For this week’s assignment, create a psychoeducational pamphlet for parents to prepare them for an IEP meeting with their child. Provide basic information about IEPs and related procedures in your pamphlet, including a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section. This section should have a minimum of 10 questions with brief answers that you will write after reviewing the assigned readings for this week. The guide should be clear, easy to read and helpful to the parents attending their first IEP meeting. Use any of the resources you examined this week to point the client to further information that might be helpful to them. Include a bulleted list of resources for parents in your pamphlet in case they need more support or information.
Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
Explanation & Answer
Understanding Your Child's
IEP: A Guide for Parents
What is an IEP?
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a developed
set of goals and learning aims for students who require
specialized education services (Sanderson & Goldman,
2021). The IEP is specifically designed to suit the needs of
each student, and it is regularly updated as the learning
needs change.
The IEP Process
It begins with assessing whether a child requires specialized
education services. A team of educators and specialists then
work to develop the IEP.
Your Role as a Parent
As a parent, it is your duty to ensure that your child is ready
for the IEP (Zeitlin & Curcic, 2013). Your understanding of
your child helps in developing tailored learning programs for
Preparing for the IEP Meeting
Before participating in the IEP meetin...