Linguistic Research Paper

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This is an English essay focused on Linguistic. Should be fun research, it relates to SLA- Second language learners.

Please have more references, books, articles, etc.

Argue for something, not only reviewing the literature.

* 10 pages* No Plagiarism Please.

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Maha Saeed April 16th, 2018 Paper Outline Let’s Learn a New Language Why is it difficult for adults to acquire a new language (second language)? Introduction: Explain why it’s difficult for many adults to learn a foreign language. The 5 stages of SLA: 1¶ 2¶ 3¶ 4¶ 5¶ Silent/ receptive Early production Speech emergence Intermediate fluency Continued language development Critical period: When it starts? What age? Do researchers believe in it? Evidence? What is Skinners theory for language development: Conclusion: People learn best when they have a good model, environment, and motivation. Advantages of being bilingual. (You can speak with different people, increase salary, more job opportunities, more knowledge and culture of others, stronger thinking and speech skills). Setting- Visit the country, live there, etc Practice- You need a place to practice, time, Reason- for work, for a spouse, at home. Support- study with friends and family, audio tapes, media, TV shows, music.
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