NPI Numbers

User Generated


Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Discussion Prompt

Describe briefly how and when you will obtain an advanced practice nursing NPI number for Medicare billing as a nurse practitioner through the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES), using resources like 

Additionally, share a brief synopsis of your specific state's licensing/certificate requirements for APRN prescribing, such as a furnishing license, DEA, or prescription authority, and clarify if collaborating physician review is needed to co-prescribe or review APRN prescriptions.  

Lastly, discuss briefly a specific certification or license add-on relevant to your hopeful area of practice, explaining its importance. For example, this could be a DMV/DOT certificate, a buprenorphine waiver, an aesthetic skill, or death certification training. The discussed skill or certification must be within the scope of an NP and outside the scope of an RN. Discuss steps needed to obtain the certification or skill, cost, and any renewal requirements. 

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Explanation & Answer



NPI Numbers

Student's Name
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Course Number
June 13, 2024

NPI Numbers
To obtain an NPI number for Medicare billing, I, as an NP, must apply through the
"National Plan & Provider Enumeration System" (NPPES). First, I need to visit the NPPES
website at Create a user ID and password, then log in to the
system. Complete the online NPI application by providing my personal information,
professional credentials, and practice location. I will also need to supply my stat...

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