Bowling lab based on the pdf ive shared below but you cannot use victors.
Beginner program
// Header files for I/O and string
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// declaration of functions sumArray() and printArray()
// declaration of main program
int main()
// 1) connect to the input file
ifstream fin("bowling.txt");
// declare arrays below
string Team, Member;
int Score;
// 2) initialize array accumulators to zero
// 3) display a descriptive message
cout << "This program reads the lines from the file bowling.txt to determine\n"
<< "the winner of a bowling match.The winning team, members and scores\n"
<< "are displayed on the monitor.\n";
// 4) attempt to input the first line of the file
fin >> Member >> Team >> Score;
// 5) test ifstream.eof() condition
while (!fin.eof())
// 6) test team color is blue
// 7) then store blue member and score
// 8) increase blue array accumulator
// 9) else store white member and score
// 10) increase white array accumulator
// 11) attempt to input next line from file
fin >> Member >> Team >> Score;
// 12) if blue team score is larger
// 13 then display blue team as winner with the team
// 14) else display white team as winner with the team
// implement function sumArray() below
/* 1. initialize accumulator to 0
2. loop over initialized array indices
3. increase accumulator by indexed array element
4. return accumulator
// implement function printArray() below
/* 1. displaythe team name as the winner
2. loop over initialized array indices
3. display member and score for that array index
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Here is lab 7. There are no f...