evidence base

User Generated


Health Medical

Prince George's Community College


Create a Microsoft Word document and answer the following questions based on this module’s readings. Your response should be a minimum of 3–5 sentences in length, original (in your own words), and use professional writing.

  1. What is meant by an “attitude of inquiry”?
  2. Where do questions about nursing practice come from?
  3. What is the purpose of asking questions in a specific format before proceeding with the evidence-based practice process?
  4. What do PICO and PICo represent?

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Explanation & Answer



Evidence-Based Practice


Evidence-Based Practice
1. What is meant by an “attitude of inquiry”?
An attitude of inquiry is an approach to practice whereby one remains curious about the practice
approaches, outcomes, and ways to improve them. The practitioner should maintain an attitude
of questioning ways to improve the practice and curious to evaluate any new approaches and
findings that can promote optimal health outcomes. Inquiry is the willingness to explore new
approaches and compare with ...

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