Discussion and two responds

User Generated


Business Finance

Florida Institute of Technology-Melbourne


What is a market offering? Give a recent example of a market offering that has satisfied your need or want. Compare it to its leading competitor. How does it differ?

Response Parameters

Initial Responses

Posts are due by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. ET 

Initial post should be a minimum of 300 words and should be supported by external references

Use reliable sources—not blogs, online encyclopedias, or random websites

  • All sources should be cited and referenced in APA format

Once I write the response, I will get you two questions you should reply to them 

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Explanation & Answer



Market Offering

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Market Offering
A market offering is the total value that is delivered to customers through product
offering from a business organization to meet a need or satisfy a particular desire. It
comprises tangible objects, intangible services, knowledge, and even sensations that meet
customer needs (Yang et al., 2022). I can consider the Apple iPhone 14 as a recent example
of a market offering that met my needs. As a customer seeking a powerful smartphone with
the necessary specifications, I was satisfied with the iPhone 14’s features, today’s advanced
technology, user-friendly interface, and a solid base of applications and services associated
with Apple products. These features worth highlighting include the superior A15 Bionic chip,
bumped camera systems, battery endurance, and premium display form. The iPhone 14’s
beautiful design, build quality, and compatibility with other Apple devices like the Apple
Watch and AirPods also helped add to its appeal, creating a comprehensive and satisfying
When comparing the iPhone 14 to its leading c...

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