Appeal letter

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Prince George's Community College


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This message was sent to me Upon review of your Exam 1, a concern has been identified. Your recorded assessment video revealed exam screen recording displayed only black screen from around 53:55-55:00 and there is mouse movement on the exam while the student’s eyes are closed. Below is a screenshot of the recorded potential assessment violation. A zero has been placed in the gradebook as a placeholder until this concern is addressed. Academic Integrity violation pending review, and once the decision is rendered, grade/comment may be adjusted accordingly. Please answer the following questions about your assessment by responding to this email. 1. Please explain your actions described above during the exam. 2. Have you reviewed the assessment expectations information located in your assessment notice? If you would prefer to discuss this concern via a teleconference instead of email, please reply, and a teleconference will be arranged And this was my reply How are you doing? I was in the clinical and just saw your message with an attachment of my photo about academic integrity. Since then, I have been so worried. I value my education so much, and I will not do anything that would dishonor my career. I was taking my exam, which was so tricky and challenging, and I even failed it; all my focus was on it. As you guys always say, I was trying not to panic and believe in myself, so I closed my eyes to focus with a deep breath because my hand was on my computer. After all, the exams were still on. It should not be an issue. You also measured that my screen was black, which I did not take note of; I know Chamberlain's policy of academy integrity, which I always uphold to the best of my knowledge, especially when considering the money I am paying and all the midnight studies. I would not do anything that would dishonor my integrity; I am pleading to get my grade. I have worked hard to get that grade. Once again, this is my future and that of my family. I respect and honor it, and I will not do anything that will bring shame to it. We met on a teleconference call, and I restated what I wrote. But this letter was sent as a sanction until I write an appeal. Integrity Matters at Chamberlain University and is an educational objective we take very seriously. Students are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner. Based on respect for individual academic achievement, each student and faculty member commits to being a part of a community of scholarship that prides itself on honesty and integrity. Academic or clinical dishonesty are exceptionally serious offenses and may result in a failing grade on an assignment, failure in the course, or dismissal from the University. All academic assignments, including papers, exams, projects, and in-class assignments must be the original work of the individual student unless otherwise specified by the instructor. A review has been conducted on your NR325 assignment. Your assignment(s) was found to be in violation of the Chamberlain Academic Integrity policy, which is applicable to all courses taken with the University and is listed in the student handbook. Any use of aids that have not been expressly permitted, including: calculators, notes, books, electronic recording devices, photocopied materials and files stored on a hard drive, as well as cell phones, the internet, other electronic devices, etc. As a result, the following will be applied by your professor: 1. Assignment Failure You will not receive credit for this assignment in this course. Any future violation of Chamberlain’s academic integrity policy may result in escalated sanctions. Additionally, refer to any links at the bottom of this letter or any attached document(s) for required educational or sanction information with deadlines for completion. If a link or attachment is not included with this letter, you do not have an additional requirement. In the future, you should clarify any questions regarding assignments with your professor. You may click here to access and review the Student Handbook. You are accountable for knowing and complying with all of Chamberlain’s academic policies. Should you choose to appeal this decision, please submit your request at within five (5) business days. If you are unable to access the appeal form via the link provided, contact If you have questions regarding your academic progress or financial account in relation to the sanction imposed, please contact your student support advising team. Now I need to write an appeal letter on the importance of getting my grade back.
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Explanation & Answer



Appeal Letter


Appeal Letter
June 10, 2024
Student Conduct Committee,
Chamberlain University

Dear Committee Members,
Appeal of Committee’s Decision on NR 325 Assignment
I wish to appeal your decision to assign a failing grade for the NR 325 assignment due to
academic dishonesty after my teleconference with my professor. According to my professor, the
decision was based on the display of a black screen during the exam screen recording for about
65 seconds with mouse movement and closure of my eyes. While this concern is valid according
to the university's Academic Integrity policy, I did not engage in any form of dishonesty or exam
malpractice. As a result, the decision to deny me my grade after my explanation during the
teleconference session is surprising to me.
First, I would like to state that my education is highly valuable to me and my career plans. Also,
my successful completion of this academic program is a thing of joy and pride for my family, as
well as a tangible reward for the financial investment in my endeavors. Due to these reasons, I
would never engage in any academic dishonesty that would diminish the value of my degree or
make my family unhappy. Second, I am aware of the university's Academic Integrity policy and
would violate it in any manner. Regarding the concerns, I was u...

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