business plan final for Street Corner Franchise

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Business Finance


Order of business plan.

1.0 Executive Summary. 1

1.1 Objectives. 1

Chart: Highlights. 1

1.2 Mission.. 2

1.3 Keys to Success. 2

2.0 Company Summary. 2

2.1 Company Ownership.. 2

2.2 Start-up Summary. 2

Chart: Start-up.. 3

Table: Start-up.. 3

Table: Start-up Funding.. 4

3.0 Products. 4

4.0 Market Analysis Summary. 5

4.1 Market Segmentation.. 5

Table: Market Analysis. 5

5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary. 5

5.1 Competitive Edge.. 5

5.2 Sales Strategy. 6

5.2.1 Sales Forecast. 6

Table: Sales Forecast. 6

6.0 Management Summary. 8

6.1 Personnel Plan.. 8

Table: Personnel 8

7.0 Financial Plan.. 9

7.1 Break-even Analysis. 9

Table: Break-even Analysis. 9

Chart: Break-even Analysis. 9

7.2 Projected Profit and Loss. 10

Chart: Profit Monthly. 10

Chart: Profit Yearly. 10

Table: Profit and Loss. 11

7.3 Projected Cash Flow... 12

Table: Cash Flow... 12

Chart: Cash.. 13

7.4 Projected Balance Sheet. 14

Table: Balance Sheet. 14

7.5 Business Ratios. 15

Table: Ratios. 15

Table: Sales Forecast. 1

Table: Personnel 2

Table: General Assumptions. 3

Table: Profit and Loss. 4

Attached is a sample business plan, This plan will be about starting a Street Corner Gas station and Connivence store, which is a franchise gas station. This business will be located on the corner of 54th and grand on a lot that is sized at 93,000 square feet. The land will be leased at 5k per month, Also,there will be an assessment when a building permit is granted by the city, of approximately $25,000 for city improvements of sidewalks etc. The total investment needed to begin operation for a franchised street corner gas station with c-store is $330,000. Attached below is the break down of how much the store will cost in total. The business will be built in Billings, Montana, on the location specified above. Find all demographics/stats needed to properly make this business plan

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Street Corner Franchise
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Executive Summary
The Franchise is an international business which is set in establishing Street Corner gas
station and Connivance store. This branches will be established in accordance with the
Franchise strategies and plans. The plan was implemented to ensure that the Franchise business
will be strategically located in the 54th grand corner which will be sized approximately 93, 000
square meters. The projected cash flows are established precisely to make sure that they are in
line with organization managers to lease land at five thousand on monthly basis. The precisely
written balance sheet will help in determining anticipated assets and liabilities in implementing
the plan. The approximated business plan starting capital is three and thirty thousands. Billings
and Montana where the business will be established were major assumptions of sales forecast
and general business assumptions. The upcoming business will definitely prevail in this
markets because it offers best enterprise environment. Objectives
The following are some of the major business objectives for the corner gas stations and
Connivance stores.

To assist in reducing fuel and other service inadequency in both Montana and Billing

To ensure increased levels of consumer services and products satisfaction

To give out quality services with an added value

To be the prominent organization in gas providence and storage services.

To expand market supply in the entire Montana and Billing

To minimize inconveniences and customer grievances.

[Type here]

Chart Highlights

Minimized customers

Quality services and

To ensure increased
market demands

Business Objectives

Market expansion

Minimized polution

To be the leading
organization in
providing gas
services and storage

Street corner Franchise is reliable business enterprise which maintains service quality
for brand gas stations and the convenience goods which offers affordable gas prices, flexibility

[Type here]

and reliability, and strong product identity which distributors and dealers will definitely want
to succeed.
Thus, to become the leading gas station and connivance stores in the entire Montana
and Billing with a sales brand which is steadily offering affordable fuel prices and strong and
quality corporate image.
Keys to Success
The following are some of the major keys to success for the Street corner Franchise
business enterprise. These keys and strategies will help the Street corne...

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