Annotated Bibliography

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English 145: Creating an annotated bibliography (Minimum 3 sources) WHAT IS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY? An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and/or evaluative paragraph. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader (and remind yourself) of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the contents/sources cited. Annotations are descriptive and critical; they expose the author's point of view, clarity and appropriateness of expression, and authority. ANNOTATIONS VS. ABSTRACTS Abstracts are the purely descriptive summaries often found at the beginning of scholarly journal articles or in periodical indexes. Do NOT merely copy or cut/paste the abstracts as a means to complete your own annotated bibliography. Annotations are descriptive and critical; they expose the author's point of view, clarity and appropriateness of expression, and authority. Expanding the Conversation: Annotated Bibliographies in Action Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills: concise exposition, succinct analysis, and informed (not random) library research. This document should be written in an academic voice (proofread for syntax and grammar or expression errors). 1. First, locate and record citations to journal articles, book chapters, and documents that may contain useful information and ideas on your topic. Briefly examine and review the source and not merely the author’s abstract. Then, choose those works that provide a variety of perspectives on your topic. Part of your goal, here, is to demonstrate the depth or breadth of your topic—not just the concepts that affirm your question (note: be aware of the confirmation bias pothole). 2. Cite the book, article, or document using the appropriate style (MLA). 3. Write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article. Include one or more sentences that (a) evaluate the authority or background of the author, (b) comment on the intended audience, (c) compare or contrast this work with another you have cited, or (d) explain how this work illuminates your topic or (e) the gaps that this research reveals. TIP: re-read “How to Read Research Articles” on PL This example uses the MLA format for the journal citation: Waite, L. J., Goldschneider, F. K., & Witsberger, C. (1986). Non-family living and the erosion of traditional family orientations among young adults. American Sociological Review, 51(4), 541-554. The authors, researchers at the Rand Corporation and Brown University, use data from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Young Women and Young Men to test their hypothesis that non-family living by young adults alters their attitudes, values, plans, and expectations, moving them away from their belief in traditional sex roles. They find their hypothesis strongly supported in young females, while the effects were fewer in studies of young males. Increasing the time away from parents before marrying increased individualism, self-sufficiency, and changes in attitudes about families. In contrast, an earlier study by Williams cited below shows no significant gender differences in sex role attitudes as a result of nonfamily living. Sources for annotated bibliographies:
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Article #1
Evstatiev, B. I., and K. G. Gabrovska-Evstatieva. "A review on the methods for big data analysis
in agriculture." IOP conference series: materials science and engineering. Vol. 1032. No.
1. IOP Publishing, 2021.
Evstatiev and Gabrovska-Evstatieva from the University of Ruse Angel Kanchev
comprehensively review big data analysis methods in agriculture, emphasizing the challenges
and opportunities of integrating information and communication technologies into farming
practices. The authors claim that precision agriculture has the potential to turn farming into smart
farming by integrating IoT devices and geo data to address issues such as food scarcity. They
highlighted the importance of a wide range of opportunities given by big data through intimate
exploration. It requires specific expertise, which, in turn, many farmers and agronomists still
need to possess. The study intends to fill this gap by identifying different data analysis
techniques and their suitability for different facets of agriculture. The authors also emphasize that
a view of the data must be made more frequent in real-time or near real-time to be more useful.
Based on the information technology trends for integrating large data analysis in farming
systems, this review entails important recommendations for agricultural professionals and
scholars. I found the paper's vast overview of data analysis tools and their usage relevant to my
study on auto...

Goes above and beyond expectations!


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