High level finance questions

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Business Finance


I have a Final group Examination, where I should answer 2 questions regarding an article, ( I uploaded the article with the instructions for the examination). Please answer ONLY 2 out of the 5 questions available in the PDF file, after reading the whole article.

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High-Level Finance Question

Part 1

What are the various approaches available for valuing southern comfort corporation?

Free Cash Flow Analysis

Free cash flow analysis is a typical valuation method used to assess the financial
performance of an organization. The free cash flow approach represents the cash that the
company generates in a certain period. Notably, the generated cash breakdown includes all
capital expenditures such as working equipment, houses and properties among other
expenditures. Additionally, the cash used to expand the productivity, pay dividends, pay debts,
or develop new products is also evaluated by the free cash flow approach. In other words, the
approach prov...

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