Copyright in the digital age

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Business Finance


Please research and present two (2) creative uses of copyright in the digital age, that are music related. Write a short paper that addresses the following questions:

  1. What were the initiatives? What role did copyright play?
  2. What tactics were used?
  3. How successful were the initiatives? What data would you use to support your argument?
  4. Would you do anything different to increase the effectiveness of the initiatives?

One great place to start your research would be with Mike Masnick's Techdirt, which frequently covers copyright issues.

Its short paper... it does not need to be longer than 4 to 5 pages... thank you for your time...

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Explanation & Answer


Surname 1
Creative Uses of Copyright
The protection of intellectual property has been one of the primary uses of copyright,
especially works that have been put into a reproducible medium of expression. The owners of
these copyrights have the sole discretion of determining how the specific rights are to be
executed in their protected works, and how these works may be used by others. There is a
significant intersection between the use of copyrights and other legally protected works, such as
the right of privacy and trademarks. The underlying idea of copyright laws is to ensure that
intellectual property is protected and the owners get to benefit from the products of their hands.
Further, it ensures that there is progress in the domain of art.
However, copyright in the digital age has changed significantly and become even more
sophisticated, thanks to the rapidly evolving technology. It has almost become impossible for the
government to ensure that there are copyright laws that shield copyright owners from the
exploitation of their works by malicious individuals. The availability of millions of decentralized
file-sharing networks has further exacerbated the gravity of the issue, as well as the diverse
customs and laws in different regions in the world. Music is one of the worst-hit areas when it
comes to copyright infringement. Therefore, stakeholders in the entertainment industry have
been forced to come up with innovative ways of using copyright to further the ...

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