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Prince George's Community College


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NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare We Can, But Dare We? Guidelines Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to investigate informatics in healthcare and to apply professional, ethical, and legal principles to its appropriate use in healthcare technology. Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO 4: Investigate safeguards and decision‐making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO 4) CO 6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy. (PO 6) CO 8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in the delivery of nursing care. (PO 8) Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment. Total points possible: 200 points SCENARIO You receive a message from a peer at work that there is a big investigation being conducted at work due to a HIPAA violation and that it involved a celebrity who had been admitted to the hospital. As a case manager for the hospital, you are given a company cell phone for hospital use because you are on call three days per week. You have pictures of this celebrity you took the other day. The word is that legal action is being taken against the hospital due to some photos that were sold to the Gossip Gazette. They ask to search your company cell phone. Preparing the assignment Your faculty member will provide a scenario for you to address in your paper. Choose an ending to the scenario, and construct your paper based on those reflections. Choose one of the following outcomes for the end of the scenario: 1. A HIPAA violation occurs, and client data is exposed to the media. 2. A medication error has harmed a client. 3. A technology downtime that impacts patient care occurs, and an error is made. 4. A ransomware attack has occurred, and the organization must contemplate paying the ransom or lose access to patient data. Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions. Include the following sections: a. Introduction - 20 points/10% • Presents a clearly designed thesis statement or argument. • Provides a clear and concise overview of the content. • Offers a compelling argument to elicit the readers attention and generate interest. b. HIPAA, Legal, and Regulatory Discussion - 20 points/10% • Identify client privacy and HIPPAA standards as they relate to the impact of technology on nursing care. • Review healthcare regulations as they relate to the impact of technology on nursing care. • Describe legal guidelines on appropriate use of technology. © 2023 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved. NR360_ RUA_We_Can_But_Dare_We_Guidelines_SEP23 1 NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare We Can, But Dare We? Guidelines c. Scenario Ending and Recommendations - 50 points/25% • Presents the selected or assigned scenario ending as the focus of the assignment. • Evaluates the actions taken by healthcare providers selected or assigned scenario evolves. • Recommends actions to mitigate the injury sustained in the selected scenario ending. • Supports recommendations with evidence from recent scholarly publications. d. Advantages and Disadvantages - 50 points/25% • Presents at least two advantages of using the specified technology in healthcare. • Presents at least two risks of using the specified technology in healthcare. • Describes professional and ethical principles guiding the appropriate use of technology in healthcare. • Support advantages and risks with evidence from recent scholarly publications. e. Conclusion and Reflections - 40 points/20% • Summarizes the selected or assigned scenarios ending including the recommendations. • Establishes a clear link between the discussion and the thesis statement or argument. • Discusses thoughtful insights and implications based on the outcomes. • Describes how new insights will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional. f. APA Style and Organization - 20 points/10% • References are submitted with assignment. • Uses current APA format and is free of errors. • Grammar and mechanics are free of errors. • Paper is 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages. • At least three (3) scholarly, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided. For writing assistance, visit the Writing Center. Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module. © 2023 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved. NR360_ RUA_We_Can_But_Dare_We_Guidelines_SEP23 2 NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare We Can, But Dare We? Guidelines Grading Rubric Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment. Assignment Section and Required Criteria (Points possible/% of total points available) Highest Level of Performance High Level of Performance Introduction 20 points (20 points/10%) Required criteria Meets all requirements for section. 1. Presents a clearly designed thesis statement or argument. 2. Provides a clear and concise overview of the content. 3. Offers a compelling argument to elicit the reader’s attention and generate interest. HIPAA, Legal, and Regulatory Discussion 20 points (20 points/10%) Required criteria Meets all requirements for section. 1. Identify client privacy and HIPPAA standards as they relate to the impact of technology on nursing care. 2. Review healthcare regulations as they relate to the impact of technology on nursing care. 3. Describe legal guidelines on appropriate use of technology. 1. 2. 3. 4. Scenario Ending and Recommendations (50 points/25%) Required criteria Presents the selected or assigned scenario ending as the focus of the assignment. Evaluates the actions taken by healthcare providers selected or assigned scenario evolves. Recommends actions to mitigate the injury sustained in the selected scenario ending. Supports recommendations with evidence from recent scholarly publications. 50 points Meets all requirements for section. Satisfactory Level of Performance Unsatisfactory Level of Performance Section not present 10 points 5 points 0 points Includes no fewer than 2 requirements for section. Includes no fewer than 1 requirement for section. No requirements for this section presented. 10 points 5 points 0 points Includes no fewer than 1 requirement for section. No requirements for this section presented. 38 points 19 points 0 points Includes 2 requirements for section. Includes 1 requirements for section. Includes no fewer than 2 requirements for section. 43 points Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section. No requirements for this section presented. © 2023 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved. NR360_ RUA_We_Can_But_Dare_We_Guidelines_SEP23 3 NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare We Can, But Dare We? Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Advantages and Disadvantages 50 points (50 points/25%) Required criteria Meets all Presents at least two advantages of using the requirements for specified technology in healthcare. section. Presents at least two risks of using the specified technology in healthcare. Describes professional and ethical principles guiding the appropriate use of technology in healthcare. Support advantages and risks with evidence from recent scholarly publications. Conclusion and Reflections 40 points (40 points/20%) Required criteria Meets all Summarizes the selected or assigned scenarios requirements for ending including the recommendations. section. Establishes a clear link between the discussion and the thesis statement or argument. Discusses thoughtful insights and implications based on the outcomes. Describes how new insights will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional. APA Style and Organization 20 points (20 points/10%) Required criteria Includes all References are submitted with assignment. requirements for Uses current APA format and is free of errors. section. Grammar and mechanics are free of errors. Paper is 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages. At least three (3) scholarly, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided. 43 points Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section. 38 points 19 points Includes 2 requirements for section. Includes 1 requirements for section. 30 points 15 points Includes 2 requirements for section. Includes 1 requirements for section. 34 points Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section. 18 points 16 points Includes 4 requirements for section. Includes 3 requirements for section. 8 points Includes 1-2 requirements for section. 0 points No requirements for this section presented. 0 points No requirements for this section presented. 0 points No requirements for this section presented. Total Points Possible = 200 points © 2023 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved. NR360_ RUA_We_Can_But_Dare_We_Guidelines_SEP23 4
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HIPAA Violation Through Exposure of Client’s Data to the Media – Outline
I. Introduction
A. Advances in healthcare information and communication technology have resulted
in the digital transformation of the healthcare industry
II. HIPAA, legal, and regulatory discussion
A. HIPAA regulations and standards have enhanced efforts to control specific factors
of health information

HIPAA is an essential law related to patient privacy since it provides
direct and unavoidable rights to patients’ privacy


The HIPAA Privacy Rule is integral to data protection since it regulates
the disclosure and use of protected health information

III. Scenario ending and recommendations
A. The scenario ending encompassed the client’s data exposure in the media,
resulting in HIPAA violation
IV. Advantages and disadvantages of smartphone usage in healthcare
A. The primary advantages are that smartphones enhance communication and
provide remote monitoring capabilities
B. Privacy and security risks are primary issues related to smartphones since they are
vulnerable to security breaches
V. Conclusion and reflections


HIPAA Violation Through Exposure of Client’s Data to the Media


HIPAA Violation Through Exposure of Client’s Data to the Media
Advances in healthcare information and communication technology have resulted in the
digital transformation of the healthcare industry. Smart devices, the Internet of Things, Cloud
services, and information systems have contributed to quality and cost-effective services to
patients. Health information and communication technology has changed how clinicians
communicate in healthcare settings. However, using smartphones and other technological
devices has presented significant challenges to healthcare institutions due to data breaches.
Security failures, software vulnerabilities, and human error have contributed to unauthorized
patient data access. Smartphones' convenience and user-friendly nature encourage most
clinicians to use them to collect and transmit health data, which presents inherent security risks.
Therefore, healthcare practitioners might fail to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA), increasing the risk of legal action for hospitals. Even though
advances in health information technology have transformed the healthcare industry due to
enhanced communication and the provision of remote monitoring capabilities, privacy i...

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