Disease Presentation

User Generated


Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Discussion Prompt

Interdisciplinary collaboration is crucial for the care of complex chronic patients. Name the specialists or consultant fields that you most frequently contact for care of chronic patients you’ve seen in the past. What are the barriers your chronic patients face in regard to following through with referrals to these specialists as well as follow-up with their primary care manager? Explain the methods and personnel involved in your specific clinic for assisting with and monitoring follow-up appointments and referral completion. 

Describe some strategies to increase successful follow-up and referral completion by your clinic’s patients, keeping in mind healthcare equity and access for all patients. Include the names and links of at least two specific programs or resources in your area, and patient eligibilty for the program or resource.

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Explanation & Answer



Interdisciplinary collaboration.

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Instructor's name
Course Name and Code.
Date of submission


Within the care of chronically ill individuals, interdisciplinary collaboration plays a
decisive role in addressing the challenging needs of the patients as argued by Schot et al.
(2020). With chronic care, some of the specialists contacted more frequently include
cardiologists who help in addressing heart complications, nephrologists for chronic
complications of the kidney, endocrinologists for diabetes management, neurologists for
different neurological complications such as Parkinson's illness, ...

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