
User Generated


Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Discussion Prompt

Mr. Jones is a 67 year old male that is accompanied by his wife to your clinic. He is following up after an ER visit for a fall at home that resulted in 6 stitches to his forehead. His CT of the brain was negative during his emergency department vist and his sutures where removed 5 days following the vist. He has not other complaints other than was told by the ER to follow up with his primary care, and admits it has been a little while, several years, since he has been in to see his primary care provider. He admits that he had a few drinks that night before tripping over his dog. His wife adds that he has "a few drinks" every night. 

How will you proceed with Mr. Jones? What diagnostics and screening will you perform? What will potentially be part of your treatment plan? What specific reources in your own community (city or region) will you refer him to?
Utilize high-level scholarly resources and links to specific regional resources to support your discussion. Avoid point-of-care references. 

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Explanation & Answer



Geriatrics Discussion Post

Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number
June 20, 2024

Geriatrics Discussion Post
Continuing with Mr. Jones's care requires a multidisciplinary plan of action because
he has recently fallen, has been drinking, and has not seen a primary care provider in a long
time. First of all, a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) will be conducted to assess
his health status in terms of physical, cognitive, psychological, and social domains. This
includes a general clinical assessment, brief neurological examination, and cognitive

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