLA (71465) 1,395 3,479.05 4,751.24 MIDDLEBURG CLAY MIDDLEBURG FL BRISTOL LIBERTY BRISTOL FL UNION SPRINGS BULLOCK UNION SPRINGS AL WHATLEY CLARKE WHATLEY AL PINE HILL WILCOX PINE HILL AL LYONS LINN LYONS OR SANFORD LEE SANFORD NC GREENBUSHPENOBSCOTGREENBUSHME DUBACH LINCOLN DUBACH LA NEWPORT PEND OREILLE NEWPORT WA CHESTER CHESTER CHESTER SC PORTLAND MULTNOMAH PORTLAND OR NORTH BEND COOS NORTH BEND OR SUTHERLIN DOUGLAS SUTHERLIN OR GRANTS PASS JOSEPHINE GRANTS PASS OR NEW BERN CRAVEN NEW BERN NC ISHPEMINGMARQUETTE ISHPEMING MI JASPER PICKENS JASPER GA UVALDA MONTGOMERY UVALDA GA NORTHPORTTUSCALOOSA NORTHPORTAL DETROIT LAMAR DETROIT AL SEATTLE KING SEATTLE WA OLYMPIA THURSTON OLYMPIA WA FARMVILLEPRINCE EDWARD FARMVILLE VA BRODNAX BRUNSWICKBRODNAX VA ZAVALLA ANGELINA ZAVALLA TX BLACKDUCKBELTRAMI BLACKDUCKMN GULLIVER SCHOOLCRAFT GULLIVER MI MADISON SOMERSET MADISON ME CAMPTI NATCHITOCHES CAMPTI LA ARCADIA DE SOTO ARCADIA FL EL DORADOUNION EL DORADO AR FAYETTE FAYETTE FAYETTE AL OZARK DALE OZARK AL BREWTON ESCAMBIA BREWTON AL CASTLEBERRY CONECUH CASTLEBERRY AL JASPER JASPER JASPER TX VANCEBORO CRAVEN VANCEBORONC LIBERTY AMITE LIBERTY MS MENA POLK MENA AR MC INTOSHWASHINGTON MC INTOSH AL ELBE PIERCE ELBE WA ONALASKA LEWIS ONALASKA WA BATTLE GROUND CLARK BATTLE GROUND WA AYLETT KING WILLIAM AYLETT VA WAVERLY SUSSEX WAVERLY VA CLEVELANDLIBERTY CLEVELAND TX 32068 32321 36089 36482 36769 97358 27330 4418 71235 99156 29706 97459 97479 97526 28560 49849 30143 30473 35475 35552 98101 98502 23901 23920 75980 56630 4950 71411 34266 71730 35555 36360 36432 75951 28586 39645 71953 36553 98330 98570 98604 23009 23890 77327 MIDDLEBURG (32068) 18,501 52,497.42 BRISTOL (32321)1,722 39,017.30 UNION SPRINGS 3,102 (36089)26,749.48 WHATLEY (36482) 413 21,195 PINE HILL (36769) 910 28,374.30 LYONS (97358) 998 51,464.55 SANFORD (27330) 15,083 46,023.81 GREENBUSH (04418) 704 41,148.18 DUBACH (71235)1,785 47,999.69 NEWPORT (99156) 3,593 33,963.04 CHESTER (29706)7,827 32,831.81 PORTLAND (97258) 0 NORTH BEND (97459) 6,107 41,703.83 SUTHERLIN (97479) 4,138 40,261.30 GRANTS PASS (97526) 14,219 37,487.85 NEW BERN (28560) 12,489 40,542.24 ISHPEMING (49849) 5,204 43,720.36 JASPER (30143) 7,931 52,947.80 UVALDA (30473) 907 34,143.57 NORTHPORT (35475) 5,713 56,082.83 DETROIT (35552) 417 39,091.44 SEATTLE (98101)7,723 37,605.53 OLYMPIA (98502) 13,525 58,029.20 FARMVILLE (23901) 6,147 37,388.86 BRODNAX (23920) 1,369 21,932.52 ZAVALLA (75980)1,247 39,821.12 BLACKDUCK (56630) 714 42,342.73 GULLIVER (49840) 432 MADISON (04950) 2,373 35,270 CAMPTI (71411) 966 29,487.48 ARCADIA (34266)8,752 36,118.36 EL DORADO (71730) 12,084 36,552.01 FAYETTE (35555)3,856 34,740.80 OZARK (36360) 8,794 40,315.45 BREWTON (36427)370 CASTLEBERRY (36432) 1,114 27,942.49 JASPER (75951) 5,697 34,651.78 VANCEBORO (28586) 2,673 37,187.76 LIBERTY (39645)2,051 26,808.41 MENA (71953) 6,077 32,156.61 MC INTOSH (36553) 1,451 28,442.15 ELBE (98330) 53 52,647 ONALASKA (98570) 1,518 44,762.43 BATTLE GROUND 11,610 (98604) 66,854.91 AYLETT (23009) 2,489 73,456.13 WAVERLY (23890) 1,554 15,805.45 CLEVELAND (77327) 7,539 39,326.67 58,284.27 51,176.42 48,532.34 37,913 39,241.66 59,966.74 55,707.14 49,480.33 61,843.86 48,854.05 42,848.85 56,873.05 48,159.96 50,939.47 55,231.46 52,288.47 66,708.70 40,388.91 69,899.96 47,413.45 78,586.98 75,946.44 48,833.00 26,663.17 42,397.27 49,030.72 55,885 40,469.71 46,137.57 48,786.85 44,046.36 52,958.08 39,091.96 46,228.91 46,965.17 41,101.13 41,216.06 39,330.05 62,547 54,638.44 78,811.98 73,760.04 17,673.27 50,663.82 DAYTON LIBERTY DAYTON TX EDGEMOORCHESTER EDGEMOORSC FAIRFAX ALLENDALEFAIRFAX SC ASHLAND JACKSON ASHLAND OR WATSON MCCURTAINWATSON OK CLEVELANDROWAN CLEVELAND NC EDEN ROCKINGHAM EDEN NC EDENTON CHOWAN EDENTON NC GORHAM COOS GORHAM NH PRINCETONMILLE LACSPRINCETON MN MINDEN WEBSTER MINDEN LA WHITE PLAINS GREENE WHITE PLAINS GA WAYCROSSWARE WAYCROSS GA MAYO LAFAYETTE MAYO FL GLENWOODCRENSHAWGLENWOODAL AMELIA COURT AMELIA HOUSEAMELIA COURT VA HOUSE SMITHVILLEMCCURTAINSMITHVILLE OK GOLDEN TISHOMINGO GOLDEN MS BRUCE CALHOUN BRUCE MS MERIDIAN LAUDERDALE MERIDIAN MS HOBOKEN BRANTLEY HOBOKEN GA HECTOR POPE HECTOR AR BRENT BIBB BRENT AL GOODWATER COOSA GOODWATER AL DARRINGTON SNOHOMISH DARRINGTON WA DEMING WHATCOMDEMING WA EATONVILLEPIERCE EATONVILLEWA PROSPERITYNEWBERRYPROSPERITYSC SEASIDE CLATSOP SEASIDE OR CAMAS VALLEY DOUGLAS CAMAS VALLEY OR EAGLE POINT JACKSON EAGLE POINTOR COLEBROOKCOOS COLEBROOKNH EUREKA LINCOLN EUREKA MT BIG FALLS KOOCHICHING BIG FALLS MN DEVILLE RAPIDES DEVILLE LA CAIRO GRADY CAIRO GA PALATKA PUTNAM PALATKA FL SHERIDAN GRANT SHERIDAN AR SWEET WATER MARENGO SWEET WATER AL HUNTINGTON ANGELINA HUNTINGTON TX MOLALLA CLACKAMASMOLALLA OR YAMHILL YAMHILL YAMHILL OR PANTEGO BEAUFORT PANTEGO NC YAZOO CITYYAZOO YAZOO CITY MS PURVIS LAMAR PURVIS MS EFFIE ITASCA EFFIE MN ONAWAY PRESQUE ISLE ONAWAY MI 77535 29712 29827 97520 74963 27013 27288 27932 3581 55371 71055 30678 31501 32066 36034 23002 74957 38847 38915 39301 31542 72843 35034 35072 98241 98244 98328 29127 97138 97416 97524 3576 59917 56627 71328 39827 32177 72150 36782 75949 97038 97148 27860 39194 39475 56639 49765 DAYTON (77535)9,303 54,267.48 EDGEMOOR (29712) 926 44,579.92 FAIRFAX (29827)1,065 24,248.77 ASHLAND (97520) 11,839 43,272.33 WATSON (74963) 327 32,625 CLEVELAND (27013) 2,191 47,523 EDEN (27288) 10,009 35,328.03 EDENTON (27932) 5,162 34,251.26 GORHAM (03581) 1,404 43,217 PRINCETON (55371) 5,947 57,410.22 MINDEN (71055)7,660 37,805.80 WHITE PLAINS (30678) 518 39,037.65 WAYCROSS (31501) 5,407 36,730.99 MAYO (32066) 1,951 24,176.62 GLENWOOD (36034) 251 35,068.12 AMELIA COURT HOUSE 3,989 (23002) 49,365.59 SMITHVILLE (74957) 469 30,100.63 GOLDEN (38847)1,418 34,628.72 BRUCE (38915) 1,696 27,981.21 MERIDIAN (39301) 10,616 28,323.91 HOBOKEN (31542)998 40,709 HECTOR (72843) 918 31,853.93 BRENT (35034) 1,176 33,715.19 GOODWATER (35072) 1,801 33,275.94 DARRINGTON (98241) 896 43,891.19 DEMING (98244)1,108 42,970 EATONVILLE (98328) 3,759 59,019.35 PROSPERITY (29127) 3,597 54,165.21 SEASIDE (97138)5,133 40,302.68 CAMAS VALLEY (97416) 141 48,267 EAGLE POINT (97524) 5,734 51,275.26 COLEBROOK (03576) 1,796 36,884.10 EUREKA (59917)1,785 37,636 BIG FALLS (56627)159 42,198 DEVILLE (71328)2,815 55,715.98 CAIRO (39827) 1,512 30,082.92 PALATKA (32177)9,486 29,934.22 SHERIDAN (72150) 4,914 52,607.67 SWEET WATER (36782) 825 38,693.85 HUNTINGTON (75949) 3,163 40,463.52 MOLALLA (97038) 5,728 53,820.62 YAMHILL (97148)1,183 63,672 PANTEGO (27860)877 38,306.44 YAZOO CITY (39194) 5,731 26,788.13 PURVIS (39475) 5,326 47,987.97 EFFIE (56639) 281 40,776.48 ONAWAY (49765) 1,735 29,359.50 60,574.74 56,330.14 39,301.85 62,640.50 40,953 52,123.25 44,829.52 49,647.83 61,600 63,461.11 47,609.95 49,263.89 47,320.51 29,735.60 44,561.66 60,418.48 39,601.72 46,162.57 35,194.89 43,234.76 50,947 43,583.58 44,034.14 42,508.91 55,297.85 52,675 71,886.79 65,620.26 54,383.36 53,631 58,749.09 47,520.70 45,271 50,140 64,488.51 40,420.89 39,061.38 60,204.72 43,935.13 50,788.36 62,546.04 74,975 44,435.34 38,271.26 58,231.92 47,289.36 36,551.26 STRATTON FRANKLIN STRATTON ME CASTOR BIENVILLE CASTOR LA TAYLOR BIENVILLE TAYLOR LA MARION UNION MARION LA PRIEST RIVER BONNER PRIEST RIVERID MORRIS QUITMAN MORRIS GA JACKSONVILLE DUVAL JACKSONVILLE FL TUSCALOOSA TUSCALOOSA TUSCALOOSA AL ROANOKE RANDOLPHROANOKE AL WHITE SULPHUR GREENBRIER SPRINGS WHITE SULPHUR WV SPRINGS COURTLANDSOUTHAMPTON COURTLANDVA EUGENE LANE EUGENE OR HAMDEN VINTON HAMDEN OH RUTHERFORDTON RUTHERFORD RUTHERFORDTON NC CAIRO GREENE CAIRO NY CENTER CONWAY CARROLL CENTER CONWAY NH CARTHAGE LEAKE CARTHAGE MS CRYSTAL SPRINGS COPIAH CRYSTAL SPRINGS MS QUITMAN CLARKE QUITMAN MS GERMFASK SCHOOLCRAFT GERMFASK MI HAMPDEN PENOBSCOTHAMPDEN ME WYTOPITLOCK AROOSTOOK WYTOPITLOCK ME TRINIDAD HUMBOLDTTRINIDAD CA BEARDEN OUACHITA BEARDEN AR OKOLONA CLARK OKOLONA AR CLANTON CHILTON CLANTON AL PETERSBURG GRANT PETERSBURGWV ENUMCLAWKING ENUMCLAWWA GRANITE FALLS SNOHOMISH GRANITE FALLS WA ETHEL LEWIS ETHEL WA KALAMA COWLITZ KALAMA WA COLVILLE STEVENS COLVILLE WA KETTLE FALLS STEVENS KETTLE FALLS WA GLADSTONENELSON GLADSTONEVA SOUTH BOSTON HALIFAX SOUTH BOSTON VA PARIS HENRY PARIS TN BATESBURGLEXINGTONBATESBURGSC SUMMERVILLE DORCHESTER SUMMERVILLE SC MYRTLE BEACH HORRY MYRTLE BEACH SC LURAY HAMPTON LURAY SC SANDY CLACKAMASSANDY OR GOLD HILL JACKSON GOLD HILL OR BEND DESCHUTESBEND OR HENDERSONVANCE HENDERSONNC HOLLY RIDGE ONSLOW HOLLY RIDGENC STATESVILLEIREDELL STATESVILLENC MISSOULA MISSOULA MISSOULA MT 4982 STRATTON (04982)276 37,237 71016 CASTOR (71016) 755 32,232.85 TAYLOR (71080) 58 71260 MARION (71260)1,300 2,920.85 83856 PRIEST RIVER (83856) 2,372 42,270.21 39867 MORRIS (39867) 318 27,217.83 32234 JACKSONVILLE (32234) 2,643 40,875.60 35405 TUSCALOOSA (35405) 16,755 49,978.42 36274 ROANOKE (36274) 4,502 30,440.00 24986 WHITE SULPHUR2,262 SPRINGS 32,110.70 (24986) 23837 COURTLAND (23837) 1,462 12,270.50 97402 EUGENE (97402) 21,910 40,051.70 45634 HAMDEN (45634) 756 31,989.77 28139 RUTHERFORDTON 7,376 (28139) 39,451.53 12413 CAIRO (12413) 1,168 44,041.83 3813 CENTER CONWAY1,551 (03813) 46,707.70 39051 CARTHAGE (39051) 5,621 34,071.95 39059 CRYSTAL SPRINGS 4,356 (39059) 35,833.40 39355 QUITMAN (39355) 2,693 32,265.84 49836 GERMFASK (49836)314 15,884.51 4444 HAMPDEN (04444) 3,475 80,066.43 4497 WYTOPITLOCK (04497) 233 34,942.35 95570 TRINIDAD (95570) 1,371 40,357 71720 BEARDEN (71720) 986 30,054.53 71962 OKOLONA (71962)309 32,658.82 35045 CLANTON (35045) 5,692 36,746.15 26847 PETERSBURG (26847) 2,273 34,096.90 98022 ENUMCLAW (98022) 8,932 68,314.46 98252 GRANITE FALLS (98252) 3,650 67,096.43 98542 ETHEL (98542) 142 42,800.04 98625 KALAMA (98625)2,403 60,022.65 99114 COLVILLE (99114)5,003 41,025.78 99141 KETTLE FALLS (99141) 2,186 42,733.09 24553 GLADSTONE (24553) 790 44,986.95 24592 SOUTH BOSTON 5,686 (24592)36,335.73 38242 PARIS (38242) 8,491 33,852.56 29006 BATESBURG (29006) 3,776 35,566.82 29483 SUMMERVILLE 25,736 (29483) 52,500.39 29588 MYRTLE BEACH15,953 (29588)44,132.94 29932 LURAY (29932) 166 33,262.59 97055 SANDY (97055) 7,297 61,759.10 97525 GOLD HILL (97525) 2,576 49,711.90 97701 BEND (97701) 26,266 58,076.58 27537 HENDERSON (27537) 8,685 37,310.91 28445 HOLLY RIDGE (28445) 2,706 48,848.99 28677 STATESVILLE (28677) 13,423 38,499.44 59803 MISSOULA (59803) 6,309 61,564.47 42,584 45,030.20 3,829.46 50,191.48 37,385.16 47,132.21 59,701.65 47,195.40 39,171.82 15,398.23 48,550.68 42,055.34 53,371.12 56,898.21 59,877.56 43,381.42 44,638.85 43,228.95 19,109.09 86,767.23 45,330.62 54,098 41,566.00 42,793.76 50,566.41 43,683.94 78,503.35 73,809.32 50,907.53 65,776.45 50,510.91 50,844.89 52,890.99 49,952.53 46,747.35 45,826.27 63,298.17 55,324.82 43,762.93 68,534.84 62,301.05 73,848.59 47,690.30 60,628.52 49,736.58 73,936.19 LUCEDALE GEORGE LUCEDALE MS SANDSTONEPINE SANDSTONEMN LAKE CITY MISSAUKEELAKE CITY MI MARQUETTE MARQUETTE MARQUETTEMI NEWBERRYLUCE NEWBERRY MI SOUTH CHINA KENNEBEC SOUTH CHINA ME LEE PENOBSCOTLEE ME ATHENS SOMERSET ATHENS ME BINGHAM SOMERSET BINGHAM ME MCCALL VALLEY MCCALL ID NAPLES BOUNDARYNAPLES ID WARRENTON WARREN WARRENTON GA WRENS JEFFERSON WRENS GA ELLAVILLE SCHLEY ELLAVILLE GA O BRIEN SUWANNEEO BRIEN FL CHIPLEY WASHINGTON CHIPLEY FL HORNBROOK SISKIYOU HORNBROOKCA FOUNTAIN HILL ASHLEY FOUNTAIN HILL AR CUBA SUMTER CUBA AL CORNELL DELTA CORNELL MI HAZLEHURST JEFF DAVIS HAZLEHURSTGA WAUSAUKEE MARINETTEWAUSAUKEEWI WARRENS MONROE WARRENS WI SPRING VALLEY PIERCE SPRING VALLEY WI DANBURY BURNETT DANBURY WI FAIRDALE RALEIGH FAIRDALE WV DUVALL KING DUVALL WA ROCHESTERTHURSTON ROCHESTER WA WARDEN GRANT WARDEN WA YAKIMA YAKIMA YAKIMA WA HAYMARKETPRINCE WILLIAM HAYMARKETVA TYRO NELSON TYRO VA HALIFAX HALIFAX HALIFAX VA KAMAS SUMMIT KAMAS UT GALLATIN CHEROKEE GALLATIN TX WHITEVILLEHARDEMANWHITEVILLETN SUMMERTON CLARENDONSUMMERTON SC SUMTER SUMTER SUMTER SC FLORENCE FLORENCE FLORENCE SC SEVEN VALLEYS YORK SEVEN VALLEYS PA NEW HOLLAND LANCASTERNEW HOLLAND PA NORTH BEND CLINTON NORTH BEND PA MAUPIN WASCO MAUPIN OR PORTLAND MULTNOMAH PORTLAND OR INDEPENDENCE POLK INDEPENDENCE OR DEXTER LANE DEXTER OR GOLD BEACH CURRY GOLD BEACHOR 39452 55072 49651 49855 49868 4358 4455 4912 4920 83638 83847 30828 30833 31806 32071 32428 96044 71642 36907 49818 31539 54177 54666 54767 54830 25839 98019 98579 98857 98901 20169 22976 24558 84036 75764 38075 29148 29505 17360 17557 17760 97037 97230 97351 97431 97444 LUCEDALE (39452) 10,079 45,924.48 SANDSTONE (55072) 1,361 38,952.66 LAKE CITY (49651) 3,194 39,815.51 MARQUETTE (49855) 13,928 42,432.14 NEWBERRY (49868) 1,708 38,342.14 SOUTH CHINA (04358) 1,735 53,673 LEE (04455) 442 37,226 ATHENS (04912) 486 33,848.28 BINGHAM (04920)618 32,342.72 MCCALL (83638)2,897 50,378.30 NAPLES (83847) 759 32,750 WARRENTON (30828) 1,340 31,984.15 WRENS (30833) 1,506 29,918 ELLAVILLE (31806) 1,465 32,689.17 O BRIEN (32071)1,435 34,047.14 CHIPLEY (32428)5,799 32,126.22 HORNBROOK (96044) 588 32,085.76 FOUNTAIN HILL (71642) 321 35,505.51 CUBA (36907) 660 27,811.31 CORNELL (49818) 422 48,933.55 HAZLEHURST (31539) 5,496 33,278.80 WAUSAUKEE (54177) 1,306 35,112.82 WARRENS (54666)952 44,602.33 SPRING VALLEY (54767) 1,274 56,929.44 DANBURY (54830) 1,338 39,683.68 FAIRDALE (25839) 300 52,328 DUVALL (98019)4,056 99,892.78 ROCHESTER (98579) 4,800 53,448.52 WARDEN (98857)1,272 39,394.03 YAKIMA (98901)9,614 41,213.44 HAYMARKET (20169) 7,737 ######## TYRO (22976) 72 45,417 HALIFAX (24558)2,771 31,152.58 KAMAS (84036) 2,486 50,348.52 GALLATIN (75764)403 40,766 WHITEVILLE (38075) 1,296 30,771.51 SUMMERTON (29148) 2,625 28,224.94 SUMTER (29151) 0 FLORENCE (29505) 10,028 49,247.44 SEVEN VALLEYS (17360) 2,306 64,942.09 NEW HOLLAND (17557) 5,292 52,933.47 NORTH BEND (17760) 168 26,151 MAUPIN (97037) 417 40,083 PORTLAND (97230) 15,259 44,091.02 INDEPENDENCE (97351) 3,324 47,061.68 DEXTER (97431) 943 51,326.74 GOLD BEACH (97444) 2,586 42,820.13 54,321.71 48,073.85 48,941.38 55,321.07 44,892.52 66,846 45,620 40,411.82 40,802.67 65,274.91 46,840 39,194.38 40,090 45,797.95 45,504.05 42,749.10 43,780.08 41,083.67 38,762.83 57,257.47 40,169.79 45,245.50 54,126.92 64,427.24 52,177.34 56,817 ######## 62,494.74 50,293.07 47,803.09 ######## 53,960 44,172.09 55,750.09 49,085 47,205.01 37,572.26 62,284.82 77,744.23 64,708.99 36,036 49,436 55,733.52 56,811.42 61,965.24 45,758.92 REEDSPORTDOUGLAS REEDSPORT OR DELAWAREDELAWAREDELAWARE OH HOLMESVILLE HOLMES HOLMESVILLE OH KILLBUCK HOLMES KILLBUCK OH UNION CITYDARKE UNION CITY OH OTWAY SCIOTO OTWAY OH MOUNT GILEAD MONTGOMERY MOUNT GILEAD NC ELM CITY WILSON ELM CITY NC MARSHVILLE UNION MARSHVILLENC NEW BERN CRAVEN NEW BERN NC ANGELICA ALLEGANY ANGELICA NY VINELAND CUMBERLAND VINELAND NJ HOOKSETT MERRIMACKHOOKSETT NH PONTOTOCPONTOTOCPONTOTOC MS BACKUS CASS BACKUS MN INTERNATIONAL KOOCHICHING FALLS INTERNATIONAL MN FALLS MARCELL ITASCA MARCELL MN CEDAR SPRINGS KENT CEDAR SPRINGS MI IRONS LAKE IRONS MI SAGOLA DICKINSONSAGOLA MI BESSEMER GOGEBIC BESSEMER MI TOWNSENDMIDDLESEXTOWNSENDMA DENMARK OXFORD DENMARK ME BANGOR PENOBSCOTBANGOR ME KINGMAN PENOBSCOTKINGMAN ME WAITE WASHINGTON WAITE ME FRANKLIN HANCOCK FRANKLIN ME BAILEYVILLEWASHINGTON BAILEYVILLEME EUSTIS FRANKLIN EUSTIS ME PITKIN VERNON PITKIN LA HESSMER AVOYELLESHESSMER LA BETTENDORF SCOTT BETTENDORF IA MUSCATINEMUSCATINEMUSCATINEIA GODFREY MADISON GODFREY IL KOOSKIA IDAHO KOOSKIA ID ATHENS CLARKE ATHENS GA CORDELE CRISP CORDELE GA VALDOSTA LOWNDES VALDOSTA GA PRESTON WEBSTER PRESTON GA BLAKELY EARLY BLAKELY GA SPARR MARION SPARR FL SOPCHOPPYWAKULLA SOPCHOPPYFL CHIEFLANDLEVY CHIEFLAND FL NORWALK LOS ANGELES NORWALK CA OXNARD VENTURA OXNARD CA UKIAH MENDOCINO UKIAH CA YUBA CITY SUTTER YUBA CITY CA 97467 43015 44633 44637 45390 45657 27306 27822 28103 14709 8360 3106 38863 56435 56649 56657 49319 49644 49881 49911 1469 4022 4451 4492 4634 4694 4936 70656 71341 52722 52761 62035 83539 30606 31606 31824 39823 90650 93030 95482 95991 REEDSPORT (97467) 2,633 33,577.23 DELAWARE (43015) 19,611 62,755.74 HOLMESVILLE (44633) 762 47,011.07 KILLBUCK (44637) 959 42,107.10 UNION CITY (45390) 1,312 41,805.82 OTWAY (45657) 947 31,426.46 MOUNT GILEAD 2,452 (27306)28,241.17 ELM CITY (27822)2,925 42,091.73 MARSHVILLE (28103) 4,327 47,546.57 NEW BERN (28563) 0 ANGELICA (14709)657 39,411.28 VINELAND (08360) 15,103 49,040.43 HOOKSETT (03106) 4,991 53,663.37 PONTOTOC (38863) 7,125 37,236.08 BACKUS (56435)1,060 39,113.16 INTERNATIONAL 4,065 FALLS (56649) 36,027.41 MARCELL (56657) 173 49,390.40 CEDAR SPRINGS 6,043 (49319)56,207.73 IRONS (49644) 892 3,483.62 SAGOLA (49881) 120 43,424 BESSEMER (49911) 1,215 30,397.14 TOWNSEND (01469) 2,539 78,501.83 DENMARK (04022)491 42,439 BANGOR (04402) 0 KINGMAN (04451)132 28,899.49 WAITE (04492) 79 31,898 FRANKLIN (04634)908 43,549.62 BAILEYVILLE (04694) 928 44,525.17 EUSTIS (04936) 35 37,237 PITKIN (70656) 1,505 40,572.83 HESSMER (71341) 1,186 28,102.98 BETTENDORF (52722) 14,971 73,260.33 MUSCATINE (52761) 12,224 51,745.18 GODFREY (62035) 6,659 54,205.44 KOOSKIA (83539)1,718 35,361.34 ATHENS (30606)17,909 45,829.20 CORDELE (31010) 260 VALDOSTA (31606) 1,550 45,591.53 PRESTON (31824) 719 23,789.12 BLAKELY (39823)3,125 27,401.56 SPARR (32192) 192 SOPCHOPPY (32358) 720 CHIEFLAND (32644) 356 NORWALK (90650) 28,046 61,035.87 OXNARD (93030) 14,580 52,932.30 UKIAH (95482) 11,865 48,088.19 YUBA CITY (95991) 14,095 45,044.59 45,081.73 73,549.17 59,336.27 52,656.99 47,560.42 39,649.32 44,439.76 49,560.99 60,998.54 48,125.02 58,916.73 67,135.08 47,772.55 47,585.41 52,261.23 57,754.79 62,327.74 4,144.46 54,239 43,522.66 85,144.86 55,342 38,278.56 39,776 52,423.04 51,766.58 42,584 49,134.70 43,406.83 89,274.48 60,050.67 68,775.12 51,076.41 67,277.35 53,785.72 37,874.65 43,182.98 69,108.23 66,188.02 59,227.02 56,070.04 REDDING SHASTA REDDING CA PALO CEDRO SHASTA PALO CEDROCA PASKENTA TEHAMA PASKENTA CA TUSCALOOSA TUSCALOOSA TUSCALOOSA AL SHORTERVILLE HENRY SHORTERVILLE AL ANDALUSIACOVINGTONANDALUSIA AL BROOKLYN CONECUH BROOKLYN AL FULTON CLARKE FULTON AL PETERMANMONROE PETERMAN AL NANAFALIAMARENGO NANAFALIA AL SEALE RUSSELL SEALE AL JACHIN CHOCTAW JACHIN AL ARLINGTONSNOHOMISH ARLINGTON WA PROVIDENCE NEW FORGE KENT PROVIDENCEVA FORGE SPENCER VAN BURENSPENCER TN SOCIETY HILL DARLINGTON SOCIETY HILLSC KLAMATH FALLS KLAMATH KLAMATH FALLS OR EAGLETOWN MCCURTAINEAGLETOWNOK LANSE BARAGA LANSE MI SKOWHEGAN SOMERSET SKOWHEGAN ME COUNCIL ADAMS COUNCIL ID OGLETHORPE MACON OGLETHORPE GA FITZGERALDBEN HILL FITZGERALDGA SHILOH HARRIS SHILOH GA KINGSLANDCLEVELANDKINGSLAND AR STAR CITY LINCOLN STAR CITY AR DIERKS HOWARD DIERKS AR FOUKE MILLER FOUKE AR VINA FRANKLIN VINA AL WATERLOOLAUDERDALE WATERLOO AL LINDEN CASS LINDEN TX CASTORLAND LEWIS CASTORLAND NY ORR SAINT LOUISORR MN MILLRY WASHINGTON MILLRY AL KING GEORGE KING GEORGE KING GEORGE VA EBONY BRUNSWICKEBONY VA HILLISTER TYLER HILLISTER TX LAWRENCEBURG LAWRENCELAWRENCEBURG TN LONGS HORRY LONGS SC EARLY BRANCH HAMPTON EARLY BRANCH SC PORT ALLEGANY MCKEAN PORT ALLEGANY PA CRESWELL LANE CRESWELL OR CENTRAL POINT JACKSON CENTRAL POINT OR BOARDMANMORROW BOARDMANOR SMITHFIELDJOHNSTON SMITHFIELDNC OAKBORO STANLY OAKBORO NC ASH BRUNSWICKASH NC 96049 96073 96074 35404 36373 36421 36446 36471 36875 36910 98223 23140 38585 29593 97603 74734 49946 4976 83612 31068 31750 31826 71652 71667 71833 71837 35593 35677 75563 13620 55771 36558 22485 23845 77624 38464 29568 29916 16743 97426 97502 97818 27577 28129 28420 REDDING (96049) 363 28,920 PALO CEDRO (96073) 1,683 58,110.48 PASKENTA (96074) 0 39,713 TUSCALOOSA (35404) 8,782 33,808.88 SHORTERVILLE (36373) 818 36,257.89 ANDALUSIA (36421) 3,623 41,774.69 BROOKLYN (36429) 0 FULTON (36446) 0 40,781 PETERMAN (36471) 552 19,773.35 NANAFALIA (36764)56 SEALE (36875) 2,160 35,590.89 JACHIN (36910) 25 17,768 ARLINGTON (98223) 15,875 65,193.96 PROVIDENCE FORGE 2,102(23140) 62,364.17 SPENCER (38585)1,796 26,698.14 SOCIETY HILL (29593) 912 10,570.44 KLAMATH FALLS12,235 (97603)48,038.37 EAGLETOWN (74734) 620 35,662.76 LANSE (49946) 1,619 41,326.27 SKOWHEGAN (04976) 4,683 32,826.48 COUNCIL (83612) 750 33,828.22 OGLETHORPE (31068) 1,275 33,059.64 FITZGERALD (31750) 7,455 30,450.88 SHILOH (31826) 835 41,901.43 KINGSLAND (71652) 440 34,223.99 STAR CITY (71667) 2,696 36,185.53 DIERKS (71833) 826 38,689.97 FOUKE (71837) 1,525 42,475.18 VINA (35593) 730 40,038.42 WATERLOO (35677) 941 37,643.70 LINDEN (75563) 1,445 35,375.75 CASTORLAND (13620) 1,383 42,526.06 ORR (55771) 837 47,768.64 MILLRY (36558) 1,498 35,039.37 KING GEORGE (22485) 8,907 79,434.97 EBONY (23845) 162 35,399 HILLISTER (77624) 384 36,399.84 LAWRENCEBURG9,188 (38464) 33,622.90 LONGS (29568) 5,142 39,656.80 EARLY BRANCH (29916) 510 37,241.11 PORT ALLEGANY1,670 (16743)40,683.82 CRESWELL (97426) 3,843 48,133.66 CENTRAL POINT10,777 (97502)51,580.34 BOARDMAN (97818) 1,288 44,927 SMITHFIELD (27577) 8,865 44,826.63 OAKBORO (28129) 2,231 48,836.68 ASH (28420) 1,616 33,445.92 37,275 81,161.21 57,800 46,375.83 49,072.23 50,705.27 46,508 24,307.82 46,956.25 32,725 75,131.60 77,357.55 40,813.69 13,296.49 55,465.29 44,455.02 48,663.36 46,178.95 46,664.79 37,945.72 40,790.68 49,143.92 45,277.35 52,406.98 60,224.23 48,582.82 48,954.06 44,391.56 47,747.92 50,843.28 60,471.15 47,467.11 89,172.63 42,787 51,626.13 45,908.26 52,282.63 47,479.10 48,773.23 65,238.48 59,122.31 55,883 56,480.27 56,551.00 50,716.30 ERNUL CRAVEN ERNUL NC JACKSONVILLE ONSLOW JACKSONVILLE NC MILL SPRING POLK MILL SPRINGNC CALHOUN CITY CALHOUN CALHOUN CITY MS LAUREL JONES LAUREL MS RUTH LINCOLN RUTH MS BERNICE UNION BERNICE LA POST FALLSKOOTENAI POST FALLS ID HORTENSE BRANTLEY HORTENSE GA BUENA VISTA MARION BUENA VISTA GA MCKINLEYVILLE HUMBOLDTMCKINLEYVILLE CA NAUVOO WALKER NAUVOO AL HENDERSONRUSK HENDERSONTX QUITMAN JACKSON QUITMAN LA GRAYSON CALDWELL GRAYSON LA PERRY HOUSTON PERRY GA OLYMPIA THURSTON OLYMPIA WA AMHERST AMHERST AMHERST VA STAYTON MARION STAYTON OR HARRELLS SAMPSON HARRELLS NC BURNSVILLEYANCEY BURNSVILLENC CORINTH ALCORN CORINTH MS BOGUE CHITTO LINCOLN BOGUE CHITTO MS FRYEBURG OXFORD FRYEBURG ME MILFORD PENOBSCOTMILFORD ME WEST ENFIELD PENOBSCOTWEST ENFIELD ME NOBLE SABINE NOBLE LA ROME FLOYD ROME GA GREENSBORO GREENE GREENSBORO GA MADISON MORGAN MADISON GA WAYCROSSWARE WAYCROSS GA WILLITS MENDOCINO WILLITS CA JASPER WALKER JASPER AL PIEDMONT CALHOUN PIEDMONT AL CHATOM WASHINGTON CHATOM AL JUNCTION CITY LANE JUNCTION CITY OR ATLANTA WINN ATLANTA LA CARROLLTON PICKENS CARROLLTON AL RHINELANDER ONEIDA RHINELANDER WI LEAVENWORTH CHELAN LEAVENWORTH WA SOUTH HILLMECKLENBURG SOUTH HILL VA BROOKINGSCURRY BROOKINGSOR TROY MONTGOMERY TROY NC DRUMMOND GRANITE DRUMMOND MT UNION NESHOBA UNION MS MONTICELLO LAWRENCEMONTICELLO MS ROXIE FRANKLIN ROXIE MS 28527 28540 28756 38916 39443 39662 71222 83854 31543 31803 95519 35578 75654 71268 71435 31069 98512 24521 97383 28444 28714 38834 39629 4037 4461 4493 71462 30165 30642 30650 31503 95490 35503 36272 36518 97448 71404 35447 54501 98826 23970 97415 27371 59832 39365 39654 39661 ERNUL (28527) 376 35,069.60 JACKSONVILLE (28540) 19,943 43,938.79 MILL SPRING (28756) 1,888 43,877.89 CALHOUN CITY (38916) 1,847 27,661.23 LAUREL (39443) 8,921 39,215.02 RUTH (39662) 558 45,633.13 BERNICE (71222)1,465 32,962.67 POST FALLS (83854) 14,723 47,680.05 HORTENSE (31543) 2,077 37,031.12 BUENA VISTA (31803) 2,092 30,810.74 MCKINLEYVILLE (95519) 7,379 46,400.43 NAUVOO (35578)2,071 33,667.02 HENDERSON (75654) 4,225 45,965.05 QUITMAN (71268) 1,326 44,208.48 GRAYSON (71435) 1,230 35,852.22 PERRY (31069) 7,871 55,310.76 OLYMPIA (98512) 11,947 64,091.65 AMHERST (24521) 4,134 43,060.33 STAYTON (97383)3,713 46,563.06 HARRELLS (28444)892 31,778.86 BURNSVILLE (28714) 6,243 36,850.70 CORINTH (38834) 11,867 32,581.69 BOGUE CHITTO (39629) 2,430 39,999.55 FRYEBURG (04037) 1,494 37,578.38 MILFORD (04461)1,177 45,369 WEST ENFIELD (04493) 669 44,092.48 NOBLE (71462) 686 34,988.45 ROME (30165) 14,599 78,860.44 GREENSBORO (30642) 4,740 48,456.29 MADISON (30650) 4,526 41,920.85 WAYCROSS (31503) 7,859 38,919.83 WILLITS (95490) 5,505 41,558.33 JASPER (35503) 3,028 39,729.66 PIEDMONT (36272) 5,376 36,732.78 CHATOM (36518) 841 42,215.28 JUNCTION CITY (97448) 4,838 46,435.83 ATLANTA (71404) 338 36,750.48 CARROLLTON (35447) 1,529 27,124.37 RHINELANDER (54501) 8,714 46,539.00 LEAVENWORTH (98826) 2,941 47,329.24 SOUTH HILL (23970) 3,188 40,628.04 BROOKINGS (97415) 6,309 39,474.37 TROY (27371) 3,569 38,288.79 DRUMMOND (59832) 419 36,052 UNION (39365) 2,500 34,464.85 MONTICELLO (39654) 1,970 39,413.18 ROXIE (39661) 1,108 29,852.70 47,084.62 53,356.59 49,816.51 36,812.74 50,238.86 57,959.78 43,072.42 58,840.78 48,580.29 40,013.91 59,469.99 41,965.31 66,357.56 49,654.07 45,028.82 65,037.64 74,572.03 54,546.26 65,295.80 54,372.40 43,842.68 43,890.78 49,973.94 47,999.19 47,777 54,348.22 48,573.90 ######## 73,377.81 70,134.67 50,060.67 55,924.69 54,592.13 44,906.56 51,910.44 56,359.40 46,964.95 37,002.99 60,671.22 59,039.44 53,894.02 53,149.64 55,831.62 49,276 45,272.84 51,278.99 44,246.75 ACKERMANCHOCTAW ACKERMAN MS ESCANABA DELTA ESCANABA MI HOULTON AROOSTOOK HOULTON ME COLUMBIA CALDWELL COLUMBIA LA DODSON WINN DODSON LA OAKDALE ALLEN OAKDALE LA MONTICELLO WAYNE MONTICELLO KY POTLATCH LATAH POTLATCH ID WEWAHITCHKA CALHOUN WEWAHITCHKA FL TEXARKANAMILLER TEXARKANAAR BEAVER CLALLAM BEAVER WA BUCKLEY PIERCE BUCKLEY WA CULPEPER CULPEPER CULPEPER VA BUCKINGHAM BUCKINGHAM BUCKINGHAM VA BIG ISLANDBEDFORD BIG ISLAND VA BURKEVILLENEWTON BURKEVILLETX KINGSTREE WILLIAMSBURG KINGSTREE SC WARM SPRINGS JEFFERSON WARM SPRINGS OR STONEVILLEROCKINGHAM STONEVILLENC MACON WARREN MACON NC LITTLETON HALIFAX LITTLETON NC NORTHVILLEFULTON NORTHVILLENY IUKA TISHOMINGO IUKA MS FOREST SCOTT FOREST MS NATCHEZ ADAMS NATCHEZ MS MACON NOXUBEE MACON MS PRESTON KEMPER PRESTON MS SHUQUALAKNOXUBEE SHUQUALAKMS MEADVILLEFRANKLIN MEADVILLE MS BAGLEY CLEARWATER BAGLEY MN KABETOGAMA KOOCHICHING KABETOGAMA MN MANISTEE MANISTEE MANISTEE MI GAYLORD OTSEGO GAYLORD MI WAKEFIELDGOGEBIC WAKEFIELD MI MEDWAY PENOBSCOTMEDWAY ME DEQUINCY CALCASIEU DEQUINCY LA HINESTON RAPIDES HINESTON LA HOLTON RIPLEY HOLTON IN COTTONWOOD IDAHO COTTONWOOD ID SYLVANIA SCREVEN SYLVANIA GA VIDALIA TOOMBS VIDALIA GA LAKELAND LANIER LAKELAND GA LAKE CITY COLUMBIA LAKE CITY FL LAKE BUTLER UNION LAKE BUTLERFL SONORA TUOLUMNESONORA CA MAGNOLIACOLUMBIA MAGNOLIA AR BERRY FAYETTE BERRY AL 39735 49829 4730 71418 71422 71463 42633 83855 32449 71854 98305 98321 22701 23921 24526 75932 29556 97761 27048 27551 27850 12134 38852 39074 39120 39341 39354 39361 39653 56621 56669 49660 49735 49968 4460 70633 71438 47023 83522 30467 30474 31635 32024 32054 95370 71753 35546 ACKERMAN (39735) 1,831 29,395.23 ESCANABA (49829) 7,338 37,098.50 HOULTON (04730) 4,000 33,192.00 COLUMBIA (71418) 2,311 39,833.69 DODSON (71422) 640 32,639.93 OAKDALE (71463) 3,261 33,310.46 MONTICELLO (42633) 7,986 26,135.67 POTLATCH (83855)893 44,010 WEWAHITCHKA (32449) 277 39,034 TEXARKANA (71854) 13,865 39,974.92 BEAVER (98305) 229 45,341 BUCKLEY (98321)5,475 70,489.53 CULPEPER (22701) 12,212 61,256.87 BUCKINGHAM (23921) 871 42,377.35 BIG ISLAND (24526) 633 51,636.30 BURKEVILLE (75932) 672 29,386 KINGSTREE (29556) 4,872 25,266.73 WARM SPRINGS 1,026 (97761)35,501.99 STONEVILLE (27048) 3,249 41,394.56 MACON (27551)1,057 38,319.25 LITTLETON (27850) 3,054 36,353.05 NORTHVILLE (12134) 1,594 47,133.57 IUKA (38852) 4,053 64,195.02 FOREST (39074) 5,486 34,290.12 NATCHEZ (39120) 12,196 27,831.83 MACON (39341)2,712 23,426.16 PRESTON (39354)1,250 29,276.89 SHUQUALAK (39361) 528 22,676.73 MEADVILLE (39653) 824 33,729.36 BAGLEY (56621) 1,816 37,988.25 KABETOGAMA (56669) 183 50,414.43 MANISTEE (49660) 5,646 41,963.70 GAYLORD (49735) 7,667 45,272.75 WAKEFIELD (49968) 1,126 35,788.65 MEDWAY (04460) 658 41,400.84 DEQUINCY (70633) 2,609 40,733.23 HINESTON (71438)614 29,819.31 HOLTON (47023) 541 46,161.23 COTTONWOOD (83522) 726 36,708.38 SYLVANIA (30467) 4,581 32,846.04 VIDALIA (30474)6,204 33,417.66 LAKELAND (31635) 2,254 34,697.32 LAKE CITY (32024) 6,948 43,185.46 LAKE BUTLER (32054) 3,349 38,547.38 SONORA (95370) 11,080 47,396.60 MAGNOLIA (71753) 6,557 37,284.70 BERRY (35546) 1,627 34,704.97 39,226.91 48,480.50 42,343.45 55,418.25 43,272.35 46,451.22 36,992.45 51,255 47,958 49,130.51 51,140 77,842.73 72,377.18 47,188.14 67,108.05 36,729 35,053.43 44,847.73 48,728.84 49,288.14 53,563.81 55,274.57 88,019.14 47,796.83 42,042.59 33,859.44 39,091.42 33,782.80 59,542.99 48,699.19 62,142.06 51,406.50 57,452.35 41,510.53 48,357.45 53,093.62 37,329.74 53,820.69 47,902.76 44,103.91 48,774.84 44,464.35 54,602.82 49,811.38 62,241.56 47,361.70 43,420.91 DOUBLE SPRINGS WINSTON DOUBLE SPRINGS AL 35553 VERNON LAMAR VERNON AL 35592 GEORGIANABUTLER GEORGIANAAL 36033 NEWVILLE HENRY NEWVILLE AL 36353 JACKSON CLARKE JACKSON AL 36545 DIXONS MILLS MARENGO DIXONS MILLS AL 36736 IRON RIVERIRON IRON RIVER MI 49935 ELKINS RANDOLPHELKINS WV 26241 BELLINGHAM WHATCOMBELLINGHAM WA 98226 AMANDA PARK GRAYS HARBOR AMANDA PARK WA 98526 TOUTLE COWLITZ TOUTLE WA 98649 ELLENSBURG KITTITAS ELLENSBURGWA 98926 CHARLOTTECHARLOTTECHARLOTTE COURT HOUSE VA COURT HOUSE 23923 FERRUM FRANKLIN FERRUM VA 24088 LUFKIN ANGELINA LUFKIN TX 75901 APPLE SPRINGS TRINITY APPLE SPRINGS TX BON WIER NEWTON BON WIER TX 75928 DIBOLL ANGELINA DIBOLL TX 75941 EVADALE JASPER EVADALE TX 77615 EHRHARDT BAMBERG EHRHARDT SC 29081 NEESES ORANGEBURG NEESES SC 29107 GREEN POND COLLETON GREEN POND SC 29446 SAINT GEORGE DORCHESTER SAINT GEORGE SC 29477 JACKSON AIKEN JACKSON SC 29831 MODOC MCCORMICK MODOC SC 29838 BLODGETT BENTON BLODGETT OR 97326 WARRENTON WARREN WARRENTON NC 27589 GARLAND SAMPSON GARLAND NC 28441 JACKSONVILLE ONSLOW JACKSONVILLE NC 28546 POLSON LAKE POLSON MT 59860 THOMPSONSANDERS FALLS THOMPSONMT FALLS 59873 KOSCIUSKOATTALA KOSCIUSKO MS 39090 WEST HOLMES WEST MS 39192 BUCKATUNNA WAYNE BUCKATUNNA MS 39322 MC CALL CREEK FRANKLIN MC CALL CREEK MS 39647 SMITHDALEAMITE SMITHDALE MS 39664 COLUMBUSLOWNDES COLUMBUS MS 39702 MANTEE WEBSTER MANTEE MS 39751 STURGIS OKTIBBEHASTURGIS MS 39769 HUGO WASHINGTON HUGO MN 55038 BARNUM CARLTON BARNUM MN 55707 BIRCHDALEKOOCHICHING BIRCHDALE MN 56629 IRONWOODGOGEBIC IRONWOODMI 49938 PELKIE HOUGHTONPELKIE MI 49958 MEXICO OXFORD MEXICO ME 4257 FRENCHBURG MENIFEE FRENCHBURG KY 40322 AILEY MONTGOMERY AILEY GA 30410 DOUBLE SPRINGS1,804 (35553) 35,794.78 42,121.35 VERNON (35592)1,767 35,944.43 55,460.29 GEORGIANA (36033) 1,550 27,647.03 36,186.46 NEWVILLE (36353)743 42,604.59 54,808.40 JACKSON (36545)3,470 30,879.89 52,978.30 DIXONS MILLS (36736) 611 25,833 37,686 IRON RIVER (49935) 2,844 27,513.58 37,265.40 ELKINS (26241) 6,018 37,540.70 48,456.55 BELLINGHAM (98226) 16,671 51,755.83 66,266.27 AMANDA PARK (98526) 118 44,341.24 54,357.93 TOUTLE (98649) 368 45,455 53,583 ELLENSBURG (98926) 12,770 38,431.24 49,888.19 CHARLOTTE COURT973 HOUSE 34,818.65 (23923)46,079.55 FERRUM (24088)1,580 42,010.18 52,961.34 LUFKIN (75901)10,158 40,101.46 55,554.49 APPLE SPRINGS (75926) 511 BON WIER (75928)849 31,557.01 38,758.93 DIBOLL (75941) 2,647 36,653.44 45,285.62 EVADALE (77615) 433 48,412 56,305 EHRHARDT (29081)524 30,988.18 37,697.71 NEESES (29107) 1,233 38,689.79 47,142.37 GREEN POND (29446) 522 37,787.78 59,625.31 SAINT GEORGE (29477) 2,955 31,789.33 43,602.85 JACKSON (29831)1,714 38,755.60 49,512.16 MODOC (29838) 164 41,640.39 56,832.87 BLODGETT (97326)372 60,854.05 71,219.66 WARRENTON (27589) 3,244 29,344.91 39,311.83 GARLAND (28441) 1,323 30,750.83 41,927.50 JACKSONVILLE (28546) 17,312 47,398.21 55,657.45 POLSON (59860)4,136 37,766.65 48,231.55 THOMPSON FALLS 1,338 (59873) 33,322.64 41,802.01 KOSCIUSKO (39090) 5,580 29,239.58 43,489.90 WEST (39192) 617 28,402.48 41,298.22 BUCKATUNNA (39322) 854 40,358.49 46,326.92 MC CALL CREEK (39647) 542 34,612.64 62,715.19 SMITHDALE (39664) 822 31,221.92 48,194.63 COLUMBUS (39702) 8,691 39,652.56 50,815.67 MANTEE (39751) 487 33,563.99 42,298.95 STURGIS (39769) 732 40,571.03 57,724.74 HUGO (55038) 7,581 83,941.44 96,019.01 BARNUM (55707)1,283 50,393.18 58,240.56 BIRCHDALE (56629)22 42,198 50,140 IRONWOOD (49938) 3,491 32,480.09 44,309.57 PELKIE (49958) 415 40,375.67 49,179.94 MEXICO (04257)1,150 33,194 43,931 FRENCHBURG (40322) 1,030 18,601.67 23,054.30 AILEY (30410) 710 36,334.95 45,297.01 COLLINS TATTNALL COLLINS GA GIRARD BURKE GIRARD GA MOUNT VERNON MONTGOMERY MOUNT VERNON GA EASTMAN DODGE EASTMAN GA PEMBROKEBRYAN PEMBROKE GA DENTON JEFF DAVIS DENTON GA BUNNELL FLAGLER BUNNELL FL FLORAHOME PUTNAM FLORAHOMEFL WEWAHITCHKA GULF WEWAHITCHKA FL LOCKESBURG SEVIER LOCKESBURG AR BREMEN CULLMAN BREMEN AL CULLMAN CULLMAN CULLMAN AL HAMILTON MARION HAMILTON AL KENNEDY LAMAR KENNEDY AL ANDALUSIACOVINGTONANDALUSIA AL FRANKLIN MONROE FRANKLIN AL LINDEN MARENGO LINDEN AL CAMP HILL TALLAPOOSA CAMP HILL AL WHITE SALMON KLICKITAT WHITE SALMON WA HATTIESBURG FORREST HATTIESBURG MS GROVETONTRINITY GROVETON TX SALUDA SALUDA SALUDA SC MCMINNVILLE YAMHILL MCMINNVILLE OR NAKINA COLUMBUSNAKINA NC WILKESBORO WILKES WILKESBORO NC PORT LEYDEN LEWIS PORT LEYDEN NY JEFFERSON COOS JEFFERSON NH STEVENSVILLE RAVALLI STEVENSVILLE MT WHITEFISH FLATHEAD WHITEFISH MT LUMBERTON LAMAR LUMBERTONMS BARK RIVERDELTA BARK RIVER MI HAYNESVILLE CLAIBORNEHAYNESVILLE LA CATALDO KOOTENAI CATALDO ID HAYDEN KOOTENAI HAYDEN ID SAGLE BONNER SAGLE ID DANVILLE TWIGGS DANVILLE GA LIVE OAK SUWANNEELIVE OAK FL WALDEN JACKSON WALDEN CO HAMPTON CALHOUN HAMPTON AR BUTLER CHOCTAW BUTLER AL EMPORIA GREENSVILLE EMPORIA VA APPOMATTOX APPOMATTOX APPOMATTOX VA MEDFORD JACKSON MEDFORD OR LICKING TEXAS LICKING MO BAY SPRINGS JASPER BAY SPRINGSMS MANISTIQUE SCHOOLCRAFT MANISTIQUEMI DANFORTHWASHINGTON DANFORTH ME 30421 30426 30445 31023 31321 31532 32110 32140 32465 71846 35033 35055 35570 35574 36420 36444 36748 36850 98672 39401 75845 29138 97128 28455 28697 13433 3583 59870 59937 39455 49807 71038 83810 83835 83860 31017 32060 80480 71744 36904 23847 24522 97501 65542 39422 49854 4424 COLLINS (30421)1,214 33,836.88 GIRARD (30426) 421 34,646.95 MOUNT VERNON1,193 (30445) 34,382.54 EASTMAN (31023) 5,837 31,162.11 PEMBROKE (31321) 2,193 48,835.15 DENTON (31532) 285 35,439 BUNNELL (32110)3,260 43,823.80 FLORAHOME (32140) 570 46,480.22 WEWAHITCHKA (32465) 2,453 4,481.50 LOCKESBURG (71846) 1,246 33,961.07 BREMEN (35033)1,235 40,186.43 CULLMAN (35055) 8,034 36,279.76 HAMILTON (35570) 4,411 35,494.42 KENNEDY (35574) 690 30,158.78 ANDALUSIA (36420) 4,283 37,369.33 FRANKLIN (36444)227 21,696 LINDEN (36748) 1,360 31,155.77 CAMP HILL (36850) 1,256 28,183.14 WHITE SALMON 2,592 (98672)45,865.46 HATTIESBURG (39401) 16,968 27,648.84 GROVETON (75845) 1,085 23,831.50 SALUDA (29138)3,926 31,791.53 MCMINNVILLE (97128) 13,461 42,945.92 NAKINA (28455) 734 36,978.42 WILKESBORO (28697) 5,674 41,153.09 PORT LEYDEN (13433) 880 38,452.11 JEFFERSON (03583)385 60,741 STEVENSVILLE (59870) 4,151 44,955.74 WHITEFISH (59937) 5,997 46,981.00 LUMBERTON (39455) 3,625 33,122.17 BARK RIVER (49807) 1,404 43,857.58 HAYNESVILLE (71038) 1,510 27,824.86 CATALDO (83810) 555 42,638.45 HAYDEN (83835)8,279 49,622.95 SAGLE (83860) 2,507 50,568.43 DANVILLE (31017)718 30,929.41 LIVE OAK (32060)7,835 32,972.60 WALDEN (80480) 565 37,222 HAMPTON (71744)647 32,345.51 BUTLER (36904) 1,766 33,889.35 EMPORIA (23847) 4,897 19,657.37 APPOMATTOX (24522) 4,004 46,260.05 MEDFORD (97501) 17,063 38,511.10 LICKING (65542)2,010 30,827.62 BAY SPRINGS (39422) 1,840 29,874.95 MANISTIQUE (49854) 3,087 29,295.73 DANFORTH (04424) 259 32,989.42 43,404.80 41,282.41 44,140.66 38,873.54 56,117.76 51,187 51,292.53 52,738.60 5,376.66 52,033.60 49,148.35 51,447.11 43,067.26 41,221.60 54,546.07 28,536 40,377.82 42,302.47 57,814.09 38,826.19 31,662.66 38,207.23 56,201.83 48,732.48 61,476.20 48,176.24 70,341 58,792.12 62,532.07 44,963.45 49,470.85 41,293.40 54,345.67 62,656.54 65,088.53 43,874.34 41,244.64 53,537 40,420.78 46,073.43 26,646.43 53,763.12 45,580.51 41,298.84 46,926.80 38,121.22 41,545.35 FRANKLIN HEARD FRANKLIN GA CLEVELANDWHITE CLEVELAND GA JAY SANTA ROSA JAY FL KLAWOCK PRINCE OF WALES KLAWOCK HYDER AK TOMAHAWK LINCOLN TOMAHAWKWI PARK FALLSPRICE PARK FALLS WI BARTOW POCAHONTAS BARTOW WV UPPERGLADE WEBSTER UPPERGLADE WV PORT ORCHARD KITSAP PORT ORCHARD WA TOLEDO LEWIS TOLEDO WA WOODLANDCOWLITZ WOODLANDWA MONTEREYHIGHLAND MONTEREY VA TROUP SMITH TROUP TX ATHENS MCMINN ATHENS TN ROUND O COLLETON ROUND O SC RIDGWAY ELK RIDGWAY PA CENTERVILLE CRAWFORDCENTERVILLEPA LOCK HAVEN CLINTON LOCK HAVENPA SAINT HELENS COLUMBIA SAINT HELENS OR PLEASANT HILL LANE PLEASANT HILL OR OAKLAND DOUGLAS OAKLAND OR BUTTE FALLS JACKSON BUTTE FALLSOR HAWORTH MCCURTAINHAWORTH OK BAINBRIDGEROSS BAINBRIDGEOH WILLIAMSTON MARTIN WILLIAMSTON NC PEACHLANDANSON PEACHLANDNC ELLERBE RICHMONDELLERBE NC BOONVILLEONEIDA BOONVILLE NY MISSOULA MISSOULA MISSOULA MT COLUMBIA FLATHEAD FALLS COLUMBIA FALLS MT MERIDIAN LAUDERDALE MERIDIAN MS PETAL FORREST PETAL MS CENTREVILLE WILKINSONCENTREVILLEMS TYLERTOWNWALTHALL TYLERTOWNMS MABEN WEBSTER MABEN MS GRAND RAPIDS ITASCA GRAND RAPIDS MN DE TOUR VILLAGE CHIPPEWA DE TOUR VILLAGE MI CHANNING DICKINSONCHANNING MI WESTMINSTER WORCESTERWESTMINSTER MA BETHEL OXFORD BETHEL ME LIVERMOREANDROSCOGGIN LIVERMORE ME AUGUSTA KENNEBEC AUGUSTA ME ORIENT AROOSTOOK ORIENT ME ELLSWORTHHANCOCK ELLSWORTHME ISLAND FALLS AROOSTOOK ISLAND FALLS ME SHERMAN AROOSTOOK SHERMAN ME WALLAGRASS AROOSTOOK WALLAGRASS ME 30217 30528 32565 99925 54487 54552 24920 26266 98367 98591 98674 24465 75789 37303 29474 15853 16404 17745 97051 97455 97462 97522 74740 45612 27892 28133 28338 13309 59804 59912 39305 39465 39631 39667 39750 55744 49725 49815 1473 4217 4253 4330 4471 4605 4747 4776 4781 FRANKLIN (30217) 3,290 41,272.51 CLEVELAND (30528) 9,181 39,025.67 JAY (32565) 2,198 48,010.12 KLAWOCK (99925)328 50,357 TOMAHAWK (54487) 4,154 45,511.96 PARK FALLS (54552) 1,997 42,118.60 BARTOW (24920) 338 34,038.18 UPPERGLADE (26266) 28 30,094 PORT ORCHARD10,347 (98367)67,515.62 TOLEDO (98591)1,614 40,754.23 WOODLAND (98674) 4,124 58,633.13 MONTEREY (24465) 630 43,481 TROUP (75789) 3,378 36,917.05 ATHENS (37303)9,849 36,960.85 ROUND O (29474)958 33,980.06 RIDGWAY (15853) 2,808 41,141.92 CENTERVILLE (16404) 1,094 39,312.37 LOCK HAVEN (17745) 7,486 34,091.02 SAINT HELENS (97051) 6,523 52,629.37 PLEASANT HILL (97455) 1,066 50,796.67 OAKLAND (97462) 1,689 44,712.70 BUTTE FALLS (97522) 320 44,970 HAWORTH (74740) 1,069 30,967.03 BAINBRIDGE (45612) 1,825 41,949.53 WILLIAMSTON (27892) 6,193 34,897.17 PEACHLAND (28133) 1,077 38,062.99 ELLERBE (28338)1,436 30,137.21 BOONVILLE (13309) 1,826 45,956.62 MISSOULA (59804) 3,336 52,542.08 COLUMBIA FALLS5,291 (59912) 46,425.15 MERIDIAN (39305) 8,764 45,791.63 PETAL (39465) 8,175 50,228.11 CENTREVILLE (39631) 1,328 26,684.04 TYLERTOWN (39667) 4,747 31,602.35 MABEN (39750) 1,148 35,047.85 GRAND RAPIDS (55744) 8,577 49,507.80 DE TOUR VILLAGE 423 (49725) 39,465.77 CHANNING (49815)186 43,424 WESTMINSTER (01473) 2,794 79,073 BETHEL (04217) 1,198 38,630.90 LIVERMORE (04253) 897 41,833 AUGUSTA (04330) 10,737 32,080.77 ORIENT (04471) 416 36,306 ELLSWORTH (04605) 5,794 49,144.25 ISLAND FALLS (04747) 513 37,229.64 SHERMAN (04776)466 37,128.58 WALLAGRASS (04781) 209 34,119 48,728.92 52,479.15 55,604.17 63,808 56,960.51 46,510.63 41,623.38 40,647 74,266.64 50,534.46 64,986.60 55,023 56,621.31 47,032.47 44,861.97 51,324.95 48,368.18 44,507.29 58,028.15 70,975.56 55,328.22 53,499 44,065.90 47,809.06 44,346.56 56,818.17 41,067.37 55,725.44 66,244.46 56,452.64 64,936.16 58,260.97 37,233.64 44,592.22 51,280.11 59,992.74 52,184.28 54,239 86,554 49,975.16 57,404 40,593.07 46,922 61,411.93 44,418.82 44,692.70 42,696 NORTH ANSON SOMERSET NORTH ANSON ME 4958 HOMER CLAIBORNEHOMER LA 71040 RINGGOLD BIENVILLE RINGGOLD LA 71068 GEORGETOWN GRANT GEORGETOWN LA 71432 NEW MEADOWS ADAMS NEW MEADOWS ID 83654 SANDPOINTBONNER SANDPOINT ID 83864 NEWINGTON SCREVEN NEWINGTONGA 30446 SANDERSVILLE WASHINGTON SANDERSVILLE GA 31082 BONIFAY HOLMES BONIFAY FL 32425 REDDING SHASTA REDDING CA 96002 WESTWOODLASSEN WESTWOODCA 96137 DODDRIDGEMILLER DODDRIDGEAR 71834 HOT SPRINGS GARLAND NATIONAL HOT PARK SPRINGS ARNATIONAL PARK 71901 LEOLA GRANT LEOLA AR 72084 WALDRON SCOTT WALDRON AR 72958 ORTING PIERCE ORTING WA 98360 OLYMPIA THURSTON OLYMPIA WA 98513 SOUTH BEND PACIFIC SOUTH BENDWA 98586 BINGEN KLICKITAT BINGEN WA 98605 OROVILLE OKANOGANOROVILLE WA 98844 SPRINGDALESTEVENS SPRINGDALEWA 99173 MADISON MADISON MADISON VA 22727 KENBRIDGELUNENBURG KENBRIDGE VA 23944 MEHERRIN PRINCE EDWARD MEHERRIN VA 23954 RED OAK CHARLOTTERED OAK VA 23964 SAXE CHARLOTTESAXE VA 23967 WYLLIESBURG CHARLOTTEWYLLIESBURG VA 23976 BLUE GRASSHIGHLAND BLUE GRASSVA 24413 WATERBURY WASHINGTON WATERBURYVT 5676 HENDERSONRUSK HENDERSONTX 75652 TATUM RUSK TATUM TX 75691 NACOGDOCHES NACOGDOCHES NACOGDOCHES TX 75964 NACOGDOCHES NACOGDOCHES NACOGDOCHES TX 75965 SAN AUGUSTINE SAN AUGUSTINE SAN AUGUSTINE TX 75972 COLDSPRING SAN JACINTO COLDSPRINGTX 77331 IRON CITY LAWRENCEIRON CITY TN 38463 SPARTA WHITE SPARTA TN 38583 LEESVILLE LEXINGTONLEESVILLE SC 29070 RUFFIN COLLETON RUFFIN SC 29475 LAKE CITY FLORENCE LAKE CITY SC 29560 IVA ANDERSONIVA SC 29655 ALLENDALEALLENDALEALLENDALE SC 29810 SPARTANSBURG CRAWFORDSPARTANSBURG PA 16434 BETHEL BERKS BETHEL PA 19507 TIDEWATERLINCOLN TIDEWATER OR 97390 BANDON COOS BANDON OR 97411 GLIDE DOUGLAS GLIDE OR 97443 NORTH ANSON (04958) 952 34,787.99 43,060.42 HOMER (71040) 3,072 28,512.63 41,522.80 RINGGOLD (71068) 1,471 28,439.93 38,095.45 GEORGETOWN (71432) 424 43,846 50,420 NEW MEADOWS (83654) 700 40,750.51 64,122.47 SANDPOINT (83864) 7,051 40,782.27 56,439.67 NEWINGTON (30446) 611 42,931.05 51,735.58 SANDERSVILLE (31082) 4,161 30,383.66 41,599.90 BONIFAY (32425)4,971 26,125.12 33,023.39 REDDING (96002) 12,325 47,027.34 58,268.32 WESTWOOD (96137) 1,024 51,679.69 67,926.77 DODDRIDGE (71834) 1,267 41,064 46,800 HOT SPRINGS NATIONAL 12,194 35,511.12 PARK (71901) 50,827.62 LEOLA (72084) 438 37,957.70 47,661.47 WALDRON (72958) 2,784 34,268.38 42,915.69 ORTING (98360) 4,648 74,154.36 79,874.86 OLYMPIA (98513) 12,429 66,039.60 77,744.41 SOUTH BEND (98586) 481 33,895.46 50,840.25 BINGEN (98605) 615 44,408.60 55,550.28 OROVILLE (98844) 1,916 26,366 40,108 SPRINGDALE (99173) 660 38,407.80 47,736.16 MADISON (22727) 1,961 54,002.40 63,797.42 KENBRIDGE (23944) 1,658 38,345.58 46,392.96 MEHERRIN (23954)866 42,969.34 52,749.00 RED OAK (23964) 444 36,525.74 42,676.61 SAXE (23967) 449 36,130.57 41,792.74 WYLLIESBURG (23976) 113 36,359 41,964 BLUE GRASS (24413)92 43,481 55,023 WATERBURY (05676) 2,188 63,664.28 76,102.92 HENDERSON (75652) 4,524 47,882.96 63,040.95 TATUM (75691) 1,388 55,056.60 78,554.94 NACOGDOCHES (75964) 6,320 34,218.95 45,127.93 NACOGDOCHES (75965) 7,510 36,168.12 52,145.04 SAN AUGUSTINE2,443 (75972) 25,351.65 38,233.71 COLDSPRING (77331) 2,785 42,074.73 57,669.14 IRON CITY (38463)951 35,741.44 42,366.84 SPARTA (38583) 9,525 33,673.09 44,145.62 LEESVILLE (29070) 6,162 43,183.39 55,316.30 RUFFIN (29475) 818 30,607.17 40,576.16 LAKE CITY (29560) 5,392 31,907.31 40,619.17 IVA (29655) 2,885 30,471.53 43,168.51 ALLENDALE (29810) 1,875 2,572.81 3,328.83 SPARTANSBURG (16434) 843 37,456.73 47,893.67 BETHEL (19507) 1,484 56,730.50 65,133.29 TIDEWATER (97390) 156 38,200.35 48,880.93 BANDON (97411)3,227 35,313.81 44,296.67 GLIDE (97443) 748 40,193.17 49,316.82 RIDDLE DOUGLAS RIDDLE OR WINSTON DOUGLAS WINSTON OR NEW PINE CREEK LAKE NEW PINE CREEK OR CHEMULT KLAMATH CHEMULT OR IDABEL MCCURTAINIDABEL OK LAURELVILLE HOCKING LAURELVILLEOH SPENCER MEDINA SPENCER OH SANDY RIDGE STOKES SANDY RIDGE NC STAR MONTGOMERY STAR NC FOUR OAKSJOHNSTON FOUR OAKS NC SCOTLAND NECK HALIFAX SCOTLAND NECK NC ELIZABETH CITY PASQUOTANK ELIZABETH CITY NC HERTFORD PERQUIMANS HERTFORD NC DUDLEY WAYNE DUDLEY NC HAMLET RICHMONDHAMLET NC SHANNON ROBESON SHANNON NC DELCO COLUMBUSDELCO NC KINSTON LENOIR KINSTON NC TAYLORSVILLE ALEXANDERTAYLORSVILLE NC WHITE SULPHUR SULLIVAN SPRINGS WHITE SULPHUR NY SPRINGS LANCASTERCOOS LANCASTER NH SUPERIOR MINERAL SUPERIOR MT SAINT LOUISSAINT LOUISSAINT LOUISMO WINONA MONTGOMERY WINONA MS FAYETTE JEFFERSON FAYETTE MS VICKSBURGWARREN VICKSBURG MS BEAUMONTPERRY BEAUMONTMS BUDE FRANKLIN BUDE MS DULUTH SAINT LOUISDULUTH MN SOLWAY BELTRAMI SOLWAY MN HARRISON CLARE HARRISON MI CURRAN ALCONA CURRAN MI PARIS MECOSTA PARIS MI IRON MOUNTAIN DICKINSONIRON MOUNTAIN MI CORNISH YORK CORNISH ME LEWISTON ANDROSCOGGIN LEWISTON ME WEST PARISOXFORD WEST PARISME GREENVILLEPISCATAQUIS JUNCTIONGREENVILLEME JUNCTION MILLINOCKET PENOBSCOTMILLINOCKET ME SEBEC PISCATAQUIS SEBEC ME WATERVILLEKENNEBEC WATERVILLEME STRONG FRANKLIN STRONG ME HOLDEN LIVINGSTONHOLDEN LA COLFAX GRANT COLFAX LA BURNA LIVINGSTONBURNA KY DUBUQUE DUBUQUE DUBUQUE IA ASHTON FREMONT ASHTON ID 97469 97496 97635 97731 74745 43135 44275 27046 27356 27524 27874 27909 27944 28333 28345 28386 28436 28504 28681 12787 3584 59872 63131 38967 39069 39183 39423 39630 55803 56678 48625 48728 49338 49801 4020 4240 4289 4442 4462 4481 4901 4983 70744 71417 42028 52003 83420 RIDDLE (97469) 1,021 34,016 WINSTON (97496) 3,416 38,130.88 NEW PINE CREEK (97635) 0 85,722 CHEMULT (97731)483 37,256.94 IDABEL (74745) 4,060 29,920.26 LAURELVILLE (43135) 1,931 45,699.60 SPENCER (44275)1,353 57,926.10 SANDY RIDGE (27046) 881 45,262 STAR (27356) 1,437 33,543.53 FOUR OAKS (27524) 4,944 40,598.42 SCOTLAND NECK1,875 (27874) 21,440.03 ELIZABETH CITY14,534 (27909)44,381.18 HERTFORD (27944) 5,111 20,212.58 DUDLEY (28333)4,604 37,237.92 HAMLET (28345)5,149 35,792.59 SHANNON (28386) 2,115 30,778.05 DELCO (28436) 878 43,112.61 KINSTON (28504)8,545 40,657.07 TAYLORSVILLE (28681) 9,713 39,236.88 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS 24 48,763.09 (12787) LANCASTER (03584) 1,504 46,888.83 SUPERIOR (59872) 1,051 38,332.48 SAINT LOUIS (63131) 5,961 ######## WINONA (38967)2,610 30,684.57 FAYETTE (39069)1,769 22,752.49 VICKSBURG (39183) 6,134 40,036.53 BEAUMONT (39423) 1,299 36,612.10 BUDE (39630) 475 34,574 DULUTH (55803)7,219 66,107.65 SOLWAY (56678) 381 50,428.43 HARRISON (48625) 5,668 27,085.30 CURRAN (48728) 143 32,366.25 PARIS (49338) 816 27,572.81 IRON MOUNTAIN5,002 (49801) 44,331.71 CORNISH (04020) 689 48,269 LEWISTON (04240) 15,245 37,562.19 WEST PARIS (04289) 809 41,071.18 GREENVILLE JUNCTION 0 (04442) 40,809 MILLINOCKET (04462) 2,212 35,907.52 SEBEC (04481) 347 31,005 WATERVILLE (04901) 10,664 41,373.45 STRONG (04983) 836 31,690.85 HOLDEN (70744)1,972 44,254.40 COLFAX (71417) 1,742 36,228.38 BURNA (42028) 276 29,701 DUBUQUE (52003) 5,664 60,064.91 ASHTON (83420)1,075 41,384.05 42,392 47,653.58 112,106 44,844.29 41,063.58 55,725.98 64,065.36 48,011 41,980.99 51,130.71 31,430.02 55,486.59 26,574.46 44,141.90 43,700.86 41,004.74 49,955.22 53,559.98 51,394.03 59,860.61 64,494.40 44,923.02 ######## 39,814.17 32,022.96 55,730.24 40,807.20 63,186 83,158.68 59,393.67 33,953.67 39,030.41 35,733.24 57,424.45 52,426 47,464.76 47,668.50 48,387 44,158.43 37,498 52,371.05 35,681.07 51,971.10 48,739.42 44,141 81,013.77 53,478.18 ELK CITY IDAHO ELK CITY ID BOVILL LATAH BOVILL ID MOSCOW LATAH MOSCOW ID CLAXTON EVANS CLAXTON GA SOPERTON TREUTLEN SOPERTON GA WADLEY JEFFERSON WADLEY GA COMMERCEJACKSON COMMERCEGA HELENA TELFAIR HELENA GA IRWINTON WILKINSONIRWINTON GA KITE JOHNSON KITE GA AMERICUS SUMTER AMERICUS GA CALLAHAN NASSAU CALLAHAN FL LAKE CITY COLUMBIA LAKE CITY FL CANTONMENT ESCAMBIA CANTONMENT FL OLD TOWNDIXIE OLD TOWN FL POTTER VALLEY MENDOCINO POTTER VALLEY CA EUREKA HUMBOLDTEUREKA CA KNEELAND HUMBOLDTKNEELAND CA NEW EDINBURG CLEVELANDNEW EDINBURG AR BENTON SALINE BENTON AR BOONEVILLELOGAN BOONEVILLEAR FLAGSTAFF COCONINOFLAGSTAFF AZ CRAIG PRINCE OF WALES CRAIG HYDER AK PARRISH WALKER PARRISH AL RUSSELLVILLE FRANKLIN RUSSELLVILLE AL MIDWAY BULLOCK MIDWAY AL PRATTVILLEAUTAUGA PRATTVILLE AL DAVISTON TALLAPOOSA DAVISTON AL YORK SUMTER YORK AL GLIDDEN ASHLAND GLIDDEN WI ASHLAND ASHLAND ASHLAND WI ABERDEEN GRAYS HARBOR ABERDEEN WA SPEARFISH LAWRENCESPEARFISH SD HAMPTON HAMPTON HAMPTON SC DRAIN DOUGLAS DRAIN OR POWERS COOS POWERS OR JOSEPH WALLOWA JOSEPH OR CHILLICOTHE ROSS CHILLICOTHEOH BONNER MISSOULA BONNER MT WEIR CHOCTAW WEIR MS CLOQUET CARLTON CLOQUET MN OAKLAND GARRETT OAKLAND MD CHOUDRANT LINCOLN CHOUDRANTLA TROY LATAH TROY ID GAY MERIWETHER GAY GA GRIFFIN SPALDING GRIFFIN GA ODUM WAYNE ODUM GA 83525 83806 83843 30417 30457 30477 30529 31037 31042 31049 31719 32011 32025 32533 32680 95469 95501 95549 71660 72015 72927 86001 99921 35580 35653 36053 36067 36256 36925 54527 54806 98520 57783 29924 97435 97466 97846 45601 59823 39772 55720 21550 71227 83871 30218 30224 31555 ELK CITY (83525) 211 37,628 BOVILL (83806) 135 55,030 MOSCOW (83843) 10,949 33,965.76 CLAXTON (30417) 4,151 39,349.04 SOPERTON (30457) 2,184 37,079.36 WADLEY (30477)1,142 23,569.75 COMMERCE (30529) 3,935 43,762.87 HELENA (31037)1,774 26,308.60 IRWINTON (31042)824 32,156.37 KITE (31049) 675 36,613.41 AMERICUS (31719) 3,954 30,201.84 CALLAHAN (32011) 5,436 56,679.83 LAKE CITY (32025) 7,470 38,218.95 CANTONMENT (32533) 9,789 58,362.93 OLD TOWN (32680) 3,737 32,084.09 POTTER VALLEY (95469) 782 59,272.01 EUREKA (95501)9,766 36,688.95 KNEELAND (95549)300 57,589.03 NEW EDINBURG (71660) 389 33,243.71 BENTON (72015) 10,642 45,173.48 BOONEVILLE (72927) 3,480 39,007.33 FLAGSTAFF (86001) 10,486 48,646.51 CRAIG (99921) 1,013 48,523.89 PARRISH (35580)1,469 40,060.14 RUSSELLVILLE (35653) 4,135 31,015.59 MIDWAY (36053) 435 26,742.44 PRATTVILLE (36067) 10,042 52,862.80 DAVISTON (36256)621 33,578.65 YORK (36925) 1,395 21,447.71 GLIDDEN (54527) 537 40,020.96 ASHLAND (54806) 4,438 38,829.62 ABERDEEN (98520) 8,516 42,028.39 SPEARFISH (57783) 6,806 42,255.69 HAMPTON (29924) 1,731 36,250.75 DRAIN (97435) 550 45,493 POWERS (97466) 382 36,073 JOSEPH (97846) 866 42,822.90 CHILLICOTHE (45601) 21,165 42,202.27 BONNER (59823)1,309 44,458.76 WEIR (39772) 847 31,516.29 CLOQUET (55720) 6,880 48,523.73 OAKLAND (21550) 5,671 41,856.47 CHOUDRANT (71227) 1,486 42,510.36 TROY (83871) 782 54,824.67 GAY (30218) 653 45,771.12 GRIFFIN (30224)9,421 47,381.62 ODUM (31555) 1,003 39,105.46 60,985 62,826 45,744.91 48,082.27 45,416.37 31,008.56 50,811.49 37,041.20 47,203.87 58,033.74 42,343.47 66,406.61 48,075.43 65,858.79 41,311.36 67,781.72 54,326.85 75,195.90 44,000.23 53,924.47 50,630.65 61,722.11 62,025.32 51,714.31 46,131.86 32,316.61 65,309.93 51,943.36 31,010.11 47,398.61 47,559.96 53,895.33 56,020.52 44,857.73 54,760 45,275 56,633.80 52,221.06 59,209.82 44,277.83 57,619.78 53,332.33 65,046.26 62,569.55 52,841.37 58,147.82 50,924.63 NEWBERRYALACHUA NEWBERRY FL MODESTO STANISLAUSMODESTO CA KIRBY PIKE KIRBY AR ATHENS MARATHONATHENS WI DEERBROOKLANGLADE DEERBROOKWI MOSINEE MARATHONMOSINEE WI OGEMA PRICE OGEMA WI FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTE FAYETTEVILLE WV REDMOND KING REDMOND WA SEATTLE KING SEATTLE WA BURLINGTON SKAGIT BURLINGTON WA GIG HARBOR PIERCE GIG HARBORWA NEAH BAY CLALLAM NEAH BAY WA PUYALLUP PIERCE PUYALLUP WA MOSSYROCK LEWIS MOSSYROCKWA LA CENTER CLARK LA CENTER WA SILVERLAKECOWLITZ SILVERLAKE WA EAST WENATCHEE DOUGLAS EAST WENATCHEE WA LOVINGSTON NELSON LOVINGSTON VA RUCKERSVILLE GREENE RUCKERSVILLE VA ASHLAND HANOVER ASHLAND VA CARTERSVILLE CUMBERLAND CARTERSVILLE VA CUMBERLAND CUMBERLAND CUMBERLAND VA MATTAPONIKING AND QUEEN MATTAPONIVA ALBERTA BRUNSWICKALBERTA VA FREEMAN BRUNSWICKFREEMAN VA DRAKES BRANCH CHARLOTTEDRAKES BRANCH VA LA CROSSE MECKLENBURG LA CROSSE VA SKIPWITH MECKLENBURG SKIPWITH VA RIDGEWAY HENRY RIDGEWAY VA BEE DICKENSONBEE VA EVINGTON CAMPBELL EVINGTON VA HIGHGATE CENTER FRANKLIN HIGHGATE CENTER VT DALLAS DALLAS DALLAS TX QUEEN CITYCASS QUEEN CITYTX HEMPHILL SABINE HEMPHILL TX WILLIS MONTGOMERY WILLIS TX WARREN TYLER WARREN TX DUNLAP SEQUATCHIE DUNLAP TN BLUFF CITY SULLIVAN BLUFF CITY TN PALMERSVILLE WEAKLEY PALMERSVILLE TN MEDON MADISON MEDON TN SELMER MCNAIRY SELMER TN VOLGA BROOKINGSVOLGA SD BISHOPVILLE LEE BISHOPVILLESC CHAPIN LEXINGTONCHAPIN SC HEATH SPRINGS LANCASTERHEATH SPRINGS SC 32669 95358 71950 54411 54424 54455 54459 25840 98053 98119 98233 98329 98357 98373 98564 98629 98645 98802 22949 22968 23005 23027 23040 23110 23821 23856 23937 23950 23968 24148 24217 24550 5459 75229 75572 75948 77378 77664 37327 37618 38241 38356 38375 57071 29010 29036 29058 NEWBERRY (32669) 4,403 54,530.49 MODESTO (95358) 8,754 47,960.56 KIRBY (71950) 351 34,828.22 ATHENS (54411)1,839 55,220.52 DEERBROOK (54424) 700 48,169.06 MOSINEE (54455) 6,863 64,697.46 OGEMA (54459) 519 40,466.97 FAYETTEVILLE (25840) 2,765 40,322.49 REDMOND (98053) 7,558 ######## SEATTLE (98119) 11,101 67,704.82 BURLINGTON (98233) 5,588 55,439.68 GIG HARBOR (98329) 3,859 70,406.04 NEAH BAY (98357)315 32,069 PUYALLUP (98373) 9,138 62,962.15 MOSSYROCK (98564) 991 40,787 LA CENTER (98629) 3,064 67,436.59 SILVERLAKE (98645) 486 46,983.88 EAST WENATCHEE 10,966 (98802) 52,476.71 LOVINGSTON (22949) 594 45,295.09 RUCKERSVILLE (22968) 4,033 57,681.90 ASHLAND (23005) 6,284 67,036.14 CARTERSVILLE (23027) 479 37,614 CUMBERLAND (23040) 1,933 38,158.03 MATTAPONI (23110) 349 46,227 ALBERTA (23821) 505 35,975.63 FREEMAN (23856)509 18,402.81 DRAKES BRANCH (23937) 727 35,464.82 LA CROSSE (23950) 1,451 13,639.02 SKIPWITH (23968)345 36,413.71 RIDGEWAY (24148) 3,195 39,146.97 BEE (24217) 209 30,266.91 EVINGTON (24550) 2,615 48,767.95 HIGHGATE CENTER728 (05459)50,273 DALLAS (75229)12,271 80,510.53 QUEEN CITY (75572) 1,290 39,833.89 HEMPHILL (75948) 2,596 33,951.99 WILLIS (77378) 5,690 46,471.90 WARREN (77664)1,222 36,893.25 DUNLAP (37327)4,441 33,115.64 BLUFF CITY (37618) 5,470 39,289.80 PALMERSVILLE (38241) 335 32,185.09 MEDON (38356) 943 37,961.32 SELMER (38375)3,751 32,203.86 VOLGA (57071) 1,224 50,972.01 BISHOPVILLE (29010) 4,069 16,299.83 CHAPIN (29036) 7,829 76,473.85 HEATH SPRINGS 2,141 (29058)38,945.01 74,858.23 57,484.17 46,344.93 59,735.63 59,677.79 69,698.54 52,156.06 49,177.63 ######## 99,361.10 65,748.09 79,980.70 42,516 71,251.21 51,178 78,906.05 57,621.19 63,099.50 54,701.92 67,649.43 84,087.31 44,728 46,845.68 56,913 45,545.68 22,792.58 43,198.62 16,769.81 48,033.10 45,242.95 36,548.58 58,730.85 60,827 ######## 51,884.22 42,821.65 58,440.13 49,497.26 45,073.35 48,837.56 39,089.02 50,069.89 45,450.15 57,615.31 23,093.42 96,877.24 43,917.93 HOPKINS RICHLAND HOPKINS SC LUGOFF KERSHAW LUGOFF SC ORANGEBURG ORANGEBURG ORANGEBURG SC SALLEY AIKEN SALLEY SC WINNSBORO FAIRFIELD WINNSBOROSC FLORENCE FLORENCE FLORENCE SC AYNOR HORRY AYNOR SC DARLINGTON DARLINGTON DARLINGTON SC DARLINGTON DARLINGTON DARLINGTON SC LATTA DILLON LATTA SC LORIS HORRY LORIS SC ABBEVILLE ABBEVILLE ABBEVILLE SC GREENWOOD GREENWOOD GREENWOOD SC HODGES GREENWOOD HODGES SC PAGELAND CHESTERFIELD PAGELAND SC BRADLEY GREENWOOD BRADLEY SC MC CORMICK MCCORMICK MC CORMICK SC BRUNSON HAMPTON BRUNSON SC VARNVILLE HAMPTON VARNVILLE SC NEW SALEMFAYETTE NEW SALEMPA ROCKWOODSOMERSET ROCKWOODPA CRANBERRYVENANGO CRANBERRYPA COVINGTONTIOGA COVINGTONPA MIDDLEBURY TIOGA CENTER MIDDLEBURY PACENTER FORT LOUDON FRANKLIN FORT LOUDON PA KINGSLEY SUSQUEHANNA KINGSLEY PA SAYRE BRADFORD SAYRE PA GALES CREEK WASHINGTON GALES CREEKOR PORTLAND WASHINGTON PORTLAND OR BLACHLY LANE BLACHLY OR BROADBENTCOOS BROADBENTOR FALL CREEKLANE FALL CREEK OR PORT ORFORD CURRY PORT ORFORD OR CRESCENT KLAMATH CRESCENT OR NORTH POWDER UNION NORTH POWDER OR KIMBOLTONGUERNSEY KIMBOLTONOH BERLIN HOLMES BERLIN OH WOOSTER WAYNE WOOSTER OH LOVELAND CLERMONTLOVELAND OH WAHPETONRICHLAND WAHPETONND LIBERTY RANDOLPHLIBERTY NC CREEDMOOR GRANVILLE CREEDMOORNC WENDELL WAKE WENDELL NC YOUNGSVILLE FRANKLIN YOUNGSVILLE NC WILSON WILSON WILSON NC ANSONVILLEANSON ANSONVILLENC GOLD HILL ROWAN GOLD HILL NC 29061 29078 29118 29137 29180 29506 29511 29532 29540 29565 29569 29620 29646 29653 29728 29819 29835 29911 29944 15468 15557 16319 16917 16935 17224 18826 18840 97117 97223 97412 97414 97438 97465 97733 97867 43749 44610 44691 45140 58075 27298 27522 27591 27596 27896 28007 28071 HOPKINS (29061)5,318 47,981.24 LUGOFF (29078)6,008 49,264.97 ORANGEBURG (29118) 6,279 43,601.74 SALLEY (29137) 1,101 36,629.18 WINNSBORO (29180) 5,412 31,661.94 FLORENCE (29506) 7,675 30,719.52 AYNOR (29511) 2,287 46,444.38 DARLINGTON (29532) 7,830 35,799.65 DARLINGTON (29540) 1,880 23,919.44 LATTA (29565) 2,625 29,728.58 LORIS (29569) 6,748 32,658.39 ABBEVILLE (29620) 4,932 31,539.23 GREENWOOD (29646) 10,920 35,296.68 HODGES (29653)1,945 43,141.87 PAGELAND (29728) 3,665 29,890.25 BRADLEY (29819) 555 40,635.31 MC CORMICK (29835) 2,757 20,037.24 BRUNSON (29911)482 39,304.62 VARNVILLE (29944) 2,003 35,047.37 NEW SALEM (15468) 1,064 32,815.98 ROCKWOOD (15557) 1,451 43,067.95 CRANBERRY (16319) 472 45,123.63 COVINGTON (16917) 600 38,875.77 MIDDLEBURY CENTER 681 (16935) 42,231.69 FORT LOUDON (17224) 660 49,082.02 KINGSLEY (18826) 694 44,868.30 SAYRE (18840) 4,395 38,240.14 GALES CREEK (97117) 211 75,118.77 PORTLAND (97223) 19,411 66,009.70 BLACHLY (97412) 165 30,962 BROADBENT (97414) 41 36,073 FALL CREEK (97438) 567 51,427 PORT ORFORD (97465) 1,097 29,516.66 CRESCENT (97733) 79 37,028 NORTH POWDER (97867) 173 44,158.60 KIMBOLTON (43749) 879 43,488.67 BERLIN (44610) 308 41,649.49 WOOSTER (44691) 17,651 45,653.46 LOVELAND (45140) 20,114 84,723.11 WAHPETON (58075) 3,605 45,462.25 LIBERTY (27298)4,165 41,936.34 CREEDMOOR (27522) 4,649 56,315.19 WENDELL (27591) 7,706 50,521.40 YOUNGSVILLE (27596) 5,968 52,680.27 WILSON (27896)8,001 59,115.99 ANSONVILLE (28007) 399 30,213 GOLD HILL (28071) 1,170 48,661.16 59,252.89 60,469.95 56,541.24 50,949.59 42,798.00 43,482.96 51,365.54 46,322.13 31,241.54 37,288.07 43,032.50 40,122.19 51,747.61 51,611.42 42,600.17 50,006.24 27,015.58 53,175.81 41,055.20 42,608.39 50,893.94 52,722.99 48,239.53 50,633.38 59,893.61 57,318.02 51,746.11 88,249.01 80,265.12 43,384 45,275 60,261 43,255.65 44,304 54,437.28 48,504.58 61,558.11 58,950.89 ######## 58,355.15 52,809.18 64,260.54 59,673.97 62,289.33 74,088.16 36,040 57,307.94 CARTHAGE MOORE CARTHAGE NC DUBLIN BLADEN DUBLIN NC FAIRMONT ROBESON FAIRMONT NC ROCKINGHAM RICHMONDROCKINGHAM NC WARSAW DUPLIN WARSAW NC ROSE HILL DUPLIN ROSE HILL NC KINSTON LENOIR KINSTON NC BRIDGETONCRAVEN BRIDGETON NC NEW BERN CRAVEN NEW BERN NC POLLOCKSVILLE JONES POLLOCKSVILLE NC SEVEN SPRINGS WAYNE SEVEN SPRINGS NC HENDERSONVILLE HENDERSONHENDERSONVILLE NC STONE RIDGE ULSTER STONE RIDGE NY INLET HAMILTON INLET NY HANNAWA SAINT FALLS LAWRENCE HANNAWA FALLS NY SOUTH COLTON SAINT LAWRENCE SOUTH COLTON NY ATTICA WYOMING ATTICA NY CALEDONIALIVINGSTONCALEDONIA NY PITTSFORD MONROE PITTSFORD NY MAGDALENA SOCORRO MAGDALENANM RUIDOSO LINCOLN RUIDOSO NM LUMBERTON BURLINGTON LUMBERTONNJ CREAM RIDGE MONMOUTH CREAM RIDGE NJ FRANCESTOWN HILLSBOROUGH FRANCESTOWN NH SUNCOOK MERRIMACKSUNCOOK NH LITTLETON GRAFTON LITTLETON NH LYME GRAFTON LYME NH LOUISIANA PIKE LOUISIANA MO EDINA KNOX EDINA MO DENNIS TISHOMINGO DENNIS MS DUCK HILL MONTGOMERY DUCK HILL MS BELZONI HUMPHREYS BELZONI MS PULASKI SCOTT PULASKI MS UTICA HINDS UTICA MS PEARL RANKIN PEARL MS LITTLE ROCKNEWTON LITTLE ROCKMS PACHUTA CLARKE PACHUTA MS SCOOBA KEMPER SCOOBA MS SEBASTOPOL SCOTT SEBASTOPOLMS TOOMSUBALAUDERDALE TOOMSUBAMS CARSON JEFFERSON CARSON DAVIS MS CROSBY AMITE CROSBY MS MOUNTAINSAINT IRON LOUISMOUNTAIN MN IRON FAIRMONT MARTIN FAIRMONT MN WEST BRANCH OGEMAW WEST BRANCH MI OSCODA IOSCO OSCODA MI WEIDMAN ISABELLA WEIDMAN MI 28327 28332 28340 28379 28398 28458 28501 28519 28573 28578 28792 12484 13360 13647 13687 14011 14423 14534 87825 88345 8048 8514 3043 3275 3561 3768 63353 63537 38838 38925 39038 39152 39175 39208 39337 39347 39358 39359 39364 39427 39633 55768 56031 48661 48750 48893 CARTHAGE (28327) 6,798 44,733.67 DUBLIN (28332) 276 27,336 FAIRMONT (28340) 3,999 24,800.78 ROCKINGHAM (28379) 9,920 30,615.99 WARSAW (28398) 3,237 27,948.91 ROSE HILL (28458) 2,705 33,408.36 KINSTON (28501)8,292 27,991.91 BRIDGETON (28519) 0 34,471 NEW BERN (28561) 0 POLLOCKSVILLE (28573) 723 38,685.12 SEVEN SPRINGS (28578) 2,121 40,483.44 HENDERSONVILLE 13,389 (28792) 36,644.79 STONE RIDGE (12484) 1,137 81,391.11 INLET (13360) 153 55,473 HANNAWA FALLS (13647) 220 49,187 SOUTH COLTON (13687) 182 49,187 ATTICA (14011) 2,529 53,940.23 CALEDONIA (14423) 1,972 52,055.91 PITTSFORD (14534) 12,151 93,605.30 MAGDALENA (87825) 399 27,909.90 RUIDOSO (88345) 4,044 46,396.32 LUMBERTON (08048) 4,664 81,636.01 CREAM RIDGE (08514) 1,467 ######## FRANCESTOWN (03043) 483 67,541.34 SUNCOOK (03275) 4,410 58,387.89 LITTLETON (03561) 2,555 44,787.04 LYME (03768) 702 70,144 LOUISIANA (63353) 1,934 36,840.98 EDINA (63537) 675 30,413.52 DENNIS (38838) 717 29,222 DUCK HILL (38925) 1,043 35,653.79 BELZONI (39038)2,110 24,225.83 PULASKI (39152) 488 37,957.40 UTICA (39175) 1,612 35,382.62 PEARL (39208) 11,262 42,769.82 LITTLE ROCK (39337) 624 43,535.37 PACHUTA (39347) 603 15,124.43 SCOOBA (39358) 549 32.9824 SEBASTOPOL (39359) 162 26,608 TOOMSUBA (39364) 1,151 31,015.07 CARSON (39427) 674 21,422 CROSBY (39633) 234 27,477.40 MOUNTAIN IRON1,175 (55768) 42,836.36 FAIRMONT (56031) 5,388 43,413.59 WEST BRANCH (48661) 4,367 38,527.95 OSCODA (48750)4,131 30,005.83 WEIDMAN (48893) 2,038 45,936.53 57,356.50 39,502 35,913.66 42,862.43 40,144.68 46,064.34 34,950.94 47,169 49,019.83 46,381.39 46,122.05 97,782.49 66,328 56,181 56,181 60,025.98 60,429.86 ######## 34,012.35 58,941.86 93,343.33 ######## 77,720.89 69,107.91 53,311.58 97,030 49,496.11 44,127.21 39,468 43,681.25 35,462.74 49,684.14 48,563.93 56,550.60 51,474.46 22,527.44 53.616 43,083 47,731.67 33,243 34,838.86 50,330.92 55,443.28 49,461.14 37,470.97 56,173.24 MANCELONA ANTRIM MANCELONA MI BIG BAY MARQUETTE BIG BAY MI NORWAY DICKINSONNORWAY MI POWERS MENOMINEE POWERS MI ROCK DELTA ROCK MI SPALDING MENOMINEE SPALDING MI STAMBAUGH IRON STAMBAUGHMI WILBRAHAM HAMPDEN WILBRAHAMMA HARVARD WORCESTERHARVARD MA PORT TOBACCO CHARLES PORT TOBACCO MD STREET HARFORD STREET MD DENTON CAROLINE DENTON MD CARMEL PENOBSCOTCARMEL ME DENNYSVILLE WASHINGTON DENNYSVILLE ME CLAYTON LAKE AROOSTOOK CLAYTON LAKE ME SMYRNA MILLS AROOSTOOK SMYRNA MILLS ME CANAAN SOMERSET CANAAN ME FAIRFIELD SOMERSET FAIRFIELD ME ABITA SPRINGS SAINT TAMMANY ABITA SPRINGS LA KENTWOODTANGIPAHOA KENTWOODLA EVANS VERNON EVANS LA DENHAM SPRINGS LIVINGSTONDENHAM SPRINGS LA CLINTON EAST FELICIANA CLINTON LA GOLDONNANATCHITOCHES GOLDONNA LA SHREVEPORT CADDO SHREVEPORTLA FOREST WEST CARROLL FOREST LA SPEARSVILLE UNION SPEARSVILLELA CENTER POINT AVOYELLESCENTER POINT LA JENA LA SALLE JENA LA ANACOCO VERNON ANACOCO LA BOYCE RAPIDES BOYCE LA GLENMORARAPIDES GLENMORA LA JOYCE WINN JOYCE LA LONGLEAF RAPIDES LONGLEAF LA MANY SABINE MANY LA NATCHITOCHES NATCHITOCHES NATCHITOCHES LA POLLOCK GRANT POLLOCK LA TULLOS LA SALLE TULLOS LA SIMPSONVILLE SHELBY SIMPSONVILLE KY LONDON LAUREL LONDON KY ELKTON TODD ELKTON KY STRAUGHNHENRY STRAUGHN IN PAOLI ORANGE PAOLI IN PONDERAY BONNER PONDERAY ID SANTA BENEWAH SANTA ID VILLA RICA CARROLL VILLA RICA GA ATLANTA FULTON ATLANTA GA 49659 49808 49870 49874 49880 49886 1095 1451 20677 21154 21629 4419 4628 4780 4924 4937 70420 70444 70639 70706 70722 71031 71105 71277 71323 71342 71403 71409 71433 71449 71457 71467 71479 40067 40744 42220 47387 47454 83852 83866 30180 30311 MANCELONA (49659) 2,700 35,394.58 BIG BAY (49808) 0 54,148 NORWAY (49870)1,486 42,210.78 POWERS (49874) 360 12,771.10 ROCK (49880) 672 42,823.00 SPALDING (49886)142 18,022.55 STAMBAUGH (49964) 62 WILBRAHAM (01095) 5,456 89,486.18 HARVARD (01451) 1,736 141,274 PORT TOBACCO (20677) 912 ######## STREET (21154) 2,429 77,428.18 DENTON (21629)3,502 68,402.62 CARMEL (04419)1,226 48,530 DENNYSVILLE (04628) 247 35,614.42 CLAYTON LAKE (04737) 0 SMYRNA MILLS (04780) 230 36,683.95 CANAAN (04924) 887 43,807 FAIRFIELD (04937) 2,435 46,685 ABITA SPRINGS (70420) 2,620 24,813.38 KENTWOOD (70444) 4,155 21,503.45 EVANS (70639) 238 49,943 DENHAM SPRINGS 6,439 (70706) 65,644.60 CLINTON (70722)2,235 32,420.03 GOLDONNA (71031) 398 32,392.51 SHREVEPORT (71105) 9,880 54,829.20 FOREST (71242) 58 SPEARSVILLE (71277) 659 24,933.44 CENTER POINT (71323) 317 45,375 JENA (71342) 3,022 37,823.05 ANACOCO (71403) 1,724 47,046.97 BOYCE (71409) 2,860 45,048.51 GLENMORA (71433) 1,534 39,102.03 JOYCE (71440) 111 LONGLEAF (71448) 11 MANY (71449) 3,893 33,761.53 NATCHITOCHES10,332 (71457)31,323.08 POLLOCK (71467)1,983 43,860.48 TULLOS (71479) 419 13,115.52 SIMPSONVILLE (40067) 2,050 71,348.46 LONDON (40744)6,954 40,532.12 ELKTON (42220)2,464 33,308.81 STRAUGHN (47387) 244 41,113 PAOLI (47454) 2,953 36,571.37 PONDERAY (83852)574 38,937 SANTA (83866) 192 37,297 VILLA RICA (30180) 12,779 55,167.84 ATLANTA (30311) 14,169 33,267.75 43,159.48 64,426 50,087.88 15,580.84 51,038.23 21,987.66 ######## 170,088 ######## 93,492.25 74,183.04 51,805 46,611.60 44,919.17 51,617 54,205 30,782.50 30,763.47 62,340 72,223.45 48,721.09 43,616.79 66,566.45 32,954.39 54,263 53,782.19 56,011...
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PART TWO: Customer Analysis
In this section of the project, there has to precise and robust information concerning the
household. That is how to depict the best player in the industry, the one with higher market share. It is
necessary to analyze the company that controls the best population share, and this should then be
interpreted with the output shown in the income generated both in the average and median levels.
Some of the guiding questions based on the company codes include; is there a significant
difference in the household population for the top companies? Which company has the highest market
share, and how is that interpreted on income generated. In the end, among the top three companies that
have been chosen, which one performs better? Which company has a high, medium and a low customer
base? Is the observed data relevant to the observations in the previous sections of the project?

ID 861

Fig.1: which shows information on the performance of the company with code 94040

ID 963

Fig.2: is indicative on the company with code 78539

ID 153

Fig.3: is indicative on the company with code 94553
The above diagrams represents the top three companies within the industry. They are operating
under the ID names, which uses labels 861, 963 and 153 respectively. The analysis is on the basis levels
recorded in each figure, and this results are based on observation. In the first figure, the total retail of the
company indicates the highest value of $954,931, and its mean income follows the variable, then the
A similar trend holds for the second figure though at differing rates. In illustration three, the
complete recordings for retail sales stand the tallest with a value of 581,439 and its explanation follows
from the mean income, which stands at $87,257.72, then there come the median earnings at $73,753.83
level (Seth, 2016). Briefly, it is possible to conclude that for each company there are three higher values,
the total retail sales, mean income generated and the median income value; where for each of the
recordings, the aggregate retail sales remain the highest. However, it is also necessary to note that factors
such as the household are equally critical in this analysis since they would determine the customer base
or the market of every company. Those that have significant figures would be the market controllers
within the industry.
When comparing the performance of the above top companies, the household population is
considered the number one factor when it comes to market base analysis. Company 153 has a household
population base of 18,668, which is the highest compared to the rest of the companies. The 861 company
follows, and finally, is company 963, which has a household base of 12901. Technically, it is precise that
the organization with the most significant market share will have the highest revenue. However, this is
measurable using the mean and median income (Seth, 2016). Another important consideration will be
seen after realizing the one with the highest customer. In the comparison of the mean income values, the
one with the highest company 861 despite the fact that it has a lower number of household population
as compared to 153. However, it has higher levels of 2006 pop as compared to the other two, and that

explains the reasons for higher median income. The organization is operating in an environment full of
potential customers.
The pattern is presented based on the population served, and the number mean income value
that each company would yield. So far while one company displays more potentials, the other indicates
robust income. In company 963, the level of mean income value is lower as compared to the rest of the
organizations. Again its level of pop 2006 and number of the household are lower than the rest. The
findings above comply with the previous results in part one of the project. Channel I used as the yardstick
of measurement in both cases and with that, the companies are comparable (Seth, 2016). Hence, in the
channel I, it holds to conclude that the company with ID 861 has the best mean income, followed by ID
153. That is traceable when comparing the channels with the highest quantity of sales, where companies
with ID 153 and 861 are the leading.
The customer base of the company can be further analyzed as indicated below. Those from the
ID 153 shows a high customer base, and they are followed by the medium observation from the company
with ID 861, while a low customer base is present in the ID 963, where they have 12901 household
population. Conversely, that is relevant to the rest of the observations within the previous project since it
is explained with a direct relationship between household population and the mean income value, and
the entire performance of the company. The company with the highest income is that which has the
highest potential and able buyers in the market. And in such a case, it is possible to expand the
performance realms of the company since co...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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