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Violence, sex, and
dreams: Violent and
sexual media content
infiltrate our dreams at
Van den Bulck, Jan. School for Mass Communication, KU
Leuven University, Leuven, Belgium
Çetin, Yakup. Faculty of Education, Fatih University,
Istanbul, Turkey
Terzi, Ömer. Faculty of Art and Design, Yıldız Technical
University, Istanbul, Turkey
Bushman, Brad J.. School of Communication, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH,
Bushman, Brad J., School of Communication, The Ohio
State University, 3016 Derby Hall, 154 North Oval Mall,
Columbus, OH, US,
Dreaming, Vol 26(4), Dec, 2016. pp. 271-279.
US : Educational Publishing Foundation
Human Sciences Press, Inc.
Netherlands : Kluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press
Corrected by:Correction to Van den Bulck et al. (2016)
1053-0797 (Print)
1573-3351 (Electronic)
dreams, violent media, sexual media, cognitive
neoassociation theory
[Correction Notice: An Erratum for this article was
reported in Vol 26(4) of Dreaming (see record 201660837-001). In the article, there is a typo in the first
column, second row of Table 1. The text should appear
as Violent media use. All versions of this article have
been corrected.] Many people today are immersed in
media similar to fish in water. Electronic devices provide
virtually unlimited access to media. Although people
consume media during their waking hours, the media
they consume might also affect their dreams during
sleeping hours. The media often contain violence and
sex. On the basis of cognitive neoassociation theory, we
predicted that violent and sexual media content would
prime related thoughts in semantic memory. In this study,
1,287 Turkish participants completed a survey about their
media consumption and their dreams the previous night.
We measured the frequency of their media consumption
and the violent and sexual content of the media they
consumed on a regular basis and on the day before the
survey. We also measured whether they had a dream the
night before they completed the survey and dream
content if they dreamed (51.5% dreamed). We measured
whether participants had dreams with violent and sexual
content. Similar results were obtained for regular media
consumption and for media consumption on the day
before the survey. For both measures, media
consumption was positively related to dreaming
frequency. Media content also influenced dream content.
Specifically, participants who consumed violent media
tended to have violent dreams, and participants who
consumed sexual media tended to have sexual dreams.
These results are consistent with cognitive
neoassociation theory and extend the theory by showing
that it also applies to sleeping hours as well as waking
hours. The results also have practical implications. Media
can influence our thoughts, even when we are asleep.
(PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights
Journal Article
*Dreaming; *Mass Media; *Sexuality; *Violence; Semantic
Consciousness States (2380)
Developmental Psychology (2800)
Childhood (birth-12 yrs)
School Age (6-12 yrs)
Adolescence (13-17 yrs)
Adulthood (18 yrs & older)
Young Adulthood (18-29 yrs)
Thirties (30-39 yrs)
Middle Age (40-64 yrs)
Empirical Study; Quantitative Study
Journal; Peer Reviewed Journal
First Posted: Nov 10, 2016
American Psychological Association. 2016
Violence, Sex, and Dreams: Violent and Sexual Media
Content Infiltrate Our Dreams at Night
Screen Media Are Ubiquitous
Media and Dreams
Theoretical Foundation for Present Study
Overview of Present Study
Descriptive Statistics
Content of Dreams in General
Chronic Effect of Media Exposure on Dreams
Content of Dreams the Night Before the Study
Media Use the Evening Before the Study
Yesterday’s Media Use as a Predictor of Last Night’s Dreaming
Limitations and Future Research
School of Communication, and Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University, and Department of
Communication Science, VU University Amsterdam;
Acknowledgement: Jan Van den Bulck is now at the Department of Communication Studies, University of
Michigan. Ömer Terzi is now at Vocational High School, Istanbul Şehir University.
See page 292 for a correction to this article.
All that we see or seemIs but a dream within a dream.— EDGAR ALLAN POE, A Dream Within a Dream
As the poet Edgar Allan Poe suggested, the line between being awake and being asleep can become blurry
at times. What we see during the day can influence what we dream about at night. It is a common
assumption of many theories on the origin of dreams that what we see during the day in the real world can
influence our dreams at night (e.g., Nielsen & Powell, 1992; Schredl, 2003). The present study addresses
a different question: Can what we see in the virtual world in the day also influence our dreams in the night.
Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that violent and sexual media observed during waking hours can
infiltrate our dreams during sleeping hours (Poe, 1902).
People today are immersed in the media similar to fish in water. People can be exposed to media such as
video games, TV programs, social media, communication technology, and much more, anytime, anywhere,
as long as they have a device with a screen. There are plenty of devices with screens. TV shows can be
viewed on a traditional TV set but also on portable devices such as a tablet computer. Video games can be
played on a desktop computer, but also on a laptop computer, a game console, a mobile telephone, or even
a watch. Media devices follow young people into the bedroom and even into bed (Van den Bulck, 2007). It
has been well established that all of this screen time competes with sleep. A review of 67 studies on media
use and sleep in adolescents and children found that media use is associated with delayed or reduced
sleep time (Hale & Guan, 2015). The present research focuses on a different question—Can media affect
our dreams while we sleep?
It is well known that media can affect people when they are awake. The present study investigates whether
the media can also affect people when they are asleep. Even once asleep, a person does not appear to be
out of reach of the media. There is growing evidence that media content may affect dream content. For
example, a study of 2,546 adolescents from Belgium found that 33% reported nightmares connected to TV
content (Van den Bulck, 2004). In open-ended questionnaires about fright reactions to media content,
nightmares are also often reported (Cantor, Byrne, Moyer-Gusé, & Riddle, 2010). An interesting historic
comparison found that the content of nightmares tends to reflect what is most scary in a given culture at
the time (Schredl, Anders, Hellriegel, & Rehm, 2008). Thus, themes from movies and TV started to replace
imagery about the bogey man or ghosts from earlier eras. One study found that people who watched black
and white TV were more likely to report dreams in grayscales than were people who had only experienced
color TV (Murzyn, 2008). However, nightmares are not the only possible outcomes of media use. In one
study, more than half of the young respondents also associated media content with pleasant dreams (Van
den Bulck, 2004). The present research examines two other types of dreams—those with violent and sexual
Researchers have distinguished between short-term and long-term effects of media use on dreaming
(Schredl et al., 2008). Thus, the present study distinguishes overall media exposure and exposure
immediately before bedtime on dream content.
The present study is grounded in cognitive neoassociation theory (Berkowitz, 1984). According to Berkowitz
(1984), “the aggressive ideas suggested by a violent movie can prime other semantically related thoughts,
heightening the chances that viewers will have other aggressive ideas in this period” (Berkowitz, 1984, p.
411). Berkowitz’s theory is based on the cognitive psychology concept of spreading activation within a
network in memory (e.g., Collins & Loftus, 1975). Human memory is represented using a network that
consists of nodes and links. The nodes represent concepts, and the links represent associations among
concepts. Thoughts send out radiating activation along associative pathways, thereby activating other
related thoughts. In this way, violent scenes depicted in the mass media can prime or activate related
aggressive thoughts. Habitual exposure to violent media can make aggressive constructs chronically
accessible in memory (Bushman, 1998). Although cognitive neoassociation theory was proposed to
account for violent media effects, the basic concepts can be extended to other types of content as well,
such as sexual content. The present research provides a novel extension of cognitive neoassociation theory
by testing whether it applies to dreams as well as to thoughts during waking hours.
The present study aims to add to the literature in at least three ways. First, previous research has mainly
focused on nightmares. Apart from being frightening, dreams can also be violent or sexual. Thus, we
investigated the relationship between violent and sexual media use on violent and sexual dreams. Second,
much research has focused on the overall volume of media use. We also distinguish between exposure to
violent and sexual media content. Third, we distinguish between chronic media exposure and media
exposure just before going to bed.
In the present study, 1,287 Turkish individuals 10–60 years old completed a survey about their media
consumption and their dreams. On the basis of cognitive neoassociation theory, we predicted that exposure
to media containing violent and sexual content would infiltrate participants’ dreams. Specifically, we
predicted that exposure to violent media would lead to violent dreams and exposure to sexual media would
lead to sexual dreams. We predicted parallel effects for chronic media exposure and media exposure the
day before the dreaming period.
Participants for this study were 1,287 Turkish individuals between 10 and 60 years of age (M = 22.6, SD =
6.8; 64.8% female). Of the 1,287 participants, 600 were children recruited from public and private schools
from Istanbul (parental consent rate = 100%; children assent rate = 100%). The remaining 687 participants
were adults recruited from social networking sites where people shared posts about media (e.g., movies,
TV programs, video games).
After reporting their gender and age, participants reported the number of hours they spent consuming media
(e.g., TV, Internet, DVD, movies, video games, music) on any device (e.g., handheld, tablet, computer, TV)
on weekdays and on weekends. The number of hours of media consumption on weekdays was multiplied
by 5, the number of hours of media consumption on weekends was multiplied by 2, and the two values
were summed to obtain a total measure of weekly media consumption. Next, participants were asked
whether the media they consumed contained violence and whether it contained sex (1 = never, 2 =
rarely, 3 = sometimes, 4= often, 5 = always). Participants were asked whether they dreamed and whether
their dreams included violent content and sexual content (1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often,
5 = always).
The next instructions were as follows: “Now we want to ask a few questions about last night. Think back
and try to remember.” We asked if they had any dreams they remembered, and if so how violent their
dreams were (1 = not violent, 2 = somewhat violent, 3 = violent, 4 = very violent) and how sexual their
dreams were (1 = not sexual, 2 = somewhat sexual, 3 = sexual, 4 = very sexual).
Finally, we asked them whether they consumed any media less than 90 min before bedtime and if so how
violent the media were (1 = not violent, 2 = somewhat violent, 3 = violent, 4 = very violent) and how sexual
the media were (1 = not sexual, 2 = somewhat sexual, 3 = sexual, 4 = very sexual). A debriefing followed.
Descriptive Statistics
In our sample, 67.4% of participants said they dreamed at least sometimes, 24.9% said they dreamed
rarely, and 7.7% said they never dreamed. Although the difference between males and females was small,
males reported dreaming somewhat more frequently than did females, t(1,261) = 2.85, p < .004, d = 0.16.
There was a small negative correlation between age and dreaming frequency, r = −.08, p = .004.
When asked how often they were exposed to violent media content, 17.9% claimed they never saw any
violent media content. More females (20.5%) than males (12.7%) said they were never exposed to violent
media content, t(1,255) = −7.32, p < .0001, d = 0.41. Age was unrelated to violent media exposure, r =
.001, p > .97. Almost half of the respondents (46.6%) claimed never to be exposed to sexual media content.
More females (52.5%) than males (35.6%) said they were never exposed to sexual media content, t(1,255)
= −8.77, p < .0001, d = 0.50. There was a small but significant positive correlation between age and sexual
media consumption, r = .09, p = .004.
Content of Dreams in General
We asked our participants how often their dreams were violent and sexual. Violent dreams occurred at
least sometimes among 81% of participants. More males (82.4%) than females (80.2%) reported having
violent dreams, t(1,243) = −5.11, p < .0001, d = 0.29. Age was unrelated to violent dreams, r = .04, p = .12.
Sexual dreams were reported by 48.5% of participants at least occasionally. There was a large difference
between males and females, with 72.1% of the males versus 36.2% of the females reporting they had
sexual dreams, t(1,255) = 11.52, p < .0001, d = 0.65. Age was positively related to sexual dreams, r =
.13, p < .0001.
Chronic Effect of Media Exposure on Dreams
We ran three multiple regression analyses to examine what media use variables predicted self-reported
dreaming frequency and dream content. Each analysis controlled for gender and age. The results are
in Table
Analyses Based on Regular Media Exposure
The first regression analysis examined the self-reported frequency of dreaming, regardless of content. The
model explained 9% of the variance. Overall media use was a significant predictor of more frequent
dreaming, as was frequency of exposure to violent media.
The second regression analysis explained 16% of the variance in self-reported violent dreams. Exposure
to violent media content was the strongest predictor, although overall media exposure and sexual media
exposure were also significant predictors.
The third regression analysis examined the frequency of dreams with sexual content. Frequency of
exposure to sexual media content was the strongest predictor and the only significant one. The model
explained 31% of the variance in self-reported sexual dreams.
Content of Dreams the Night Before the Study
Slightly more than half of the sample (51.5%) said they had dreamed the night before they answered the
questionnaire questions. The majority (51.0%) reported their dreams had not been violent, 35.5% said their
dreams were somewhat violent, 7.7% reported violent dreams, and 5.6% had very violent dreams. Males
reported somewhat more violent dreams than females did (Cramer’s V = .16, p < .001), but age was not
significantly related to violent dreams, r = .01, p = .72.
More than three quarters of the respondents did not report any sexual dream the night before (77.3%),
17.8% had a somewhat sexual dream, 4% had a sexual dream, and 0.9% had a very sexual dream. There
was a considerable difference between males and females, with males more likely to report having sexual
dreams (Cramer’s V = .31, p < .0001). Age was not significantly related to sexual dreams, r = .07, p = .07.
Media Use the Evening Before the Study
More than half of the respondents (55.0%) reported not being exposed to any violent media content the
evening before the study, 28.8% described their media content as somewhat violent, 11.9% indicated it
was violent, and for 4.2% it was very violent. Males were more likely than females to report higher levels of
violent media use (Cramer’s V = .16, p = .008), but age was unrelated to violent media use, r = −.03, p =
More than three quarters of the respondents (77.6%) reported not being exposed to any sexual media
content the evening before the study, 16.8% described their media content as somewhat sexual, 4.7%
indicated it was sexual in nature, and 0.9% said it was very sexual. Males were more likely to report higher
levels of sexual media content (Cramer’s V = .19, p < .001). Age was not significantly related to sexual
media use, r = −.08, p = .097.
Yesterday’s Media Use as a Predictor of Last Night’s Dreaming
Respondents were asked whether they had dreamed the previous night, and if so, whether the previous
night’s dreaming had been violent or sexual. Table 2 shows the results of three regression analyses that
looked at the previous night’s exposure to violent media content as a predictor of such dreaming. Each
Analyses Based on Media Exposure Within 90 Minutes of Bedtime
Because whether or not participants had dreamed the night before the study was a dichotomous variable
(1 = dreamed, 0 = did not dream), the first regression analysis was a logistic regression analysis. There
were no significant predictors of having dreamed. Whether or not the respondent reported a dream did not
appear to coincide with higher or lower levels of exposure to violent or sexual media content.
The second analysis showed that violent media use was the best predictor of violent dreams. The analysis
explained 25% of the variance.
The third analysis showed that exposure to sexual media content was the best predictor of sexual dream
content, although exposure to violent media content also predicted sexual dreams. The model explained
33% of the variance.
The participants in our study reported regularly dreaming. They reported high levels of violent dreams.
Dreams with sexual content also occurred, but they were reported less frequently. Consistent with cognitive
neoassociation theory (Berkowitz, 1984), the content of the dreams appeared to be related to the content
of their media use. Violent media viewing was associated with more violent dreams. Sexual media viewing
was associated with more sexual dreams. This link seems to work in both directions. Overall media
exposure was a significant predictor of all dependent variables over and above the content-specific
variables (with the exception of sexual dreaming frequency, which appears to be explained mainly by
exposure to sexual media content). These findings also have practical implications because they provide
obvious recommendations for sleep hygiene: avoid media with violent and sexual content.
Limitations and Future Research
It is important to take two admonitions into consideration (Hale & Guan, 2015). First, we have to be aware
of the limitations of the fact that the data in this study were based on self-reports, although it is difficult to
study dream content without relying on the self-reports of the dreamer. Second, we must be cautious about
making causal inferences. People whose dreams are more sexual, or whose dreams are more violent, may
be more likely to expose themselves to sexual or violent content, respectively. Therefore, the causal
direction of this study is uncertain. However, some indicators suggest that the relationships in this study
offer a consistent image. The type of media exposure was the best predictor of the type of dream content.
It is also possible that a third factor is related to media consumption and dream content. One possible third
factor might be socioeconomic statues (SES). Although it is true that media use is common even in
economically deprived areas, the use of some media devices (e.g., smartphones) and the sheer amount of
screen time likely differs as a function of SES.
A third limitation is that we combined different types of media use. Previous research has shown that
different types of media use (e.g., listening to music, checking Facebook, watching TV or movies, playing
video games) are related to different types of dreams (e.g., Gackenbach & Boyes, 2014a, 2014b).
A fourth limitation is that our study was conducted using a sample of Turkish participants. Previous research
has shown that media use and dream associations differ for people of different cultural backgrounds
(e.g., Gackenbach & Gahr, 2015). Thus, we do not know whether the results of this study will generalize to
participants from other countries. For example, sexual media is censored in Turkey (Freedom House,
2015), with even slight innuendo earning regulatory fines for indecency (Hur̆riyet Daily News, 2013). We
believe the use of a Turkish sample is beneficial in other regards. Most previous dream studies have been
conducted in other countries (e.g., Belgium, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, United States).
The results from the present study show that media effects are not limited to waking hours. Media exposure
can also influence dream content during sleeping hours. Edgar Allen Poe was right in noting, “All that we
see or seem. Is but a dream within a dream.” The present research suggests that as people see violent and
sexual media, these images can infiltrate their dreams at night.
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Source: Dreaming.
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1037/drm0000036
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