APRN Practice in Your - California

User Generated


Health Medical

Concorde Career College


Discussion Prompt

give a synopsis of the current level of practice and practice climate for APRNs in your state of licensure. Incorporate what you have learned from the Buppert readings, and from investigating your state BRN website. If yours is a full practice state, discuss how your state adopted full practice authority (FPA). If your state is restricted, describe the restrictions to practice and the current political climate surrounding FPA (for example, is there any pending legislation to move to FPA? Are there any eased regulations or expedited licensure due to Covid-19?). Discuss major barriers to FPA in your state. Finally, discuss how you plan to be involved in your state's governance and/or advocacy for APRNs. Include at least two references from an official state or government website or from the BRN for your state.

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APRN Practice in California

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APRN Practice in California
In California, APRNs practice under a restricted practice model, which places some
restrictions on the practice of APRNs. To date, APRNs in California are required to practice
under the supervision of a physician (Winter et al., 2021). This supervision is usually in
diagnosing, treating, and prescribing medicines, which is a challenge in facilities where the
number of physicians is limite...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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