Peer Response to Xena

User Generated


Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Peer Responses:

Citations: At least two high-level scholarly reference in APA per post from within the last 5 years

  • relate/compare to other journal reading
  • Working in acute care in the critical care unit, interdisciplinary care is a necessity from transferring a patient to a higher level of care to finding long-lost and estranged family members for end-of-life organ donation. Case managers ensure all faucets are turned on so medical care can transition smoothly. Intensivist provides specialty insight and manages the medical care for the patient. The core of it all is the nurse. So many disciplines function despite the chaos and challenges to provide the best and most ethical care for the patient. In the outpatient setting, in the clinic where I am completing my clinical experience, interdisciplinary teams include the providers, nurses, medical assistants, office managers, and referral specialists. The clinic can't function in the absence of these essential employees. The referral specialist is an individual who has provided a breadth of knowledge through understanding referrals, preapprovals for medication, radiological images, and procedures. Much of the paperwork is based on the insurance type and provider. Even the referrals are based on insurance because many specialists will only accept certain insurances. She spends her days ensuring the insurance is properly notified and then follows up with the patients to explain the progress, so they do not feel forgotten. 
  • In the Central Valley region in California, many programs exist to ensure that underserved communities can have access to medical care and appointments. One of the largest local organizations that provides medical care in an enclosed group is the Golden Valley Health Centers (GVHC). They optimize resources by providing services for adult care, allergists, behavioral health, dental care, wellness centers, optometry, pediatrics, podiatry, pharmacy, and women’s health (Healthcare Services – Golden Valley Health Centers, 2023). GVHC Medication-Assisted Treatment Program is designed for the underserved communities who would otherwise struggle to have access to care for opioid use disorders (Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Addiction, 2023). Having so many resources and services available makes referrals and well-rounded care complete. One of the challenges in referrals that is evident nowadays is the loss in translation of pertinent medical information in electronic referrals. This can hinder vital information regarding referrals. Before electronic health information, referrals required verbal communication between providers, and questions were clarified (Weiner et al., 2020).

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Peer Response to Xena

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Course Number
June 5, 2024

Peer Response to Xena
Hello Xena. This is an excellent post as it provides a comprehensive view of the
essential role played by acute and outpatient practitioners in ensuring the smooth delivery of
quality care. In healthcare settings, every team member plays a critical role in ensuring
patients are ...

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