Leadership Blog

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Business Finance


Scenario: You are the CEO of MegaGlobe Business Solutions, a financial consulting corporation based in Chicago that has just recently opened new offices in São Paulo, Brazil and Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. As part of this transition, your employees will now be working collaboratively with employees at these locations to provide financial consulting services in these new markets. To assist with the transition, you will develop an internal leadership blog for your employees that addresses the implications of leading within a culturally-diverse and changing global business environment. This blog should focus on the need to positively adapt to a variety of leadership styles and individual differences within these cultures.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word internal leadership blog using the attached Leadership Blog template, and include the following:

  • Explain the implications of leading within a changing global business environment.
  • Describe the Team Leadership Model and how this relates to your current business practices.
  • Outline positive aspects of gender, diversity, culture, and teamwork that can improve overall business performance.
  • Apply principles of motivational leadership within a variety of diverse cultures.
  • Use at least one image, photo, chart, or graph to deliver a key concept within your blog.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

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Leadership Blog Template LDR/300 Version 7 University of Phoenix Material Leadership Blog Template Headline [The title or overall description of the blog] Opening [A statement that describes the recent changes to the company and the reason for these changes] Message #1 [A description of the need to adapt and lead within a changing business environment] Message #2 [A description of the Team Leadership Model and how it applies to this business transition] Message #3 [A description of how this diverse, international business structure will improve overall business performance] Message #4 [A statement that focuses on one or two positive aspects of change that will help to motivate your employees] Wrap- [A statement that summarizes your overall Up/Conclusion message] Resources for [Additional resources for your employees to Readers reflect upon] Blogging Tips 1. Spend quality time in the planning & research phase of your blog. Your facts must be accurate. 2. Carefully consider your readers so that your message is understood and useful. 3. Create an engaging opening to your blog; you want them to read everything so be careful not to be boring! 4. Add an image, photo, chart, or graph to convey an important point in your blog. 5. Keep your paragraphs short, using clear, concise sentences to convey the essence of your topic to your readers. *Visit several of your favorite websites to see how blogs are written. *Use may use this template as a guide. Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1 Leadership Blog Template LDR/300 Version 7 Citations (APA) [References for any citations or additional resources] Copyright © 2017 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 2
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Internal leadership paper
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Internal leadership
Working in an environment of business that keeps on changing is one of the most
challenging scenarios for any business leader. It becomes rewarding when the work being done
is purposeful. The first approach is the way leaders present their newfound businesses to
stakeholders and customers. Strategies employed in making some decisions should not be mere
deliberate approaches but should be about real-time customer needs. The needs should be well
placed because the available stakeholders will later place them under scrutiny. When firms
remain relevant in these different forms of the market they become the selling point for majority
decisions. Secondly, there should be provision for business leaders to embrace and adapt various
business models that will be fine-tuned so that various leaders can remain relevant in conquering
the performance of the new markets. In this model, there should be use of efficient
communication procedures so that the firm can maintain the required balance between various
sectors of the business. With this approach, the firm will be able to know whether the devised
model will be able to work or it needs much critical improvement when they are placed in a
different form of environment. For example, if the...

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