SPSS Assignment: Testing for Bivariate Categorical Analysis

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Assignment: Testing for Bivariate Categorical Analysis

You have had plenty of practice with data analysis in the Discussions and hopefully you have received helpful and encouraging feedback from your colleagues. Now, for the last time in the course, it is time once again to put all of that good practice to use and answer a social research question using categorical statistical tools. As you begin the Assignment, be sure and pay close attention to the assumptions of the test. Specifically, make sure the variables are categorical level variables.

For this Assignment, you will consider three different scenarios. Each of these scenarios include a research question. You will examine each scenario, choose a categorical data analysis and run a sample test.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review Chapters 10 and 11 of the Frankfort-Nachmias & Leon-Guerrero course text and the media program found in this week’s Learning Resources related to bivariate categorical tests.
  • Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset found in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Next, review the Chi Square Scenarios found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider each research scenario for this Assignment.
  • Based on the dataset you chose and for each research scenario provided, using the SPSS software, choose a categorical data analysis and run a sample test.
  • Once you perform your categorical data analysis, review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word document.

For this Assignment:

Write a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis of your categorical data results for each research scenario. In your analysis, display the data for the output. Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the implications of social change might be.

Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing for your analysis, research question, and display of output.

Professor Notes on How to Complete Assignment:

"Week 11 Assignment: How To Complete The Assignment Requirement

Review the Week 11Course Materials.

Use the Afrobarometer dataset for this Discussion.

Review the 3 Chi-Square scenarios found in this week’s Learning Resources and address each of the 3 scenarios for this assignment.

Note 1: you must address each of the 3 scenarios, you must address each of the 3 scenarios, you must address each of the 3 scenarios.

Note 2: use the variables that are identified in each of the scenarios in your analysis as follows:

Scenario 1 46 Q59H: Trust police 63: Presence of democracy

Scenario 2 46 Q59H: Trust in police 4: Reside: rural, urban, semi-urban

Scenario 3 10 Q5A: Current econ con 22 Q42: Extent of democracy

Run a Chi-Square Test of Independence for each scenario. Here’s how:

Write a research question for a Chi-Square Test of Independence. Use this format:

- What is the relationship between (state the IV) and (state the DV)?

Write the null hypothesis. Use this format:

-There is no relationship between (state the IV) and (state the DV).

State the research design.

Use SPSS to answer the research question. Here’s how:

-Open the GSS data set, select Analyze, select Descriptive Statistics, select Crosstabs, drag your IV into the Rows box, drag your DV into the Columns box, Click on Statistics, select Chi-square and Phi and Cramer’s V, select Continue, select Cells, select Observed, Rows, Columns and Totals, select Continue and OK.

-Review the Asymptotic Significance value in the Pearson Chi-Square row of the Chi-Squared Tests SPSS Output and decide to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Remember, if the Sig. value is less than .05, reject the null and if the Sig. value is greater than .05, fail to reject the null.

-If you reject the null and determine that the Chi-Square is statistically significant, report and explain the meaning of the effect size (strong, medium, weak). Use the Cramer’s V value in the Symmetric Measures box for effect size

If you fail to reject the null and find that the Chi-Square is not statistically significant, then there is no need to calculate, report, or explain the effect size.

Check to make sure you have addressed 3 scenarios. There will be no opportunity to resubmit your assignment. "

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Week 11 Scenarios 1. Results of your literature review conclude that trust in the police is an integral part of any democracy. You wish to test whether a relationship between trust in the police and presence of democracy (measured with dichotomous variable) exists in Africa. Using Afrobarometer 2015, please provide: a 1–2 APA style paragraph statement that furnishes an answer to this question, note the relevant statistics, comment on meaningfulness, and include your relevant SPSS output. 2. Following up on your previous analysis, you now wish to determine whether a relationship exists between citizen trust in police and whether respondents reside in rural, urban or semi-urban settings? Using Afrobarometer 2015, please provide: a 1–2 APA style paragraph statement that furnishes an answer to this question, note the relevant statistics, comment on meaningfulness, and include your relevant SPSS output. In addition, please comment on what could be influencing the results you obtained. 3. Is there a relationship between perceptions of current economic conditions and extent of a democracy? Using Afrobarometer 2015, please provide: a 1–2 APA style paragraph statement that furnishes an answer to this question, note the relevant statistics, comment on meaningfulness, and include your relevant SPSS output. In addition, please comment on what could be influencing the results you obtained. © 2016 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 1 of 1
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Explanation & Answer

Hi, Find attached the completed work.Feel Free to ask for any clarification and editing if need be.Looking forward to working with you in future.Thank you


Bivariate Categorical Analysis
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Title



Scenario 1
Results of your literature review conclude that trust in the police is an integral part of any
democracy. You wish to test whether a relationship between trust in the police and presence of
democracy (measured with dichotomous variable) exists in Africa. Using Afrobarometer 2015,
please provide: a 1–2 APA style paragraph statement that furnishes an answer to this question,
note the relevant statistics, comment on meaningfulness, and include your relevant SPSS output.
Research question: What is the relationship between trust in police and the presence of
democracy in Africa?
Null hypothesis: There is no relationship between trust in police and the presence of democracy
in Africa.
Research design: Survey

Q59h. Trust police * Democracy (dichotomous) Crosstabulation
Democracy (dichotomous)
Not a



Not at all
Q59h. Trust










Just a

A lot








Chi-Square Tests


Asymp. Sig.

Pearson Chi-Square




Likelihood Ratio







N of Valid Cases


a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The
minimum expected count is...

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