Peer Response Roselyne

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Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Strategies for medication access for patients with chronic conditions 

The available strategies to address the issue of medication access for patients with chronic conditions who lack prescription coverage include; first, financial assistance programs play a crucial role in addressing challenges to medication access, as they help to alleviate the financial burden on patients, making essential medications more affordable and accessible. Through partnerships with various stakeholders, healthcare providers can ensure that patients with chronic illnesses get the medications they need to manage their conditions more effectively. A second strategy is leveraging community resources to enhance medication access by using local clinics, community health centers, and other healthcare organizations to assist and connect patients with chronic illnesses with low cost medications. According to McNamara et al. (2020), community based initiatives are important in ensuring that individuals with chronic conditions have access to necessary care, even in the absence of prescription coverage. The third strategy is implementing patient education initiatives, which is a crucial aspect in empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their medications. Healthcare providers can enhance patients understanding of their treatment plans by offering educational programs that focus on medication options, adherence benefits, and the available resources that keep them in their comfort zones. Patients who are enlightened are more likely to adhere to medication regimens, which leads to a better healthcare outcome and improved management of chronic conditions. 

Low-cost measures in FNP area of practice 

FNPs can significantly improve medication access and affordability for patients with chronic conditions who lack prescription coverage by implementing low-cost measures in their practice. Through collaborative efforts in financial assistance programs, community resources, and comprehensive patient education, FNPs can play a vital role in ensuring their patients get the medications they need to manage their health more effectively. The first low cost measure is financial assistance programs, where FNPs play an essential role in helping patients have access to financial assistance programs. By guiding patient through the application process and ensuring they understand the program requirements, FNPs can help alleviate the financial burden of obtaining necessary medications. Secondly, there are community resources, where FNPs can refer patients to local health departments, free clinics, or charitable pharmacies that offer discounted medications. Third is patient education initiatives, where FNPs play a role in addressing medication access challenges. Fraze et al. (2020) note that, FNPs can educate patients on the various medication affordability options, including the available financial help programs and community resources. Further, FNPs emphasize on the importance of medication adherence and its impact on health outcomes. In this regard, by empowering patients with knowledge and resources, FNPs can help patients make informed decision about their treatment. 

The role of healthcare providers in determining prescription costs 

Healthcare providers have significant influence over prescription costs, impacting patient’s access to affordable medications. Some of the roles of healthcare providers include; first, determining the prescription costs, where they play a role in the process of prescribing cost-effective medications. Besides, healthcare providers are tasked with considering various factors, such as patient financial constraints and insurance coverage, when making prescribing decisions (Taheri et al., 2021). The second role the healthcare provider play is supporting and advocating for patients to ensure medication affordability. This process of advocacy involves the exploration of generic alternatives that are more cost-effective and providing recommendations for patient assistance programs that offer financial assistance, such as 

This organization assists in finding patient resource programs, state programs, discounted medication, and low- or free medical care. By actively engaging in these support measures, healthcare providers empower patients to navigate the complexities of medication costs, ultimately enhancing access to essential, treatments. Also, through their support efforts, healthcare providers are able to demonstrate their commitment to addressing financial barriers that may hinder patients from obtaining the necessary medications. Thirdly, there is the role of research, where healthcare providers play an indispensable role in addressing medication access challenges. Research emphasizes the need for collaborative efforts between providers, patients, and community resources to ensure optimal medication access.


Fraze, T. K., Briggs, A. D., Whitcomb, E. K., Peck, K. A., & Meara, E. (2020). Role of nurse practitioners in caring for patients with complex health needs. Medical Care, 58(10), 853-860.

McNamara, K. E., Clissold, R., Westoby, R., Piggott-McKellar, A. E., Kumar, R., Clarke, T., ... & Nunn, P. D. (2020). An assessment of community-based adaptation initiatives in the Pacific Islands. Nature Climate Change, 10(7), 628-639.

Moghadam, S.T., Sadoughi, F., Velayati, F., Ehsanzadeh, S. J., & Poursharif, S. (2021). The effects of clinical decision support system for prescribing medication on patient outcomes and physician practice performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21, 1-26.

Needy meds.

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Peer Response Roselyne

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May 31, 2024

Peer Response Roselyne
Hello Roselyne. This is an excellent post. Your post provides a comprehensive
assessment of strategies to enhance medication access for patients with chronic conditions,
low-cost measures in FNPs' area of practice, and the role of healthcare providers in
determining the costs of prescriptions. As you...

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