Chronic Illness

User Generated


Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Discussion Prompt

A 28-year-old female veteran presents for complaints of fatigue, increased sleeping, and weight gain. She states she has had depression off and on since she was discharged from the Army four years ago but denies any other health problems. She is not currently on any prescription medication and has never been hospitalized. She tells you that she is between jobs and currently doesn’t have a home, so she ‘couch-surfs’ with friends and relatives or sometimes sleeps in her car.

What are your differentials? What diagnostics should you perform? Discuss and name the specific veteran resources in your clinic’s community for referreral. Include these specific resources in your treatment plan, as well as diagnostics, treatment, education, and follow-up. Use high-level scholarly journals and clinical practice guidelines. Avoid point-of-care references for this discussion. 

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Explanation & Answer



Discussion Prompt.

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Discussion Prompt.
In regard to the presented signs and symptoms, one of the underlying diagnoses is
PTSD, which is mainly based on the fact that the 28-year-old is a veteran. Furthermore, the
symptoms of PTSD are based on the presented symptoms, such as disruptions in the patterns
of sleep, depression, and fatigue. Therefore, PTSD exists with the condition of depression and
might lead to a worsening of the signs (Merians et al., 2023). In addition, major depressive

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