Step 1 Read Love Medicine
Please read pages 329 - 367, "Crossing the Water."
Step 2 Write your 1 page journal entry
In this last section, please pick a part that interests you and write about it in detail by answering the following questions:
1) Explain why it sparked your interest? How it fits into the rest of the novel? Why it is significant?
2) How has Erdrich's writing has influenced your writing?
Please use at least two direct quotes from the current reading assignment to support your ideas.

Explanation & Answer

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Chapter 18: crossing the water
The focus by Erdrich upon the younger generation of her various vital characters caught
my interest. This is particularly because; it is very unlikely for many authors to focus on the
children of the actors in a novel. They include little king junior (Howard), whose unique interest
in understanding the dynamics of the w...