Help writing a prospectus

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Cal Poly SLO



InstructionsPROSPECTUS no screencast

Meaning of "Prospectus": Derived from Latin, "prospectus" means "a look forward," symbolizing your future prospects concerning the research.

Format: No need for an essay format; you may answer the questions, provided you supply thorough information.

Length: Not less than  1 1/2 but not more than 2 full pages.

Title: Give your prospectus a creative title reflecting your topic's complexities; this can inspire further exploration!

  • Approach: While not a fully polished paper, your prospectus should maintain a mature academic tone. It's acceptable to acknowledge uncertainties in your plan for exploration as long as you've first tried to locate them.
  • Key Points to Address:
  • Identify the broad umbrella category under which your topic falls.

Formulate a research question or problem that avoids yes or no answers, focusing on complexities to explore (highlight this in yellow).

  • Explain why/how this question or problem holds personal significance to you and why it should matter to your audience.
  • Discuss your existing knowledge about the subject and how you acquired it.

Specify the types of evidence you will seek to support your argument (e.g., personal experiences, scientific studies, statistics) and mention specific potential databases for sourcing evidence (not just OneSearch or GoogleScholar)

Identify primary sources that will be beneficial for your research (refer to to an external site.).

Actively speculate on strategies to both broaden and narrow the scope of your paper to prevent it from becoming overly extensive.

Bottom Line: Your prospectus should reflect thoughtful consideration and provide a roadmap for your research journey.COMPOSITION SKILLS: Written in a mature, college-level voice (and not over-reliant on personal narrative“I”).

  1. Writer controls wordiness and maintains an academic voice by reducing over-reliance on those clunky "To Be" verbs, excessive wordiness,

and over-generalized information. Punctuation and grammar fall into this category as well.

  1. LENGHT & FORMAT: Meets the assignment length/format AND Contains a tentative research question (one that cannot be answered YES or NO).   

NOTE: Your Research Question MUST BE HIGHLIGHTED!

  1. AVOIDS GENERALITIES whenever possible BE SPECIFIC.  Write in active voice with precise vocabulary-choices.
  2. EVIDENCE of QUALITY PRE-SEARCHING:Identifies Complexity-goes beyond the obvious--and/or develops a particular niche or explores a unique controversy consulting SPECIFIC DATABASES
  3. (not just Academic Premier or OneSearch) or Locates credible websites.

You must identify specific databases that you have used in your pre-searching.

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Explanation & Answer


The Rise of Precision Agriculture
Identify the broad umbrella category under which your topic falls.
Agricultural Technology or AgTech
Formulate a research question or problem that avoids yes or no answers, focusing on
complexities to explore
How can adopting autonomous farming equipment like self-driving tractors address the
challenges of improving agricultural productivity, efficiency, and sustainability while navigating
potential technical, economic, and social implications?
Explain why/how this question or problem is personally significant to you and why it
should matter to your audience.
The deployment of such technology for autonomous farming equipment, including self-driving
tractors, holds the potential for redefining the productivity and efficiency of agriculture through
next-generation technology: sensors, GPS, computer vision, and artificial intelligence. But at the
same time, mass automation brings to the foreground concerns of great personal value, or at the
least, problems that need to be the ultimate concern for all of us. I am afraid of the displacement
these t...

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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