A research paper is a type of academic writing that provides an in-depth analysis, evaluation, or interpretation of a single topic, based on empirical evidence. The objective of the research paper is to provide a comprehensive work that thoroughly demonstrates the author’s understanding of the subject they researched. Every research paper is formulated around a thesis statement—the statement in the opening paragraph that states the author’s position and summarizes their supporting arguments.
Research Paper Topics
Security and/or Privacy Issues in Big Data
Machine Learning
- Tools and software for processing Big Data
- Big Data in Heath care or Retail
- Big Data Quality and Governance
- Paper Logistics
Avoid using direct quotes. Paraphrase!
- Ensure that information is properly attributed to works cited. Generally, in a research paper, most of the information should be cited
- Avoid first person and passive voice
- Check and double check your grammar and spelling
- Structure of a Research Paper
- Introduction that clearly states the thesis and aims of the work. Using what you found in your preliminary research, write a thesis statement that succinctly summarizes what your research paper will be about. This is usually the first sentence in your paper, making it your reader’s introduction to the topic.
- Body - Position/finding/challenge supporting the thesis
Supporting content
Supporting content
Conclusion - The conclusion of a research paper restates the research, summarizes your arguments or findings, and discusses the implications.
- In constructing the body of the paper, you may consider developing your paragraphs using the MEAL plan. Well-organized paragraphs guide readers logically through a paper's development, adding to the effectiveness of the argument and the credibility of the writer. Paragraphs vary in length and structure based on context, but they should focus on only one idea. Most paragraphs also include the following elements: a statement of the paragraph’s main (M) idea, evidence (E) to support that main idea, analysis (A) of that evidence, and some link (L) to the paper’s thesis. The MEAL Plan is an easy, effective strategy to help you organize paragraphs.
- MAIN IDEA - All paragraphs should have a main idea or point. Typically, this main idea is expressed in a topic sentence - a sort of mini-thesis statement for the paragraph. Often, a topic sentence is the first sentence of the paragraph, though it may come after or within a transition statement.
EVIDENCE/EXPLANATION/EXAMPLES - This next section of the paragraph elaborates on the main idea. Depending on the type of assignment, the paragraph might require one or more of these “E”s:
- Evidence—What does the main idea of the paragraph need to support it? Make sure to cite outside information.
- Explanation—Do you need to explain key terms, concepts, or events? What information in the paragraph may be especially complex or unclear?
- Examples—Other main ideas are best suited to examples, either from personal experience or research, to illustrate or highlight elements of the main idea.
ANALYSIS - Once the main idea has been stated and supported, it is time to break that information down and analyze it. What more do your readers need to understand about the evidence or examples you provided? How can you make it clear that you are interpreting this information in a certain way? In other words, this is the section of the paragraph where the HOW? WHY? or WHO CARES? of your evidence is explained.
LINK - Linking refers to the link between a paragraph and the paper’s thesis. Ask yourself how does this paragraph contribute to the overall effectiveness of the paper? You may not end up including that answer as part of the paragraph, but you must make sure you have made the connection clear. Too often writers assume readers automatically will recognize the link on their own, but your job as a writer is to make it impossible for a reader to miss how each paragraph supports your overall goal for the paper. Think about this connection to your thesis as a way to develop a smooth transition to the next paragraph.
Explanation & Answer
A Research Paper
A Research Paper
Security and Privacy Issues in Big Data
A condition widely known as big data, organizations gather and analyze extensive
quantities of data to be used for analytic and strategic purposes. However, exponential growth of
data has come with great responsibility in matters concerning security and privacy. Security and
privacy of the big data need to be strong so that the users, customers and clients trust your
organization and also to ensure that the organization follows the set laws and regulations without
breaching any of the customer’s private information. After illustrating the general architecture of
big data, this paper analyzes the main security and privacy threats in big data and outlines the
solutions for these threats.
The risks that are under the heading of security and privacy, are as follows:
Main Idea
The factors of big data security include its size, different types, and processing speed since
information security has become a critical concern. It results in creating numerous issues that have
to be solved to ensure secure protection and data availability.
The main risks that threaten big data are unauthorized access, data leakage, and cyber
threats. Surveys have shown that more than fifty percent of the companies have suffered a data
loss in the last two years (Gahi et al., 2016). The scattered nature of data in the distributed systems
exponentially raises the risks associated with such systems by raising the bar for attackers
significantly lower. Also, there are problems of privacy because some personal data is collected
during the operation of the program that without proper protection can be used maliciously. For
instance, exposure of patient’s data in health care organization breach of data can have worse
impacts on individuals (Tene & Polonetsky, 2012).
Due to the nature of big data, such problems are even more acute here. The use of traditional
security indices and mechanisms leaves security less when it comes to efficiency since big data is
frequently distributed. APTs and other complex attacks demand better protection measures
compared to the standard ones. Electronic data has several privacy protection techniques that
include data anonymization and encryption, which come at the expense of a performance overhead
and added complications (Li et al., 2016). Also, more important, it is crucial to establish effective
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