
User Generated


Health Medical

Prince George's Community College


Discussion Prompts 

  • Nursing Knowledge and Practice builds on the knowledge you gained during your general education courses. Some examples of these courses are pathophysiology, anatomy and physiology, chemistry, and nutrition. Thinking about your clinical or simulation day, what knowledge from your general education courses did you use to complete your nursing tasks or make clinical decisions during your day? How did you apply that knowledge in your practice?
  • Nursing knowledge provides the basis for making clinical judgments. Thinking about the clinical decisions or clinical judgments you made during your clinical or simulation day, how did your nursing knowledge help you make clinical judgments? Give two examples.

Submission and Assessment Guidelines

  • Post to the Discussion Board in Canvas. For help on how to submit discussion posts, review How do I reply to a discussion as a student.
  • Your post should be a minimum and written in academic language meaning proper grammar, spelling, and format. 
  • Remember that a substantive post should provide a reason for your beliefs. In other words, why do you feel the way you feel? Your opinion is acceptable, but you must have a solid rationale for it. You will need to respond critically and persuasively.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer



Clinical Decision-Making in Nursing


Clinical Decision-Making in Nursing
Nursing knowledge from general education courses can be used in making clinical
decisions in practice. One approach to doing so is using lessons from a specific course and
completing tasks based on key learning points. In the clinical day, I used knowledge from my
nutrition courses to identify signs of malnutrition and determine factors tha...

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