
User Generated


Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Essay Elements:

One to three pages of scholarly writing in paragraph format, not counting the title page or reference page

Brief introduction of the case

  • Identification of the main diagnosis with supporting rationale
  • Identification of at least two additional differential diagnoses with brief rationale for why these were ruled out
  • Diagnostic plan with supporting rationale or references
  • A specific treatment plan supported by recent clinical guidelines

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1 Aquifer Essay Title Your Name United States University Course name Instructor name Date 2 Aquifer Essay Title The introduction should be a paragraph that provides a brief overview of the case and main diagnosis with rationale and supporting evidence. You do not need to discuss pathophysiology or summarize the entire case. The entire paper should be between one and three pages long. Differential Diagnoses This section will idat the main diagnosis. Diagnostics Identify the lab, radiology, or other tests needed for the main diagnosis with supporting evidence. Do not include excessive or non-pertinent testing. Treatment, Education, and Follow-Up This section should include the elements of an initial treatment plan for the main diagnosis. It should include medication names, dosages, frequencies; patient/family education; appropriate follow up plan; and hospitalizations and consults when appropriate. References 3 The supporting evidence for this paper should be derived from at least two primary sources (not Medscape, UpToDate, Epocrates, etc.), including published clinical guidelines or peer-reviewed professional journals that are NOT textbooks. Supporting evidence should be published within the past 5 years, or 10 if the guidelines have not been updated. References should be in APA format. Refer to the APA 7 Manual for specific formatting requirements. 4
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Explanation & Answer



Painful Menstrual Cramps and Associated Symptoms
Your name
Instructor’s name
Date of submission

This case is about a 33-year-old woman who went to see her family doctor because she
was having severe menstrual cramps, diarrhea, and tiredness during her periods. The patient has
had symptoms for a long time. Heating pads and over-the-counter medicines like Midol and
acetaminophen temporarily ease the symptoms. The doctor saw that the woman's uterus was bigger
than usual and didn't move around easily during the physical test. It was thought that the uterus
was about the same size as a pregnancy that has been going on for 12 weeks. The patient said they
had never had an abnormal pap smear, getting an STD, or feeling uncomfortable during sexual
activity before.
Identification of the Main Diagnosis
The main diagnosis seems to be adenomyosis because the patient has painful periods, heavy
periods every month, and a swollen uterus. Endometriosis is when endometrial tissue grows in an
abnormal way inside the uterine walls, making the uterus bigger and more spongy. The fact that
the uterus is much bigger than usual and that the periods are painful and intense are strong signs

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