The leader

User Generated


Health Medical

Prince George's Community College


After watching the videos, answer the following questions in a Microsoft Word document. Refer to the learning material presented in this module for guidance.

Consider the characters in the case study. Who is taking the lead? What are your thoughts on this individual? Do you believe this individual is a good leader? Why or why not?

Are there any behaviors that need to be addressed? Why or why not?

  1. Assume you were leading this meeting. How would you get the group back on track?
  2. What are some strategies that could improve the meeting in the future? (Name at least two.)
  3. Part 2: Reflective Questions
  4. Create a Microsoft Word document and respond to the following:

Explain how social conditions—including faith, culture, and trust—affect patient and provider relationships.

In your own words, explain why a traditional model is unsuitable for promotion of health in many situations.

Summarize how implicit bias affects patient and provider relationships.

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Explanation & Answer



The Leader, Case Study, and Reflection

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The Leader, Case Study, and Reflection
PART 1, Case Study
Margaret is most obviously leading the meeting, where she brings up the discussion on the
variance of a clinical pathway for patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty. As a result, she shows
some exemplary leadership actions, such as listening to her subordinates, respecting their opinions,
and trying to steer the discussion to a more constructive point. At the same time, Margaret
demonstrates receptiveness to comments. She strives to incorporate opinions into her decisionmaking, which allows for work at a group level of collaboration in a multidisciplinary team. Her
call for Practice, which is backed by an array of research and patient outcomes, also shows concern
for enhancing healthcare provision.
This paper also revealed that Margaret could be a good leader because she has strengths,
which include the ability to manage the discussion and keep a group on track when members hold
different views. However, there remains much for improvement. She could work on ensuring that
everyone has a chance to contribute to the discussion without having that discussion become overly
diverse. Moreover, as in the case of Beverly and other employees who deny the necessity for
change, it is...

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