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Northcentral University


Week - 1 Assignment: Develop a Problem Statement

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Your first task for Week 1 will be to draft an introduction to the problem and problem statement. You are directed to use the subsections marked in your ADE Proposal and Manuscript Template (school-specific).

A properly crafted problem statement begins with, “The problem is…” In addition, be sure to:

Identify a problem through connection with the existing body of literature.

State the problem clearly.

Provide details and reference to what actions failed to address the problem to date.

Define, through a connection with evidence, how your approach will seek to address the unresolved problem using a specific methodology (You will cover specific methodological approaches later in this course and in Section 2. For now, you will simply select if you will use a qualitative or quantitative approach).

Specify what you intend to measure using either a qualitative or quantitative approach.

Length: 1-2 pages of introduction and a problem statement of 200-300 words using your ADE Proposal and Manuscript Template (school-specific) (reference pages required)

References: All citations must have corresponding references listed in correct APA format. These references will eventually be included in the References section of the completed ADE Proposal and Manuscript Template (school-specific). Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.

As directed by your Chair and at least once each week, upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button. If you are not yet ready to submit a draft of your introduction and problem statement, remember to submit a document to the Dropbox; it is recommended you submit the draft you have in progress.

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Explanation & Answer



The Problem Statement

Department: University
Course Code: Course Unit

The Problem Statement
Existing Literature and Problem Identification
The issue that this paper focuses on is the dearth of family-oriented approaches in early
intervention services for children with developmental delays or disability. Srinivasan et al.
(2021) emphasize the importance of early childhood identification and early childhood
intervention concerning developmental concerns. Smythe et al. (2021) also show that early
interventions concerning children with developmental delays or disabilities should not only focus
on the child but also on the family in order to influence favorable conditions that will promote a
child’s well-being. However, despite this recognition, many of the current-day programs are
lacking in applying family-involved approaches. Scholars such as Bourke-Taylor et al. (2022)
and Yalçin (2021) have pointed out this research niche, asserting that family involvement
translates into better outcomes and longevity of development assistance.
These scholars posit that when families are involved, they are more likely to identify
signs of learning disabilities, support the child to access services and support the therapists in
implementing interventions at home. Hence, the current models of intervention may not be wellaligned with the child’s home context, which can result in less-than-ideal outcomes. Herzig et al.
(2023) state that failure to engage the family means that chances for early intervention are not
utilized and the child’s development may be worsened, as well as future educational and socialemotional growth. Collectively, this literat...

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