Diabetes type 2 with hypertension

User Generated


Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Paper + Powerpoint presentation of the same subject.

paper : Please follow the rubric exactly, make sure there are two medications, one over the counter and the second one is prescription. 

for the powerpoint: same, follow the ruberic, two medications as well one over the counter and the second is perscription. use easy words for me to present please, include photos (make it fun :) . Make sure to include some sentences for me to say in the note section. citation APA 7th please. 

Pharmacology Project

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Explanation & Answer



Diabetes: A Comprehensive Analysis

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Diabetes: A Comprehensive Analysis
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that affects the metabolism and consequently
results in high blood glucose levels in the body if not well controlled. This condition results
from a lack of insulin in the body or the body's ability to use the insulin produced. There are
two main types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2, unique in their etiology, presentation, and
treatment approaches. This paper seeks to briefly describe and compare both types of
diabetes, including their definition, causes, effects on the human body, and pharmacological
Type 1 diabetes, previously known as insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes, is that
type of diabetes which is an autoimmune disease and is characterized by the destruction of
the beta cells of the pancreas, which results in the non-production of insulin (National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2019). Therefore, patients with type
1 diabetes cannot create insulin, a hormone controlling blood glucose levels. Hence, they
cannot produce sufficient insulin by themselves and need to be injected with insulin to sustain
life. On the other hand, Type 2 diabetes, previously referred to as non-insulin-dependent or
adult-onset diabetes, results from the body's inability to either use insulin or produce
sufficient amounts of it to regulate blood sugar levels (National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2019). It is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes
and is characterized by poor eating habits, excessive eating, and lack of exercise.
The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is not well understood, but it is thought to be an
autoimmune disease that is inherited and brought on by other factors. The risk of developing
type 1 diabetes depends on certain genes. However, the onset of the autoimmune process may
be triggered by a virus or toxins (Diabetes UK, 2023). Nonetheless, there is evidence that

points to the fact that the development of type 2 diabetes is a result of a combination of
genetic and lifestyle factors. The main causes of the disease include a reclining lifestyle,
being overweight, and increased consumption of energy-rich foods containing saturated ...

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