Health care Human resource

User Generated


Health Medical


1. Evaluate two differences between various training and professional development programs in terms of the effects that each difference has on health care human resources management issues.

Analyze at least two reasons for implementing an organizational and personnel assessment program. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.

2. Compare and contrast two of the five types of employee training presented in the textbook. Then, suggest one situation that would merit each type of training for various health care employees.

Select two motivational theories as they apply to health care. Then, assess the impact of the chosen theories on related health care human resources issues.

3. Assess key aspects in which the evolution of U.S. labor unions has affected the health care resources management field. Provide specific examples to support your rationale. Evaluate two cases that illustrate the degree to which unions have affected health care clinical and administrative providers, such as nurses or clinic staff. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.

4. Determine at least two methods that unions can use in order to aid physicians and their ability to provide quality patient care. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.

Suggest two types of federal mediation and conciliation services that could potentially aid health care unions in solving health care human resources issues. Support for your response with concrete examples.

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