professional organization

User Generated


Health Medical

Prince George's Community College


Enter Sentinel City® and visit Lake View Suburb. Meet with nurse educator Dr. Holmes to discuss professional responsibilities in nursing.

Identify two professional organizations:

  1. Detail the professional organization’s purpose
  2. Investigate membership requirements

Investigate the cost of membership

  • Investigate how active membership would impact your professional career goals
  • Investigate networking opportunities within the nursing organization
  • Investigate educational opportunities within the nursing organization

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Explanation & Answer



Discussion Question
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Discussion Question
As a beginner in nursing, knowing more about nursing is essential. From my
conversations with Dr. Holmes, I identified the fundamental duties expected of any nurse. Some
are delivering patient care, making and conducting patient evaluations, giving medications,
maintaining effective communication, working with healthcare workers, and maintaining
professional, ethical standards. They aim to protect the patient and guarantee they will not be
Apart from these fundamental areas, the nursing profession provides vast opportunities
for specialization. LPNs are healthcare professionals who assist in delivering care under the
supervision of RNs. RNs, who support the leading Nursing practice, oversee the care delivery,
dispense medicines, and provide instructions to patients a...

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