9912 - Section 2 Draft
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Rubric Name: 1) SME - Section 2 Evaluation Rubric
CriteriaDoes Not Meet
Section 2 Introduction
The Section 2 introduction is missing, incomplete, and/or unclear. The purpose for the project/dissertation-in-practice is not restated. The overview of the section is not provided, does not flow logically, and/or is unclear.
The Section 2 introduction is complete and clear. The purpose for the project/dissertation-in-practice is restated. The overview of the section has a logical flow and is clear.
Methodology, Design, and Method
The alignment of the chosen methodology, design, and method with the problem, purpose, questions and need is insufficiently described and/or not concise.
Does not use scholarly and/or domain support to describe how the design choice is consistent with the selected methodology. Does not discuss alternate choices.
For Qualitative Studies: Lacks clear discussion of the project/dissertation-in-practice phenomenon, boundaries of case(s), and/or constructs explored.
The alignment of the chosen methodology, design, and method with the problem, purpose, questions and need is sufficiently described and concise.
Uses scholarly and domain support to describe how the design choice is consistent with the selected methodology. Discusses alternate choices.
For Qualitative Studies: Provides clear discussion of the project/dissertation-in-practice phenomenon, boundaries of case(s), and/or constructs explored.
Population and Sample
The target population is not adequately defined. Description of sample, demographics, and the representation of the sample to the larger population is not provided, unclear, and/or lacks detail.
The description of the inclusion/exclusion criteria used to select the sample and/or data set for the project/dissertation-in-practice is missing, not logical and/or does not follow domain best-practice guidelines.
The procedures for gaining access to the data set are missing, incomplete, and/or not adequately described are not present and/or clearly described. Does not describe how the rights of participants are protected, if applicable.
For Quantitative Studies: Power analysis is not described and/or appropriately cited.
The target population is clearly defined. Description of sample, demographics, and the representation of the sample to the larger population is clear and detailed.
The description of the inclusion/exclusion criteria used to select the sample and/or data set for the project/dissertation-in-practice is logical and follows domain best-practice guidelines.
The procedures for gaining access to the data set are complete and clearly described. Describes how the rights of participants are protected, if applicable.
For Quantitative Studies: Power analysis is described and appropriately cited.
Materials and Instrumentation
Lacks a sufficient description of the materials or instruments associated with the chosen methodology, design, and method used. Details regarding instrument origin/development, previous use (if any), reliability, and validity are missing and/or insufficient. Does not describe the appropriateness of the materials or instrument to the project/dissertation-in-practice.
For a Quantitative Project/Dissertation-in-practice: (e.g., tests or surveys). Lacks clear explanation and citation of any permission needed to use the instrument(s). Instrument permissions are missing in appendices.
For a Qualitative Project/Dissertation-in-practice: (e.g., observation checklists/protocols, interview and/or focus group discussion handbooks). Does not adequately describe the process for conducting an expert review of instruments. Does not adequately describe use of a field test if practicing the administration of the instruments is warranted.
For All Candidate-Created Materials or Instrumentation: Does not clearly describe basis for development (i.e., literature sources or previous studies), plans to provide evidence of reliability and validity, and the sufficiency of materials or instrumentation to answer project/dissertation-in-practice questions.
For a Pilot Project: Does not adequately explain the procedure for conducting a pilot study and/or did not conduct pilot, if using a self-created instrument (e.g., survey questionnaire). Does not explain use of a field test if practicing the administration of the instrument(s) is warranted.
Provides a sufficient description of the materials or instruments associated with the chosen methodology, design, and method used. Details regarding instrument origin/development, previous use (if any), reliability, and validity are sufficient. Describes the appropriateness of the materials or instrument to the project/dissertation-in-practice.
For a Quantitative Project/Dissertation-in-practice: (e.g., tests or surveys). Provides clear explanation and citation of any permission needed to use the instrument(s) with proper citation. Instrument permissions are present in appendices (if applicable).
For a Qualitative Project/Dissertation-in-practice: (e.g., observation checklists/protocols, interview and/or focus group discussion handbooks). Clearly describes process for conducting an expert review of instruments (e.g., provides justification of reviewers being credible – reviewers may include, but not limited to Committee members, professional colleagues, peers, or non-research participants representative of the greater population). Clearly describes use of a field test if practicing the administration of the instruments is warranted.
For All Candidate-Created Materials or Instrumentation: Describes clearly basis for development (i.e., literature sources or previous studies), plans to provide evidence of reliability and validity, and the sufficiency of materials or instrumentation to answer project/dissertation-in-practice questions.
For a Pilot Project: Explains the procedure for conducting a pilot (requires IRB approval) if using a self-created instrument (e.g., survey questionnaire). Explains use of a field test if practicing the administration of the instrument(s) is warranted.
Operational Definitions of Variables (Quantitative Projects/Dissertations-in-Practice Only) *
Does not include the operational definitions of some and/or all of the variables. Does not describe variables in terms of being measurable and/or observable. The description of how each variable score is calculated, what the score represents, and an example is missing and/or unclear.
*Mark Meets (N/A) for qualitative projects/dissertations in practice.
Includes the operational definitions of all variables. Describes variables in terms of being measurable and/or observable. Provides a clear description of how each variable score is calculated, what the score represents, and an example is provided and clear.
*Mark Meets (N/A) for qualitative projects/dissertations in practice.
Project Goals and Objectives*
Does not provide an adequate review of goals and objectives for the project/dissertation-in-practice as it relates to operational outcomes, needs assessment, timeline, or project completion.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
Provides a clear review of goals and objectives for the project/dissertation-in-practice as it relates to operational outcomes, needs assessment, timeline, or project completion.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
Metrics or Performance Measurements
Lacks sufficient definition of project/dissertation-in-practice metrics or performance measurements for determination of successful execution or outcomes of the project/dissertation-in-practice as it relates to the problem, population, organization, or domain.
Sufficiently defines project/dissertation-in-practice metrics or performance measurements for determination of successful execution or outcomes of the project/dissertation-in-practice as it relates to the problem, population, organization, or domain.
Project Procedures*
Project tasks or procedures are not adequately documented and/or lack clarity and definition for oversight and management of the project/dissertation-in-practice.
Ethical considerations related to all aspects of the project/dissertation-in-practice are missing, insufficient, and/or presents with more than minimal risk.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
Project tasks or procedures are clearly documented, provides clarity and definition for oversight and management of the project/dissertation-in-practice.
Ethical considerations related to all aspects of the project/dissertation-in-practice are present, sufficient, and presents with minimal risk.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
Data Collection and Analysis
Lacks a sufficient description of the data and data collection processes. Lacks explanation of alignment between the data collected and the questions and/or hypotheses of the project/dissertation-in-practice.
For Quantitative Studies or Projects: Does not provide a sufficient description of the data analysis processes including, but not limited to, clearly describing the statistical tests performed and the purpose/outcome, coding of data linked to each question, the software used (e.g., SPSS, Qualtrics, R).
For Qualitative Studies or Projects: Does not provide a sufficient description of the coding process of data linked to questions. Does not clearly describe the transcription of data, the software used for textual analysis (e.g., NVivo, DeDoose, atlas.ti), and/or does not justify manual analysis if used. Unclear or missing explanation of the use of a member check to validate data collected.
Provides a sufficient description of the data collected and data collection processes. Explains alignment between the data collected and the questions and/or hypotheses of the project/dissertation-in-practice.
For Quantitative Studies or Projects: Provides a sufficient description of the data analysis processes including, but not limited to, describing the statistical tests performed and the purpose/outcome, coding of data linked to each question, the software used (e.g., SPSS, Qualtrics, R).
For Qualitative Studies or Projects: Provides a sufficient description of the coding process of data linked to the questions. Clearly describes the transcription of data, the software used for textual analysis (e.g., NVivo, DeDoose, atlas.ti), and justifies manual analysis if used. Clear explanation of the use of a member check to validate data collected.
Assumptions/ Limitations/ Delimitations
Does not outline the assumptions/limitations/ delimitations and/or has missing, incomplete, or unclear components to the choice of methodology, design, and method.
For Quantitative Studies or Projects: Lacks key elements such as, but not limited to, threats to internal and external validity, credibility, reliability, and generalizability.
For Qualitative Studies or Projects: Lacks key elements such as, but not limited to, threats to credibility, trustworthiness, and transferability. Assumptions, influences, and possible biases of doctoral candidate are not adequately noted.
Outlines the assumptions/limitations/delimitations and all components to the choice of methodology, design, and method.
For Quantitative Studies or Projects: Includes key elements such as, but not limited to, threats to internal and external validity, credibility, reliability, and generalizability.
For Qualitative Studies or Projects: Includes key elements such as, but not limited to, threats to credibility, trustworthiness, and transferability. Assumptions, influences, and possible biases of doctoral candidate are clearly noted.
Section 2 Summary
Does not conclude with an organized summary of key points discussed and presented in Section 2. Appropriate elements are missing, incomplete, and/or new information is presented.
Concludes with an organized summary of the key points discussed and presented in Section 2. Appropriate elements are complete and no new information is presented.
APA Format
Inconsistent application of APA formatting for Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures, and/or the overall section. The template requirements are not consistently followed.
Consistent application of APA formatting for Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures, and the overall section. The template requirements are consistently followed.
Inconsistent and/or inappropriate use of conventions of scholarly writing, grammar, and punctuation.
Consistent and appropriate use of conventions of scholarly writing, grammar, and punctuation.
Overall Score
9912 - Applied Doctoral Proposal (ADP) Draft
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Rubric Name: 1) SME - Applied Doctoral Proposal (ADP) Rubric
Section 1Does Not Meet
Section 1 Introduction
The project/dissertation-in-practice overview is incomplete, unclear, and/or provides insufficient foundation for statement of the problem. Context, key elements, and concepts are not sufficiently addressed, not well supported by the literature, not connected, coherent, and/or clearly explained. There is little to no flow from general to specific regarding the topic. The study does not align with proper program of study and frame of practice(s).
A complete, clear overview of the project/dissertation-in-practice is provided, offering a strong foundation for the statement of the problem. Context, key elements, and concepts are sufficiently addressed, well supported by the literature, connected, coherent, and clearly explained. There is a flow from general to specific regarding the topic. The study aligns with proper program of study and frame of practice(s).
Statement of the Problem
The description of the problem is incomplete and/or unclear. Little to no evidence indicating the problem exists is provided. Evidence to support the problem is weak and dated (most are not within the past 5 years). Lacks alignment with the material in the Introduction.
The significance of the problem is not presented and/or is unclear. The local problem is not connected to the larger population issues/impacts.
The description of the problem is complete and clear. Strong evidence indicating the problem exists is provided. Evidence supporting the problem is sufficient and current (most within the past 5 years). Is well aligned with the material in the Introduction.
The significance of the problem is well-presented and clear. The local problem is connected to the larger population issues/impacts.
Purpose Statement
The purpose for the project/dissertation-in-practice is incomplete and/or unclear. Key elements are inadequately addressed and/or do not align with the stated problem. A clear summary of how the project/dissertation-in-practice will be conducted is missing. Project/dissertation-in-practice details are not supported; and/or lack coherence, clarity, or alignment.
The purpose for the project/dissertation-in-practice is complete and clear. Key elements are adequately addressed and align with the stated problem. A clear summary of how the project/dissertation-in-practice will be conducted is offered. Project/dissertation-in-practice details are supported; and have coherence, clarity, and alignment.
Nature of Doctoral Project/Dissertation-in-Practice*
The overview of the project/dissertation-in-practice is incomplete and/or unclear. Descriptions of the proposed methodology and design are unclear and/or do not adequately address the problem and/or purpose statement. Components of the project/dissertation-in-practice design, variables/constructs, instruments, and analyses are unclear, and/or incomplete or missing.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
The overview of the project/dissertation-in-practice is complete and clear. Descriptions of the proposed methodology and design are clear and comprehensively address the problem and purpose statement. Components of the project/dissertation-in-practice design, variables/constructs, instruments, and analyses are clear, thorough, and present.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
Needs Assessment*
Lacks a defined and clear review of organizational or domain need for the project/dissertation-in-practice. Notation of the population or organization addressed is insufficient, unclear, and/or missing. Needs assessment does not align with problem and nature of project/dissertation-in-practice.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
Presents a defined and clear review of organizational or domain need for the project/dissertation-in-practice. Notation of the population or organization addressed is sufficient, clear, and present. Needs assessment aligns with problem and nature of project/dissertation-in-practice.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
The project/dissertation-in-practice questions are incomplete, lack coherence and/or clarity, do not match methodology or design, are not testable, and/or are not aligned to the problem, purpose, or needs.
The core concepts (qualitative) or operational variables (quantitative) are missing or unclear.
The hypotheses (quantitative studies or projects/dissertations in practice only) are incomplete, lack coherence and clarity, are not singular, balanced and/or testable, and/or are not aligned to problem, purpose, methodology, or design.
The project/dissertation-in-practice questions are complete, provide coherence and clarity, match methodology and design, are testable, and are aligned to the problem, purpose, and needs.
The core concepts (qualitative) or operational variables (quantitative) are present and clear.
The hypotheses (quantitative studies or projects/dissertations in practice only) are complete, are coherent and clear, are singular, balanced and testable, and are aligned to problem, purpose, methodology, and design.
Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
The conceptual framework and/or identified theories used to frame the project/dissertation-in-practice are inappropriate and/or not clearly identified and/or explained through use of the literature and practice. Key elements are inadequately addressed, and/or some points are not (well) supported. Lacks coherence, clarity, and/or alignment in the framework.
If multiple frameworks are used, a clear description is not provided for how they interrelate within the context of the project/dissertation-in-practice topic and literature.
The conceptual framework and/or identified theories used to frame the project/dissertation-in-practice are appropriate, and clearly identified and explained through use of the literature and practice. Key elements are adequately addressed, all points are well supported. Presents coherence, clarity, and alignment in the framework.
If multiple frameworks are used, a clear description is provided for how they interrelate within the context of the project/dissertation-in-practice topic and literature.
Significance of the Doctoral Project/Dissertation-in-Practice*
The anticipated contribution of the project/dissertation-in-practice is incomplete, missing, and/or unclear. The connection between the anticipated contribution and the need for the project/dissertation-in-practice is not sufficiently discussed and/or claims are not thoroughly supported with current literature. The significance of the anticipated contribution does not align with the problem and/or market/domain need.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
The anticipated contribution of the project/dissertation-in-practice is clearly and comprehensively presented. The connection between the anticipated contribution and the need for the project/dissertation-in-practice is sufficiently discussed and claims are thoroughly supported with current literature. The significance of the anticipated contribution aligns with the problem and market/domain need.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
Definition of Key Terms
The definitions of key terms are incomplete and/or unclear. Personal descriptions are used. There is a use of common words rather than scholarship-defined language. Definitions do not include methods and/or theoretical terms. Definitions are not in alphabetical order and/or do not include appropriate citations.
The definitions of key terms are complete and clear. Personal descriptions are not used. There is use of scholarship-defined language rather than common words. Definitions include methods and theoretical terms. Definitions are in alphabetical order and include appropriate citations.
Literature Review (Themes or Subtopics)
A clear, cohesive connection of the themes to the project/dissertation-in-practice is lacking. Themes are not arranged logically and/or do not analyze diversity in points of view. Prior, relevant studies and/or findings (including seminal scholarship), and/or current literature (less than 5 years) on the topic is lacking or missing.
Within each theme, topics associated with the problem, purpose, questions, needs, and associated concepts are not discussed from broad to narrow. Does not present critically evaluated literature noting areas of convergence and divergence.
A clear, cohesive connection of the themes to the project/dissertation-in-practice is present. Themes are arranged logically and analyze diversity in points of view. Prior, relevant studies and/or findings (including seminal scholarship), and/or current literature (less than 5 years) on the topic is present.
Within each theme, topics associated with the problem, purpose, questions, needs, and associated concepts are discussed from broad to narrow. Presents critically evaluated literature noting areas of convergence and divergence.
Ethical Assurances
Does not sufficiently describe compliance with the standards to conduct project/dissertation-in-practice as appropriate to the proposed design and/or is not aligned with IRB requirements.
Sufficiently describes compliance with the standards to conduct project/dissertation-in-practice as appropriate to the proposed design and is aligned with IRB requirements.
Section 1 Summary
The summary of Section 1 is incomplete and/or unclear. The summary lacks focus on the need and purpose of the project/dissertation-in-practice, its methodology and design, anticipated outcomes, and/or lacks the appropriate transition into the next section.
The summary of Section 1 is complete and clear. The summary focuses on the need and purpose of the project/dissertation-in-practice, its methodology and design, anticipated outcomes, and appropriately transitions into the next section.
Section 2Does Not Meet
Section 2 Introduction
The Section 2 introduction is missing, incomplete, and/or unclear. The purpose for the project/dissertation-in-practice is not restated. The overview of the section is not provided, does not flow logically, and/or is unclear.
The Section 2 introduction is complete and clear. The purpose for the project/dissertation-in-practice is restated. The overview of the section has a logical flow and is clear.
Methodology, Design, and Method
The alignment of the chosen methodology, design, and method with the problem, purpose, questions and need is insufficiently described and/or not concise.
Does not use scholarly and/or domain support to describe how the design choice is consistent with the selected methodology. Does not discuss alternate choices.
For Qualitative Studies: Lacks clear discussion of the project/dissertation-in-practice phenomenon, boundaries of case(s), and/or constructs explored.
The alignment of the chosen methodology, design, and method with the problem, purpose, questions and need is sufficiently described and concise.
Uses scholarly and domain support to describe how the design choice is consistent with the selected methodology. Discusses alternate choices.
For Qualitative Studies: Provides clear discussion of the project/dissertation-in-practice phenomenon, boundaries of case(s), and/or constructs explored.
Population and Sample
The target population is not adequately defined. Description of sample, demographics, and the representation of the sample to the larger population is not provided, unclear, and/or lacks detail.
The description of the inclusion/exclusion criteria used to select the sample and/or data set for the project/dissertation-in-practice is missing, not logical and/or does not follow domain best-practice guidelines.
The procedures for gaining access to the data set are missing, incomplete, and/or not adequately described are not present and/or clearly described. Does not describe how the rights of participants are protected, if applicable.
For Quantitative Studies: Power analysis is not described and/or appropriately cited.
The target population is clearly defined. Description of sample, demographics, and the representation of the sample to the larger population is clear and detailed.
The description of the inclusion/exclusion criteria used to select the sample and/or data set for the project/dissertation-in-practice is logical and follows domain best-practice guidelines.
The procedures for gaining access to the data set are complete and clearly described. Describes how the rights of participants are protected, if applicable.
For Quantitative Studies: Power analysis is described and appropriately cited.
Materials and Instrumentation
Lacks a sufficient description of the materials or instruments associated with the chosen methodology, design, and method used. Details regarding instrument origin/development, previous use (if any), reliability, and validity are missing and/or insufficient. Does not describe the appropriateness of the materials or instrument to the project/dissertation-in-practice.
For a Quantitative Project/Dissertation-in-Practice: (e.g., tests or surveys). Lacks clear explanation and citation of any permission needed to use the instrument(s). Instrument permissions are missing in appendices.
For a Qualitative Project/Dissertation-in-Practice: (e.g., observation checklists/protocols, interview and/or focus group discussion handbooks). Does not adequately describe the process for conducting an expert review of instruments. Does not adequately describe use of a field test if practicing the administration of the instruments is warranted.
For All Candidate-Created Materials or Instrumentation: Does not clearly describe basis for development (i.e., literature sources or previous studies), plans to provide evidence of reliability and validity, and the sufficiency of materials or instrumentation to answer project/dissertation-in-practice questions.
For a Pilot Project: Does not adequately explain the procedure for conducting a pilot study and/or did not conduct pilot, if using a self-created instrument (e.g., survey questionnaire). Does not explain use of a field test if practicing the administration of the instrument(s) is warranted.
Provides a sufficient description of the materials or instruments associated with the chosen methodology, design, and method used. Details regarding instrument origin/development, previous use (if any), reliability, and validity are sufficient. Describes the appropriateness of the materials or instrument to the project/dissertation-in-practice.
For a Quantitative Project/Dissertation-in-Practice: (e.g., tests or surveys). Provides clear explanation and citation of any permission needed to use the instrument(s) with proper citation. Instrument permissions are present in appendices (if applicable).
For a Qualitative Project/Dissertation-in-Practice: (e.g., observation checklists/protocols, interview and/or focus group discussion handbooks). Clearly describes process for conducting an expert review of instruments (e.g., provides justification of reviewers being credible – reviewers may include, but not limited to Committee members, professional colleagues, peers, or non-research participants representative of the greater population). Clearly describes use of a field test if practicing the administration of the instruments is warranted.
For All Candidate-Created Materials or Instrumentation: Describes clearly basis for development (i.e., literature sources or previous studies), plans to provide evidence of reliability and validity, and the sufficiency of materials or instrumentation to answer project/dissertation-in-practice questions.
For a Pilot Project: Explains the procedure for conducting a pilot (requires IRB approval) if using a self-created instrument (e.g., survey questionnaire). Explains use of a field test if practicing the administration of the instrument(s) is warranted.
Operational Definitions of Variables (Quantitative Projects/Dissertations-in-Practice Only)*
Does not include the operational definitions of some and/or all of the variables. Does not describe variables in terms of being measurable and/or observable. The description of how each variable score is calculated, what the score represents, and an example is missing and/or unclear.
*Mark Meets (N/A) for qualitative projects/dissertations-in-practice.
Includes the operational definitions of all variables. Describes variables in terms of being measurable and/or observable. Provides a clear description of how each variable score is calculated, what the score represents, and an example is provided and clear.
*Mark Meets (N/A) for qualitative projects/dissertations-in-practice.
Project Goals and Objectives*
Does not provide an adequate review of goals and objectives for the project/dissertation-in-practice as it relates to operational outcomes, needs assessment, timeline, or project completion.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
Provides a clear review of goals and objectives for the project/dissertation-in-practice as it relates to operational outcomes, needs assessment, timeline, or project completion.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
Metrics or Performance Measurements
Lacks sufficient definition of project/dissertation-in-practice metrics or performance measurements for determination of successful execution or outcomes of the project/dissertation-in-practice as it relates to the problem, population, organization, or domain.
Sufficiently defines project/dissertation-in-practice metrics or performance measurements for determination of successful execution or outcomes of the project/dissertation-in-practice as it relates to the problem, population, organization, or domain.
Project Procedures*
Project tasks or procedures are not adequately documented and/or lack clarity and definition for oversight and management of the project/dissertation-in-practice.
Ethical considerations related to all aspects of the project/dissertation-in-practice are missing, insufficient, and/or presents with more than minimal risk.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
Project tasks or procedures are clearly documented, provides clarity and definition for oversight and management of the project/dissertation-in-practice.
Ethical considerations related to all aspects of the project/dissertation-in-practice are present, sufficient, and presents with minimal risk.
*Mark as Meets (N/A) if school does not require this subsection.
Data Collection and Analysis
Lacks a sufficient description of the data and data collection processes. Lacks explanation of alignment between the data collected and the questions and/or hypotheses of the project/dissertation-in-practice.
For Quantitative Studies or Projects: Does not provide a sufficient description of the data analysis processes including, but not limited to, clearly describing the statistical tests performed and the purpose/outcome, coding of data linked to each question, the software used (e.g., SPSS, Qualtrics, R).
For Qualitative Studies or Projects: Does not provide a sufficient description of the coding process of data linked to questions. Does not clearly describe the transcription of data, the software used for textual analysis (e.g., NVivo, DeDoose, atlas.ti), and/or does not justify manual analysis if used. Unclear or missing explanation of the use of a member check to validate data collected.
Provides a sufficient description of the data collected and data collection processes. Explains alignment between the data collected and the questions and/or hypotheses of the project/dissertation-in-practice.
For Quantitative Studies or Projects: Provides a sufficient description of the data analysis processes including, but not limited to, describing the statistical tests performed and the purpose/outcome, coding of data linked to each question, the software used (e.g., SPSS, Qualtrics, R).
For Qualitative Studies or Projects: Provides a sufficient description of the coding process of data linked to the questions. Clearly describes the transcription of data, the software used for textual analysis (e.g., NVivo, DeDoose, atlas.ti), and justifies manual analysis if used. Clear explanation of the use of a member check to validate data collected.
Assumptions/ Limitations/ Delimitations
Does not outline the assumptions/limitations/delimitations and/or has missing, incomplete, or unclear components to the choice of methodology, design, and method.
For Quantitative Studies or Projects: Lacks key elements such as, but not limited to, threats to internal and external validity, credibility, reliability, and generalizability.
For Qualitative Studies or Projects: Lacks key elements such as, but not limited to, threats to credibility, trustworthiness, and transferability. Assumptions, influences, and possible biases of doctoral candidate are not adequately noted.
Outlines the assumptions/limitations/delimitations and all components to the choice of methodology, design, and method.
For Quantitative Studies or Projects: Includes key elements such as, but not limited to, threats to internal and external validity, credibility, reliability, and generalizability.
For Qualitative Studies or Projects: Includes key elements such as, but not limited to, threats to credibility, trustworthiness, and transferability. Assumptions, influences, and possible biases of doctoral candidate are clearly noted.
Section 2 Summary
Does not conclude with an organized summary of key points discussed and presented in Section 2. Appropriate elements are missing, incomplete, and/or new information is presented.
Concludes with an organized summary of the key points discussed and presented in Section 2. Appropriate elements are complete and no new information is presented.
Format/Writing/PresentationDoes Not Meet
APA Format
Inconsistent application of APA formatting for Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures, and/or the overall section. The template requirements are not consistently followed.
Consistent application of APA formatting for Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures, and the overall section. The template requirements are consistently followed.
Inconsistent and/or inappropriate use of conventions of scholarly writing, grammar, and punctuation.
Consistent and appropriate use of conventions of scholarly writing, grammar, and punctuation.
Overall Score
9912 - Approved Applied Doctoral Proposal (ADP) for Academic Reader
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Explanation & Answer
Research Questions
Department: University
Course Code: Course Unit
Research Questions
RQ1: What ...