nursing 2111

User Generated


Health Medical


University of Guam


Ensuring Quality Care is Delivered

Based on what you have learned so far in this course, create a 20-slide PowerPoint presentation. Be thorough and include rationale and references for your recommendations. Be sure to completely answer all the points below. Use clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with at least four (4) sources throughout your presentation. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end. Follow best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color, images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements. Include detailed speaker notes for each slide. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Performing in the role of a DNP, you determine a need for a practice change to improve the quality of care and outcomes. You are to prepare a presentation for the staff. The presentation should be based on research and evidence from the literature to justify the implementation.

Identify the problem and background and need for quality improvement.

Describe the theoretical or conceptual framework that will support your recommendation for the practice change. 

Address a plan to measure and evaluate outcomes; include the implications and significance for nursing practice.

  • Include slides as follows:
  • Introduction (1 slide)
  • Identify the problem (1 slide)

Background (2 slides)

Quality improvement needs (2 slides)

  • Theoretical or conceptual frameworks description (3 slides)
  • Recommendations for practice change based on theoretical or conceptual frameworks (4 slides)
  • Plan to measure and evaluate outcomes (4 slides)
  • Implications and significance for nursing practice (4 slides)

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Explanation & Answer


Ensuring Quality Care By
Enhancing Diabetes
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• Identify the problem
• Background
• Quality improvement needs
• Theoretical or conceptual frameworks description
• Recommendations for practice change based on theoretical or
conceptual frameworks
• Plan to measure and evaluate outcomes
• Implications and significance for nursing practice
• References

• Providing high-quality treatment to people with diabetes is essential to
properly treating this chronic illness.
• Improving diabetes care requires a multimodal strategy that includes
customized medication programs, frequent monitoring, and patient education.
• Results may be greatly enhanced by highlighting the significance of lifestyle
changes, such as a healthy diet and frequent exercise, in addition to medicinal
• Additionally, patients may get real-time assistance and data-driven insights by
using technological breakthroughs like telemedicine and continuous glucose
• By combining these techniques, medical professionals may give patients with
diabetes with all-encompassing treatment that improves their entire quality of
life in addition to controlling blood sugar levels.

Identifying the Problem
• Because of its complexity and need for ongoing patient selfmanagement, diabetes management is still a major healthcare concern.
• Adhering to treatment plans, upholding lifestyle modifications, and
managing coexisting diseases are often difficult tasks for patients.
• Negligent treatment may result in serious side effects such retinopathy,
neuropathy, and cardiovascular disease.
• These issues raise the expense of healthcare while simultaneously
lowering life quality.
• To avoid complications, improve quality of life, and lessen the overall
strain on the healthcare system, it is imperative to improve patient
outcomes in the treatment of diabetes (Ndjaboue et al., 2020)

Prevalence and Impact of Diabetes
• Millions of people worldwide suffer with diabetes, with Type 2 being the most
prevalent kind.
• Diabetes is becoming more common, which has serious consequences for
people and healthcare systems and patients are more likely to have a number of
complications, which may raise their morbidity and death rates.
• The financial toll is high and includes both direct medical expenses and
indirect costs like missed productivity.
• Developing efficient management and preventative plans is essential to solving
this expanding public health problem.
• It is crucial to comprehend the history and contemporary developments in
diabetes care in order to carry out quality improvement projects that are
successful (Galindo et al., 2023)

Current Management Strategies
• The multimodal strategy used in current diabetes care options includes
medication, lifestyle changes, and patient education.
• The mainstay of therapy is glucose management with drugs like
insulin and oral hypoglycemics, dietary and physical exercise
modifications are essential for controlling blood sugar levels and
lowering problems (Galindo et al., 2023)
• The goal of patient education initiatives is to enable people to actively
participate in their hea...

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