Create a framework of your professional transformation using the Framework for Nurse Professionals.

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Concorde Career College


Create a framework of your professional transformation using the Framework for Nurse Professionals. Create your own personal and social ideal by answering the following questions: (1) what is good character? (2) What does it mean to be a knowledgeable nurse professional? (3) How do you or will you do good work in practice?

Describe the Framework using the Stairstep Model. (1) What are the principle-based ethics, consequentialist ethics, and virtue ethics within your professional transformation? (2) What is the dynamic nature of flourishing and of making mistakes? (3) How can a larger view of professional formation and transformation help nursing students and nurses embrace a broader understanding of the discipline and unite the profession as a whole?

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MIDTERM ASSIGNMENT Create a framework of your professional transformation using the Framework for Nurse Professionals. Create your own personal and social ideal. Answer questions: (1) what is good character? (2) What does it mean to be a knowledgeable nurse professional? (3) How do you or will you do good work in practice? Describe the Framework using the Stairstep Model. (1) What are the principle-based ethics, consequentialist ethics, and virtue ethics within your professional transformation? (2) What is the dynamic nature of flourishing and of making mistakes? (3) How can a larger view of professional formation and transformation help nursing students and nurses embrace a broader understanding of the discipline and unite the profession as a whole? The Midterm Assignment is due in week 5. The final assignment should include the below completed framework as an addendum along with a minimum of 3 pages within APA formatting. Be sure to include references. Framework for Nurse Professionals MORAL AGENTS SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL PRACTIAL WISDOM “PHRONESIS” OUTCOMES “TELOS”
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Professional Transformation


Professional Transformation
Framework for Nurse Professionals
In nursing, good character is a combination of qualities that can be easily perceived in a
practitioner’s behavior. These intangible factors include courage, dedication, strong moral
values, and honesty (Oldland et al., 2020). Nurses with solid character always respond to
situations according to their beliefs concerning right and wrong. Their moral compass guides
their actions and decision-making processes and allows them to create a strong foundation for
relationships. Respecting and being thankful for others is also encouraged alongside cooperation
and trust. Apart from being visible from an individual’s thought process, excellent character is
expressed through words. This is seen in how nurses communicate with individuals inside and
outside their occupation.
Good character can be shaped by the level of a nurse’s knowledge. This alludes to the
specific core competencies a practitioner must possess to enhance patient outcomes. They
include interpersonal skills with patients, patients’ families, and other medical team members to
comprehend their experiences (Batt et al., 2020). Nurses must know how to handle different
populations regardless of their background. This process requires empathy. Critical thinking and
problem-solving skills are also essential for knowledgeable nurses. The competencies allow them
to make patient decisions at the right time. Moreover, expert nurses embrace ethical practices,
acknowledging that patients are the most c...

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