AEE3162 A MATLAB code for Method of Characteristics for minimum-length nozzle.

User Generated



Florida Institute of Technology-Melbourne


(please don't use any AI-generator or old solutions)

Give a code and a brief explanation of how you approached and solved the problem.

Reproduced the answer, for example, 11.1, and create a contour similar to Figure 11.14 in the textbook. Also, repeat the process to produce a nozzle with exit Mach number of 3.5

The quasi-one-dimensional theory provides no capability of solving for the contour of a supersonic nozzle. If the nozzle contour is not proper, shock waves may form inside the nozzle. The method of characteristics provides a technique for properly designing the contour of a supersonic nozzle for shock-free, isentropic flow.

1) Reproduce the results in Example 11.1 and create a contour similar to Figure 11.14 in the textbook.

Update: Part (2) is for extra credit.
2) Create a nozzle contour for an exit Mach number of 3.5.

More increments used in the method, produces a better contour. Example 11.1 uses 6 increments. Try using more if possible. I recommend you attempt Example 11.1 using Excel first to understand the method. Please submit your original work for the assignment. I will be checking if online codes are used. You can use any software or programming languages you like. Submit a brief report presenting your results.

For the throat, use a distance of 0.125 m from the centerline to point (a). You can use the equations below to determine Mach number once 𝜈 is known. Angles are in radians

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Explanation & Answer

please view the answer and explanation below.

Method of Characteristics for Supersonic Nozzle Design
The method of characteristics is used to design a supersonic nozzle contour that ensures shockfree, isentropic flow.
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